Buddhist Temple Of Toledo Podcast

The Four Noble Truths (part 3 of 3)



Jay Chikyo Weik offers a presentation on the Four Noble Truths, given at the Toledo Zen Center on November 11, 2007. This is the third podcast of a three-part series. "The second truth is that there is a cause for that [suffering]. There's a very specific thing that creates that sense of unsatisfaction. It's not just the way things are, actually. There's a reason why that's the way the experience communicates to us. And to make it as simple as we can, the cause of that suffering is basically craving, or thirst." For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit www.toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at www.hermitageheart.org.