Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 121:10:44
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Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 16 | Keep It Simple

    26/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the sixteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane stresses the importance of making God's Word the ultimate authority in our lives. In a world with conflicting voices from our culture, leaders, and personal experiences, it's crucial to let God's Word be the ultimate truth. The simplicity of Jesus is a powerful defense against deception. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul expresses concern that believers might be led astray from the simplicity that is in Christ, just as the serpent's cunning deceived Eve. This simplicity is not about lacking depth but about focusing on the fundamental truths of the gospel. Jesus' teachings are straightforward: love God, love your neighbor, and trust in His sacrifice for our salvation. Complexity can lead to deception. When we add to or complicate God's instructions, we open the door to misunderstanding and falsehood. For instance, in the Garden of Eden, Satan's tactic was to question and complicate God's simple command to Adam and Eve. By doubting and adding to God's word

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 15 | Depart From Evil

    25/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fifteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane continues teaching on the third defense against deception—the fear of the Lord. Our culture has become so saturated with deception that it has infected many in the church because they lack discernment. We need an awakening to come out from darkness and be separate as children of light.The first defense covered was the Word of God. The second defense was discerning the voice of God. This episode focuses on the third critical defense - the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord causes us to depart from evil rather than depart from the faith into deception.Jesus equated fearing the Lord with worshipping and serving Him alone (Matthew 4:10). Fearing God means being in awe of His glory, majesty, and greatness, as exemplified in the Psalms. It produces a thankful, worshipful heart.According to Proverbs 8:13, the fear of the Lord means hating evil, pride, arrogance, and perverse speech. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists things the Lord hates:A proud lookA lying to

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 14 | Third Defense

    24/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fourteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane continues his teaching on defenses against deception. The first defense is the Word of God. The second defense is discerning the voice of God. This episode focuses on the third defense - the fear of the Lord. Fearing the Lord means worshiping Him alone, as Jesus taught in Matthew 4:10. Worship acknowledges who God is - His love, holiness, and righteousness. As we gain revelatory knowledge of God's nature through Worship, we become more like Him. The fear of the Lord produces a thankful heart that glorifies Him even amid problems. Brother Duane acknowledges injustices have happened to him, but he chooses to see God's faithfulness because of his reverential fear of the Lord. We will ultimately face judgment before God—either the Great White Throne for unbelievers or the judgment seat of Christ for believers. No one will unjustly go to hell without clearly rejecting the knowledge of God revealed to them.The fear of the Lord protects us from being d

  • Money Talks | Part 1

    23/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    This powerful message addresses the often controversial topic of finances from a Biblical perspective. Brother Duane teaches that money is not just a natural issue but a spiritual one that impacts every area of life. There are common misconceptions about wealth and poverty, but scripture indicates that God desires to prosper His people.3 John 1:2 states, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Duane presents a holistic approach to biblical prosperity, highlighting four key components: work, stewardship, discipline, and charity. Stressing the importance of developing a strong work ethic, managing resources wisely, practicing self-discipline, and generous giving, he cautions against both the worldly pursuit of wealth and the religious notion that poverty is virtuous.Deuteronomy 8:18 says: "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 13 | Fear of the Lord

    21/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the thirteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches about the fear of the Lord as a crucial defense against deception. Understanding and embracing the fear of the Lord is vital for believers to maintain their faith and avoid falling into deception.The fear of the Lord is not a tormenting fear but a reverent and holy respect for God. This reverence is essential for guarding against the prevalent deception in the world and within the church. To clarify the fear of the Lord, Duane refers to Jesus' response to Satan during His temptation in the wilderness.In Matthew 4:10, Jesus rebukes Satan, saying, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, which states, "Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him." Jesus equates the fear of the Lord with worshiping God, highlighting that to fear God is to worship Him and have a deep reverence for His holiness and authority.Reverence for God is crucial for believers. It leads them to depart

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 12 | Joy & Fear

    20/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the twelfth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane emphasizes the crucial role of God's provisions in countering pervasive deception in society and the church. The supernatural joy from the Holy Spirit and the reverent fear of the Lord stand out as key defenses.Joy is one of the core "protocols" or languages of God's Kingdom, along with righteousness and peace. When believers experience a supernatural joy rising up within, that reflects the voice and pleasure of God leading them. This godly joy serves as an inward guide showing His approved path.The Bible states in Nehemiah 8:10 that the joy of the Lord is our strength. As we obey God and walk in His ways, we will sense a divine joy that strengthens and affirms we are following His voice. However, when we operate in disobedience, that joy is grieved and absent from our spirits.Philippians 2:12-13 reveals that God works in believers "both to will and to do for His good pleasure." We can discern His good pleasure toward our actions by monitoring this

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 11 | Kingdom Protocols

    19/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the eleventh episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that God has provided several defenses to protect believers from being deceived in our culture filled with deception. One of the most important defenses is understanding the protocols and language of God's Kingdom.Just like every earthly kingdom has its own protocols, laws, and language, the Kingdom of God operates by specific principles. Romans 14:17 lays out three core protocols of God's Kingdom - righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. These form the "language" by which God speaks to His people.Righteousness is how God communicates what is right and wrong. When making decisions, God's voice will align with what is righteous according to His standards in Scripture. Anything promoting unrighteousness, like immorality, hatred, or harm, comes from the voice of the deceiver, not God's voice.Peace is another way God guides believers. The supernatural peace of God ruling in our hearts serves as an "umpire," showing God's path versus

