Citylight Lincoln Church Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 258:09:14
  • More information



Enjoy listening to Citylight Lincoln Church's Sermons. Feel free to share. We pray these sermons help you see the beauty, love, and grace of Jesus!


  • Regenerator - Titus 3:3-7

    16/04/2023 Duration: 40min

    Join us as we kick off the third and final part of our Knowing God series, The Spirit! This week we open up Paul's letter to Titus and how the Spirit is our regenerator. While this word isn't commonly used today, it describes the beautiful work that the Spirit does in our hearts and calls us back all the way to Genesis.

  • The Resurrection - John 11:17-27

    09/04/2023 Duration: 31min

    Join us as we celebrate Easter Sunday! Today is without a doubt the single most important moment in all of human history and specifically in Jesus' ministry on earth. Having defeated death itself, Jesus not only delivers on every prophecy written about him by the prophets and proves himself to be the Messiah, he forever seals everlasting life for those who believe in Him! Today Josh Luse preaches on the resurrection of Lazarus and how Jesus used it to point to his own resurrection!

  • The Vine | John 15:1-17

    02/04/2023 Duration: 37min

    In this week's sermon in our "Knowing God" series, Austin preaches on Jesus proclaiming himself as the true vine. In this passage, Jesus commands his followers to "abide" in him as he abides in them. Austin teaches what it means for Jesus to be the vine and what it truly means to abide in him!

  • The Room & The Way - John 14:1-6

    26/03/2023 Duration: 35min

    This week we celebrate as 17 people are baptized! Baptism is a time of tremendous joy because we, as a church, celebrate the transformation that Jesus bought for us, so we publicly declare our faith in Him! And as we see in today's sermon, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life that gives us eternal hope, and He is preparing a room for us to delight in the presence of God for all eternity!

  • The Gate - John 10:1-10

    20/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this next sermon on the 7 "I Am" statements in our knowing God series, we celebrate our new Co-lead pastor Josh Luse preaching for the first time at Citylight! Josh walks us through Jesus claiming to be "the gate" and what exactly that means.

  • The Light - John 8:12-30

    12/03/2023 Duration: 29min

    For this week's sermon, we are looking at the second "I Am" statement in John 8. In our passage we find Jesus confronting the religious leaders about His identity. Pastor Jeff Ryan points out how Jesus makes a claim about where he comes from and promises the result of belief in Him!

  • Bread of Life - John 6:47-51

    05/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    In our first sermon over God the Son in our Knowing God series, Justin teaches from John 6. Here, Jesus claims that He is the bread of life and what will ultimately sustain us when all else falls away. When we try to substitute anything else into our life as its sustenance we are left feeling unfulfilled and hungry.

  • God is Father - Matthew 7:11

    28/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    In the last part of the "God the Father" section of our "Knowing God" series, we look at God as a Father. Whether your dad was good, bad, present, or not our view of our earthly father impacts how we view our heavenly one. For this week's sermon, Austin points out key areas of scripture that reveal to us what God the Father is like and how He views those who are His children.

  • Redeemer - Isaiah 43:1-7

    21/02/2023 Duration: 24min

    For our sermon this week, Jeff Ryan preaches through Isaiah 43 verses 1-7 as we explore the character of God in the next part of our "Knowing God" series. In this passage, we see that God does many things for His people, but we are specifically looking at God as a redeemer. In the midst of Israel's deepest sin, God first promised to bring about His divine justice but that He would also redeem and protect the people!

  • Chooser - Deuteronomy 7:6-8

    12/02/2023 Duration: 42min

    In our next sermon in the "Knowing God" series, we look at God as a chooser! In our reading from Deuteronomy, God makes it clear that His love doesn't come because we earn it, it isn't random, and He doesn't love out of obligation. We find that God chooses to love us because He is love itself!

  • Judge - Amos 7:1-9

    05/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    For the next sermon of our Knowing God series, Skyler preaches on God as a judge. We read out of the book of Amos and see that God has set a standard that He will measure all people against. What this means for the church, though, is that we no longer have to fear the judgment of God; rather, we are inspired to share the Gospel with those who have not trusted in Christ!

  • Creator - Genesis 1:26-31

    29/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    This week we kick off our series exploring the Trinity: Knowing God! For the first sermon of the series, we are looking at God the Father as a Creator. We see this characteristic of God from the first words of the Bible in Genesis 1 and as Austin points out, what God creates, communicates who He is!

  • 4 Objections to God's Call - Exodus 3:10-12

    22/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    For our 6th birthday celebration, we take a moment to reflect on the glory of Jesus through our little story here in Lincoln. We remember the good things God has done in our local church and the hard seasons He has walked with us through in the last six years. We also look to the story of Moses and the burning bush, where Moses objects to God's calling and how the Lord responds to our objections.

  • Planting Churches - Matthew 16:13-20

    16/01/2023 Duration: 30min

    For this week's sermon covering our mission statement, the founder of the Salt Company Troy Nesbitt, preaches about the importance of church planting. Starting new local churches is written into the DNA of Jesus' mission to the apostles. It is also one of the most significant ways in which the Gospel is spread to new places and sustains the health of the Body of Christ.

  • Multipling Disciples - Matthew 4:18-22

    08/01/2023 Duration: 48min

    In the second sermon covering our mission statement, Austin preaches on the importance of disciple-making as pointed out in Matthew 4. Discipleship is the call of every single Christian no matter how long they have been following Jesus.

  • Magnify Jesus - Psalm 34:1-10

    01/01/2023 Duration: 33min

    In our first sermon of 2023, Pastor Jeff preaches over Psalm 34. The Psalms are a beautiful collection of songs and poems that reveal both the heart of the author towards God but also God's heart for us. In the midst of one of King David's most challenging trials, he proclaims and calls us to worship God by deeply rooting ourselves in His glory.

  • The Face, Voice, & Presence of God - Luke 2:1-32

    24/12/2022 Duration: 33min

    Join us for our 2022 Christmas Eve gathering! We celebrate the coming of the savior of the world as a church family while Austin preaches over Luke 2. In the sermon, Austin highlights how after 400 years of silence, God's presence returns to the people. But unlike in the past, God's presence is in the form of the incarnate Jesus and is initially revealed not to the spiritual elite but to a teen mom and some lowly shepherds.

  • Snakes, Geography, and Politics - Luke 1:30-33

    18/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    This morning Skyler kicks off our brief Advent series! We start by reading out of Luke 1, verses 30-33, in which the angel Gabriel tells a young woman named Mary that she will conceive a child by the Holy Spirit who will be the savior of the world. Skyler will show us multiple points in Israel's history that pointed to this moment and truly how monumental it was.

  • Confession & Intercession - James 5:13-20

    11/12/2022 Duration: 38min

    In our last week in the book James, Austin preaches through the last eight verses of James 5. In the passage this week, James talks about the importance of confessing our sins to others and also the critical importance of prayer! We are called to pray for one another not only to be healed but also to plead with God on their behalf!

  • The Power of Patient Persistence - James 5:7-12

    04/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    This week Bob Walz preaches over our next section in the Book of James, chapter 5, verses 7 through 12. In the reading for this week, James calls the scattered church to remain patient, patient amid suffering, patient with their brothers and sisters in Christ, and patient for the return of Jesus to end the suffering of His people. James tells us to look to the prophets as examples of how we should respond to suffering.

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