Citylight Lincoln Church Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 258:09:14
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Enjoy listening to Citylight Lincoln Church's Sermons. Feel free to share. We pray these sermons help you see the beauty, love, and grace of Jesus!


  • What I Do Have I Give To You | Acts 3:1-10

    27/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    Pastor Austin Edwards sermon over Acts 3:1-10

  • When the Spirit Shows Up - Acts 2:14-41

    12/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    For our next sermon on the Acts of the Apostles, Austin preaches about verses 14 to 41. After receiving the Holy Spirit the Apostles are radically changed. The same people who less than two months prior fled and abandoned Jesus are now proclaiming the Gospel in front of thousands of others. The Holy Spirit empowered them using Scripture to proclaim that the savior of the world had come and for the salvation of world!

  • The Holy Spirit Arrives - Acts 2:1-13

    04/09/2023 Duration: 32min

    We pick up where we left off last week in Acts 2:1-13, the arrival of the Holy Spirit. In the reading for the day, we once again find the apostles gathered together in prayer during the feast of Pentecost. Suddenly the Holy Spirit comes upon them like tongues of flame, gifting them the ability to speak in a multitude of languages. From this reading we can see that God desires that all people should be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  • A Better Way to Wait - Acts 1:12-26

    27/08/2023 Duration: 29min

    In this week's sermon in the book of Acts, we read about the disciples' return to Jerusalem after Jesus' ascension. Rather than immediately going out to the nations to proclaim the Gospel, Jesus commands the apostles to remain in the city and to wait. As Christians, we often are called to wait for God's timing. But what does that mean? In his sermon, Austin points out how the disciples model a better kind of waiting.

  • Powerful Witness - Acts 1:1-11

    20/08/2023 Duration: 30min

    To kick off our series in Acts, Josh preaches through the first eleven verses of the book! What we see in our verses today is that through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be witnesses. Josh lays out what it means to be a witness of the Gospel and what we are supposed to look like as a witness.

  • The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-13

    13/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Before we kick off our sermon series in the book of Acts, we first take a week to study the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. During Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches the crowd how they should pray to God. In today's sermon, Austin breaks down how this simple prayer teaches us so much about our relationship with God the Father and how we should talk to Him!

  • Psalm 51 - A Real Sacrifice is A Broken Heart

    30/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    For our last sermon in Psalm 51, Austin teaches us what it means to have a truly "broken and contrite heart." Sin has a cost. When David brings an offering to God for his sin, though, he doesn't bring a burnt offering. Instead, he brings a heart broken by what he has done. To be broken and repentant over our sin means acknowledging that we needed to be made clean and to turn from our sin!

  • Psalm 51 - What is the Meaning of Life?

    24/07/2023 Duration: 37min

    For our third sermon covering Psalm 51, Skyler teaches us the answer to the ultimate question: "What is the meaning of life?" For as long as humans have walked the earth we have wondered what possibly could be our place and purpose in the 80 short years that we have. But as David and Skyler point out in Psalm 51 life isn't about us. It's about God's glory!

  • Psalm 51 - Clean and Joyful

    16/07/2023 Duration: 40min

    In the second sermon of our Psalm 51 series, we see a major shift from David's writing. As Austin points out in his sermon, David boldly asks God to look past his sin and blot out his transgression. Not only that David asks that the Spirit of God would fill him with joy! The question is, when we are confronted with our own sin, do we respond in the same way as David?

  • Psalm 51 - The Pervasiveness of Sin

    11/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    We are kicking off a new series this week while we memorize Psalm 51 as a church! For our first sermon, Josh walks us through the first 6 verses of the psalm while giving us some context on why David is writing it. This comes at a point in David's life where he is confronted with the deepness of his sin by the prophet Nathan. In Nathan's confrontation, we begin to see just how pervasive sin is in our own lives!

  • Heart of God - Amos

    05/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    For this week's Heart of God sermon, Tom Rempel preaches through the book of Amos. Written to the northern kingdom of Israel shortly before their defeat by the Assyrians, Amos is a book of warning and woe to the people. God has seen how the nation has failed to remain faithful to Him once again, and He will now have His justice. But, He also promises that the people will one day be restored.

  • Heart of God - Joel

    25/06/2023 Duration: 35min

    As we continue in our Heart of God series, we pick up today in the book of Joel. Being only three chapters long, Joel is one of the shorter books of the Old Testament, and when we see that it once again is a book of judgment against Israel, it can be easy to overlook. But as Skyler will show us, Joel contains a vital message about the coming of the Messiah on the Day of the Lord.

  • Heart of God - Hosea

    18/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    For our last sermon in our Heart of God series for the summer, Pastor Jeff Ryan takes us through the Book of Hosea. In the book, Hosea uses incredibly powerful language to describe how Israel has repeatedly chosen to abandon their God in exchange for false idols. For their faithlessness, God warns the nation of Israel that judgment is coming. However, out of His deep love for His people, God does promise that one day He will redeem them and will once again be their God!

  • Heart of God - Ezekiel

    05/06/2023 Duration: 41min

    We read through the book of Ezekiel 37:1-14 for our third sermon this summer in our Heart of God series. In the passage, God commands the prophet Ezekiel to speak to a valley of dry bones to come to life, but when Ezekiel does this, there's no life in them! But when God breathes into them, they become a great and vast army! Skyler walks us through this passage which alludes to how until we become followers of Jesus, we are like an army of people made of flesh and bone but lack the Spirit of life, God's own breath.

  • Heart of God - Lamentations

    30/05/2023 Duration: 41min

    This week in our "Heart of God" series we are going through the book of Lamentations. This book of the Bible is without question one of the heaviest in the entire Scriptures and for good reason. As Austin points out in his sermon, Lamentations begs the question: As followers of Jesus, what do we do with our grief and sorrow? We will see in this book not only what we do but also what the LORD does when we suffer!

  • Heart of God - Jeremiah 29:1-14

    21/05/2023 Duration: 35min

    We are continuing our multi-year-long Heart of God series this summer, and we are starting in the book of Jeremiah! Today's passage contains a verse often thought to mean that God wants and knows all of the good things ahead of us. But, while God does want good for those who love Him, as we'll see in Josh's sermon that doesn't always look how we think it should or even want it to.

  • Distributor |1 Corinthians 12:11-27

    14/05/2023 Duration: 42min

    Join us as we finish our "Knowing God" series! For our sermon today, Austin takes us through 1 Corinthians 12:11-27 and shows us the Holy Spirit as a distributor of spiritual gifts. We see that the Spirit has uniquely gifted all believers to be one unified body that loves and serves God and others.

  • Empowerer - Ephesians 3:14-21

    08/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    Join us as we continue on in our Knowing God series as Josh walks us through the letter to the Ephesians. In the reading, we see that Paul is showing how the Spirit empowers us in our daily life

  • Convictor & Guide - John 16:7-15

    30/04/2023 Duration: 34min

    Today we continue in our "Knowing God" series and have the joy of celebrating 21 people being baptized from death into life! 21 people have placed their trust in Jesus as both their savior and king over their life, and today they get to declare that truth publicly. In our passage today, we also see how the Holy Spirit is both our convictor and our guide and how Jesus Himself says it is better that we have the Holy Spirit now than Jesus' physical presence.

  • Helper - John 14:15-31

    23/04/2023 Duration: 37min

    In our second sermon on the Spirit of God, Josh takes us through John 14, verses 15 through 31. In the passage, Jesus is telling his disciples that while he is going somewhere, they cannot follow; Jesus is not abandoning them but is instead sending the Holy Spirit to be with them and to guide them to love and obey all the commands Jesus gave.

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