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 10 | Peace

    18/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the tenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of God's Word and the peace of God as defenses against deception. God's Word is the first and foremost defense against deception, and it must be exalted above human reasoning, philosophies, and cultural influences. When the Word of God is neglected or rare, it becomes challenging to discern God's voice.A second defense is the peace of God. According to Colossians 3:15, believers are instructed to let the peace of God rule in their hearts. Peace is one of the primary ways God speaks and leads His people.There is a difference between being at peace with God and having the peace of God. Being at peace with God is the result of God making peace with us through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. However, having the peace of God is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that dwells within the born-again human spirit.The peace of God acts as an umpire or a voice of guidance in decision-making. When believers are about to make a wrong choice or

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 9 | God's Word

    17/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the ninth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that God has provided two critical safeguards to protect believers from deception. God's Word is the first defense against deception, which must be exalted above human reasoning, philosophies, and cultural influences. When there is a lack of God's Word, it becomes difficult to discern His voice, as seen in the story of young Samuel.The second defense is recognizing the voice of the Lord. According to Romans 8:14, believers must be led by the Spirit of God. However, many Christians struggle to recognize God's voice. God's voice is often a still, small voice within and may not always be in English. The language of the Holy Spirit includes dreams, visions, impressions, and a sense of peace. These are ways in which God speaks to His people. Believers should expect to receive dreams and visions from the Lord, as these are the primary language of the Holy Spirit.Additionally, God can speak through prophecy, godly counsel, spiritual leaders, and imp

  • God Killed My Old Man | Part 4

    16/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    Romans 8:1 explains that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus, freeing believers from any negative judgment from God.Brother Duane teaches that there are four primary sources of condemnation: the devil, our own hearts, others, and the law. Let's expound on each source and reference relevant scriptures.1. The devil, the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), tries to separate us from God through condemnation. Duane encourages believers to overcome the devil by mixing faith with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).2. Our hearts, or conscience, can condemn us (1 John 3:18-21). Duane stresses the need to purge our conscience through the washing of the water of the Word (Hebrews 9:14), trusting God's forgiveness and acceptance, even when our hearts condemn us.3. Others may attempt to condemn us through negative judgments (2 Corinthians 7:2-3; Proverbs 17:15). Duane advises not receiving such condemnation, as Go

  • Freedom from Condemnation

    16/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    Romans 8:1 explains that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus, freeing believers from any negative judgment from God.Brother Duane teaches that there are four primary sources of condemnation: the devil, our own hearts, others, and the law. Let's expound on each source and reference relevant scriptures.1. The devil, the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), tries to separate us from God through condemnation. Duane encourages believers to overcome the devil by mixing faith with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).2. Our hearts, or conscience, can condemn us (1 John 3:18-21). Duane stresses the need to purge our conscience through the washing of the water of the Word (Hebrews 9:14), trusting God's forgiveness and acceptance, even when our hearts condemn us.3. Others may attempt to condemn us through negative judgments (2 Corinthians 7:2-3; Proverbs 17:15). Duane advises not receiving such condemnation, as Go

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 8 | Hearing His Voice

    14/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the eighth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of hearing God's voice as a defense against deception. God has provided safeguards in Scripture to equip us against being deceived. Satan has a history of questioning God's word, as seen with Eve, and deception can appear harmless but have harmful intentions, as described in Revelation 13. Believers can and should hear God's voice, but many struggle to recognize it.In John 10, Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and know it. However, like Thomas, who said he didn't know the way, we may not consciously recognize what we already know in our spirits. We may dismiss or not discern God's voice without realizing it.God's voice is often a still, small voice within and is not always in English. The language of the Spirit includes dreams, visions, impressions, and a sense of peace. Believers have the capacity to hear God's voice and discern it from the voice of the stranger or the devil.Romans 8 explains that believers are led by

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 7 | God's Authority

    13/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the seventh episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of having the proper and final authority in one's life, which he identifies as God and God's Word. He stresses that this is a crucial defense against the increasing deception and darkness infiltrating society and the church.The New Testament repeatedly commands believers to "be not deceived" (1 Corinthians 15:33, Galatians 6:7), indicating it is possible to fall into deception. This deception grows worse and worse, often directly or indirectly enabled by Christians who have compromised the truth.The first line of defense is to exalt God's Word as absolute, objective truth and final authority over every other voice, such as government, media, feelings, etc. Those who prosper spiritually all uplift Scripture's authority in their lives. There must be a final authority, and only God and His Word can rightly claim that position of supreme truth.A second vital defense is cultivating sensitivity to the Lord's still, small voice with

