Buddhist Temple Of Toledo Podcast



Discourse, Discussion and Culture from the Buddhist Temple of Toledo


  • Seng-Ts'an: Relying on Mind (part 2 of 3)

    16/04/2008 Duration: 47min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on February 17th, 2008. "Mind has the totality of space: nothing lacking, nothing extra. It's just selecting and rejecting that make it seem otherwise. Don't pursue worldly concerns, don't dwell passively in emptiness; in the peace of absolute identity, confusion vanishes by itself. Suppressing activity to reach stillness just creates agitation..." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Seng-Ts'an: Relying on Mind (part 1 of 3)

    12/04/2008 Duration: 48min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on February 17th, 2008. "The Supreme Way is not difficult; it just precludes picking and choosing. Without yearning or loathing, the Way is perfectly apparent, while even a hairbreadth difference separates heaven and earth. To see the Way with your own eyes, quit agreeing and disagreeing. The battling of likes and dislikes - that's the disease of the mind..." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • The Ultimate Truth is Beyond Words.

    10/04/2008 Duration: 50min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on February 13th, 2008. "The Ultimate Truth is Beyond words. Doctrines are words, they are not the Way. The Way is wordless. Words are illusions; they are no different from things that appear in your dreams at night..." -Bodhidharma's Bloodstream Sermon. For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Our Nature is the Mind, and the Mind is our Nature.

    06/04/2008 Duration: 45min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on January 30th, 2008. "Our Nature is the Mind, and the Mind is our Nature. This nature is the same as the mind of all buddhas. Buddhas of the past and future only transmit this mind. Beyond this mind, there is no Buddha anywhere..." -Bodhidharma's Bloodstream Sermon. For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • You Ask, That's Your Mind. I Answer, That's My Mind.

    03/04/2008 Duration: 44min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on January 23rd, 2008. "Everything that appears in the three realms comes from the mind, hence the Buddhas of the past and future teach mind to mind, without bothering about definitions." "But if they don't define it, what do they mean by Mind?" "You Ask, That's Your Mind. I Answer, That's My Mind..." -Bodhidharma's Bloodstream Sermon. For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Bodhidharma's "Two Entrances and Four Practices" (part 3 of 3)

    30/03/2008 Duration: 32min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on January 20th, 2008. "Entering through practice refers to four all-encompassing practices: the practice of requiting animosity, the practice of accepting one's circumstances. The practice of craving nothing, and the practice of accord with the Dharma." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Bodhidharma's "Two Entrances and Four Practices" (part 2 of 3)

    26/03/2008 Duration: 56min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on January 20th, 2008. "Entering through practice refers to four all-encompassing practices: the practice of requiting animosity, the practice of accepting one's circumstances. The practice of craving nothing, and the practice of accord with the Dharma." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Bodhidharma's "Two Entrances and Four Practices" (part 1 of 3)

    23/03/2008 Duration: 01h06min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a retreat workshop at the Toledo Zen Center on January 20th, 2008. This workshop begins with a historical overview of Bodhidharma's time and the teachings ascribed to him as they relate to other spiritual teachings of the day. After this, Chikyo begins working with the text: "There are many avenues for entering the Way, but essentially they all are of two kinds: entering through Principle and entering through Practice..." - Bodhidharma's Two Entrances and Four Practices For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Who Took My Head?

    19/03/2008 Duration: 36min

    Karen Zuihan Weik offers a talk and leads discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on January 16, 2008. "There once was a beautiful young girl who loved nothing more than to gaze at her reflection in the mirror. Every morning she would get up and look and she was very well pleased with herself. One morning, however, she looked in the mirror, but she didn't see her reflection..." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Dark to the Mind, Radiant to the Heart

    15/03/2008 Duration: 20min

    Karen Zuihan Weik offers a talk and leads discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on January 9, 2008. "Opening the space, what I really want to do is connect with you, connect with your heart. And have all of our hearts connect with one another, and the beauty of this silence, and this breath, and this vast and spacious moment without beginning, and without end. This is where I want to live with you..." - Karen Zuihan Weik For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Perfect Like Vast Space

    26/02/2008 Duration: 44min

    Jay Chikyo Weik presents a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on December 19, 2007. "The Way is perfect like vast space / where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. / Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject / that we do not see the true nature of things." -Seng T'san, Faith Mind For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Obstacles to Practice (part 3 of 3)