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 6 | Discernment

    12/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the sixth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of guarding against deception, as God has provided multiple defenses against it. The New Testament repeated warnings about deceivers and being deceived, showing it is possible even for believers to fall into deception. The first defense God has given is His Word. If believers abide or continue in God's Word, Jesus said they are His disciples who will know the truth that brings freedom (John 8:31-32). By disciplining oneself in Scripture, one's discernment increases to recognize the fingerprints of the enemy versus the Holy Spirit.The story of Eve being deceived by the serpent in Genesis 3 illustrates how deception operates. Satan's tactic was first to question God's Word, get Eve to dismiss it, and then outright contradict it, tempting her to disobey by doubting God's goodness and care. This shows how compromising God's Word opens the door to deception.The Scripture of Jacob deceiving his father Isaac in Genesis 27 is also an e

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 5 | The Word

    11/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fifth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane warns about the increasing darkness and deception infiltrating the world and even the church. Many people, including believers, have departed from the faith by heeding deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils, just as the apostle Paul warned Timothy in 1 Timothy 4.According to 1 Timothy 3:15, the church is supposed to be the pillar and ground of truth. However, the church often propagates deception and doctrines contrary to God's nature, Judeo-Christian values, and a biblical worldview. This happens because people do not know the truth and are easily influenced by lies, fraud, and corruption from the world.The key defense against such deception is the Word of God. As Romans 1:18 states, God's wrath is revealed against those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Unrighteous people reject God's truth not just for themselves but actively work to suppress it. This is what is behind cancel culture - canceling and suppressing truth. Just as the devil

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 4 | Darkness

    10/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fourth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane warns about the dangers of deception and darkness in the world today. Many of God's people have fallen into deception, leading to self-destruction in their Christian walk. Jesus Christ warns in Matthew 24:4 to "take heed that no man deceive you." Many false messiahs and deceivers will come and lead many astray. However, Christians can guard their hearts against deception by understanding how Satan operates and learning to discern good from evil based on a biblical worldview.The key defense against deception is the Word of God. In 1 Timothy 4, the Bible expressly states that in the last days, some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils instead of sound doctrine from Christ. The world is becoming darker, but Christians must resist being dragged into that darkness through deception.As 2 Timothy 3:13 states, "Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." While the Bible w

  • God Killed My Old Man | Part 3

    09/06/2024 Duration: 47min

    This powerful message expounds on the righteousness of the law and how it relates to God's grace through Jesus Christ. The purpose of the law was not to reveal God but to expose our sinful nature and inability to keep it perfectly. James 2:10 highlights the law's demand for absolute perfection, stating, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it," making it impossible for anyone to be justified by works alone.Duane teaches that this realization of our imperfection drives us to put our faith in Jesus, who fulfilled the law's righteous demands on our behalf. Galatians 3:11 emphasizes, "Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because 'the righteous will live by faith.'" Righteousness comes through faith in Christ, not by adhering to the law. Christians should not try to serve God under the Old Covenant law but rather embrace the New Covenant grace. Jesus accomplished three pivotal things: He kept the law perfectly, paid the penalty fo

  • The Righteousness of the Law | Part 1 | Grace

    09/06/2024 Duration: 47min

    This powerful message expounds on the righteousness of the law and how it relates to God's grace through Jesus Christ. The purpose of the law was not to reveal God but to expose our sinful nature and inability to keep it perfectly. James 2:10 highlights the law's demand for absolute perfection, stating, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it," making it impossible for anyone to be justified by works alone.Duane teaches that this realization of our imperfection drives us to put our faith in Jesus, who fulfilled the law's righteous demands on our behalf. Galatians 3:11 emphasizes, "Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because 'the righteous will live by faith.'" Righteousness comes through faith in Christ, not by adhering to the law. Christians should not try to serve God under the Old Covenant law but rather embrace the New Covenant grace. Jesus accomplished three pivotal things: He kept the law perfectly, paid the penalty fo

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 3 | Roadblocks

    07/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the third episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff warns that the influence of Satan, "the father of lies," is increasing and stresses the importance of being able to discern deception. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned his followers not to be deceived.The Word provides crucial roadblocks to caution against being misled by "empty words," "deceiving spirits," and "doctrines of devils." However, the inability of many believers today to identify these deceptive spirits or false doctrines, such as multiple genders, gender reassignment surgery, man-made climate change, and governmental overreach during the pandemic, can lead to serious consequences. Loss of freedoms and governmental persecution of dissenting views can pave the way for the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible. Believers must remain vigilant to avoid being led astray by deceptive agendas and stand firm for godly values despite facing persecution and censorship.

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 2 | Lies

    06/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    There is an intense battle raging between the freedom found in Christ's gospel and the deceptive agenda of the world, which seeks to enslave people with lies. In the second episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff teaches the dangers of being deceived and the importance of guarding our hearts against deception. In Matthew 24, Jesus cautions that many deceivers will come and deceive multitudes.The New Testament instructs believers not to be deceived. Galatians 6:7 states, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, he will also reap." This scripture shows that deception is possible, so God warns against it. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, thievery, and drunkenness and states, Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet some Christians seem to believe that unrighteous people embracing these sinful lifestyles can still go to heaven.That's the danger of deception. Once you accept one lie, it paves the way for

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