    11/02/2008 Duration: 48min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation entitled, "Obstacles to Practice," given at the Toledo Zen Center on December 2, 2007. "There are four basic ways that a bodhisattva will guide or help or engage sentient beings to the purpose of helping to relieve suffering. The first one is called Giving, the second one is Kind Speech, the third one is Beneficial Action, and the fourth one is called Identity Action." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Obstacles to Practice (part 2 of 3)

    06/02/2008 Duration: 44min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation entitled, "Obstacles to Practice," given at the Toledo Zen Center on December 2, 2007. "Typically, what are taught as being the primary challenges or the main difficulties have to do with the six realms. In the center of those realms, there are three poisons that are providing the gravity that's holding these beings in these various realms of suffering. What those three poisons are called are Greed, Anger, and Ignorance." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Obstacles to Practice (part 1 of 3)

    01/02/2008 Duration: 50min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation entitled, "Obstacles to Practice," given at the Toledo Zen Center on December 2, 2007. "Today, our mission is to talk a little bit about the things that might get in the way of maintaining a spiritual practice; now that we have a sense of what the practice is, what kind of things arise that actually get in the way and obstruct and hinder us in that effort; and then some solutions. What can we do to help that?" For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.

  • Being the Teachings, Practice Zazen

    11/01/2008 Duration: 47min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a talk and leads discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on November 28, 2007. "For reasons as varied as the people who have them, we have a really hard time letting ourselves be. We find it almost impossible to just not be so aggressive with ourselves.... If you are sitting on that cushion and you have some subtle or overt aggressive gaining agenda... it's just a matter of time before you give the whole endeavor up. And probably you'd be better served to give it up, if that's what you're practicing. Better yet, to learn how to practice well; to practice with real sincerity." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

  • Giving

    04/01/2008 Duration: 39min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a talk and discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on November 21, 2007. "From Master Dogen's Bodhidharma Shisoho: 'Giving means non greed.' This has to do with not just a physical thing.... In the dharma, the giving can be vastly more encompassing than material things. 'Giving means non-greed. Non-greed means not to covet. Not to covet means not to curry favor.... It is to give away unneeded belongings to someone you don’t know, to offer flowers blooming on a distant mountain to the womb of suchness itself, or to offer treasures you had in your former life to sentient beings.'" For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

  • Have No Preferences

    21/12/2007 Duration: 46min

    This talk and discussion was led by Jay Chikyo Weik at the Toledo Zen Center on November 14, 2007. The great way is not difficult / for those who have no preferences / When love and hate are both absent / everything becomes clear and undisguised / Make the smallest distinction however / and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart / If you wish to see the truth / then hold no opinions for or against anything / To set up what you like against what / you dislike is the disease of the mind / When the deep meaning of things is not understood / the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail. -Sosan Zenji, Faith Mind For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

  • The Four Noble Truths (part 3 of 3)

    12/12/2007 Duration: 59min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation on the Four Noble Truths, given at the Toledo Zen Center on November 11, 2007. This is the third podcast of a three-part series. "The second truth is that there is a cause for that [suffering]. There's a very specific thing that creates that sense of unsatisfaction. It's not just the way things are, actually. There's a reason why that's the way the experience communicates to us. And to make it as simple as we can, the cause of that suffering is basically craving, or thirst." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

  • The Four Noble Truths (part 2 of 3)

    05/12/2007 Duration: 43min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation on the Four Noble Truths. This presentation was given at the Toledo Zen Center on November 11, 2007. "One thing that will help make this talk a little more real, more helpful for you, is if you bear in mind that what we're talking about here is your own experience of your life. It's not an abstract.... It's not some story about how the universe came to be or anything like that. It's talking about how it is when you wake up in the morning; what it feels like between your bed and the bathroom; and how you deal with that child, that job, that ex-spouse, or that credit card. That's what it's about.... it's not intended to be abstract. However, it comes from a different culture; it comes from a very different time, and it takes a little digestion to get it to actually be helpful." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

  • The Four Noble Truths (part 1 of 3)

    28/11/2007 Duration: 41min

    Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation on the Four Noble Truths. This presentation was given at the Toledo Zen Center on November 11, 2007. "Buddhism itself is a really large worldwide religion; there are many different facets and approaches. The Buddha himself taught for something like forty years, and he taught different things to different groups of folks.... The kinds of things that we're going to cover today would be included by any of the schools of Buddhism that exist, and there are many. But they all have certain things in common, and basically they revolve around these truths." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.

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