Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 121:10:44
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Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Identity Theft | Episode 1 | True Identity

    15/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    Our culture is suffering from an identity crisis. Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of identity and the spiritual battle against identity theft orchestrated by Satan. Duane explains how crucial it is for believers to understand their true identity in Christ to fulfill God's purpose for their lives. John 10:10 reveals Satan's desire to steal, kill, and destroy, especially targeting our new identity in Christ.There are three key reasons why understanding our identity is crucial:1. It connects us to our purpose.2. It sets the course for our life.3. It affects the wholeness of our personhood.Duane shares his testimony, recounting a transformative vision in May 1980 where he saw the death of his old self on the cross and his new identity in the resurrected Christ. This vision changed the course of his life, emphasizing the power of knowing who we are in Christ as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"Identity is who we are

  • Culture of the Word

    11/08/2024 Duration: 53min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of developing a "Culture Of The Word" in the church and our personal life. During challenging times like the 2019 shutdown, churches with a strong foundation in God's Word thrived, while those lacking this foundation struggled or closed.A Word-Centered Culture embraces these five elements: 1. Value and reverence Scripture (Psalm 19:10). 2. Prioritize God's Word above everything else (Psalm 138:2). 3. Build a strong foundation on the Word (Matthew 7:24-27). 4. Acknowledge the Bible as absolute truth. 5. Submit to the authority of Scripture. Prioritize Scripture over personal opinions, emotions, and cultural trends. Stand firm on biblical truth, even in the face of opposition, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform rather than trying to bend God's Word to fit preferences. By embracing a "Culture Of The Word," believers can become a counterculture to the prevalent lies and corruption in society, ultimately reflecting the love, grace, and truth of Jesus Christ.

  • Jubilee 2024

    02/08/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Duane recaps each speaker's message during the week of Jubilee. He intricately weaves the week's themes with creative humor and anecdotes as he discerns what God is saying through other speakers. This year, Duane heard "Grit." In the dictionary, 'grit' means having firmness of character and an indomitable spirit, which believers must embody to succeed in the 'third great awakening.  Acting with grit will be essential for standing against forthcoming challenges and being a light in the world. Grit will be the key to taking risks, like praying for others, standing firm in faith, and overcoming life's obstacles. Duane challenges everyone to embrace true grit, charging forward in faith to positively impact the world, like the examples of true grit in the Bible and history. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in their identity, rooted in God's truth, and seek a personal relationship with God through prayer and scripture. 

  • Culture of Excellence | Part 2

    01/08/2024 Duration: 46min

    Duane continues teaching about the "Culture of Excellence" and pursuing excellence in our church, personal, and business lives. God is a God of excellence, and believers should desire and embody the characteristic of excellence in every aspect of their lives. Excellence is not legalism or perfectionism but a consistent effort to do and be our best with what we have and know. The Greek definition of excellence is 'to carry through,' illustrating that excellence serves as a bridge between God and people (Philippians 1:10). With anecdotes from his ministerial experiences, Duane illustrates that continual self-assessment and the willingness to learn from mistakes are vital for growth. 2 Corinthians 3:18 explains how we are transformed 'from glory to glory' by the Spirit of the Lord through consistent self-improvement and dedication to God. By doing so, they will better themselves and effectively transport God's presence into the world and bring people closer to Him.

  • Culture of Excellence | Part 1

    01/08/2024 Duration: 49min

    Duane teaches the importance of cultivating a "Culture of Excellence" within the church and personal life. Excellence should not be confused with perfectionism. Excellence is about doing the best we can with what we have and know, making our work and actions reflect God's nature. Drawing from Philippians 1:9-10, Duane explains how love should abound in knowledge and discernment. Excellence is not just about outward actions but also about maintaining an excellent spirit, as seen in Daniel 6:3. Excellence impacts behavior, attitudes, and work ethic. Believers are encouraged to be consistent in everything they do. Psalms 8:1 praises the Excellence of God's name, and Psalms 36:7 emphasizes God's excellent loving-kindness. The purpose of Excellence is to carry and reflect God's glory to others, to be a bridge that transports people to God and vice versa.

  • Who is My Neighbor? | Part 2

    28/07/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    In this message, Brother Duane teaches the importance of staying rooted in God's Word and being loyal to Jesus in the world of deception. He emphasizes that true love for Jesus is demonstrated through obedience to His teachings, as stated in John 14:15: "If you love me, keep my commandments."Using the parable of the Good Samaritan as an illustration, he reveals how Jesus is our neighbor, the one we must love to inherit eternal life. He explains that just as the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine into the wounded man's injuries, we need the oil of salvation, the wine of the Holy Spirit, and the bread of God's Word.Many Christians today are easily deceived and lack the discernment that comes from studying Scripture. Hebrews 5:14 speaks of mature believers who have "their senses trained to discern good and evil" through the constant use of God's Word.There is a growing hostility towards Christians in society, but we should be reminded of Jesus' words in John 15:20: "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you

  • Who is my Neighbor?

    21/07/2024 Duration: 56min

    Brother Duane teaches a profound message about the parable of the Good Samaritan, revealing its deeper meaning as a representation of God's redemptive plan for humanity. In Luke 10, Jesus masterfully presents the entire gospel story in just a few verses (Luke 10:25-37).The parable reveals how the man who fell among thieves represents Adam and all of humanity, stripped of righteousness and left spiritually half-dead due to sin. The priest and Levite, representing the law, cannot save the man, just as the law cannot save us from our fallen state.The Good Samaritan is Jesus, who comes on a journey to rescue us. He binds our wounds, pours in oil and wine (representing the Holy Spirit), and takes us to the inn (the church) for care. The two pennies given to the innkeeper symbolize the approximately 2,000 years between Christ's first and second coming, with the promise of His return.Remember to stay focused on the return of Jesus and do not be swayed by fear or false predictions. Be filled with both the "oil" (new

  • Money Talks | Part 4

    14/07/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    In part four of "Money Talks," Brother Duane shares revelation on giving, focusing on the importance of tithing under New Testament grace. He distinguishes between tithing under the Old Testament law and New Testament grace, emphasizing that tithing wasn't just a practice tied to the Law of Moses but a principle that started before the law with Abraham and Melchizedek. Hebrews 7 describes Jesus as our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. We now tithe to Jesus, not to an earthly priesthood. Tithing should be a joyful and willing act, not a response to obligation or fear of curses. In Malachi 3:10-11, God promises to "open the windows of heaven" and "rebuke the devourer" for those who tithe faithfully. This blessing is God's favor, wisdom, and protection over our finances and lives.Malachi 3:10-12 illustrates God's promise to bless those who bring their tithes into the storehouse. Tithing reflects loyalty, faith, and an acknowledgment of God's provision. Tithing and offerings are not about legalistic obliga

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 6 | Holy Spirit

    10/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the sixth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches the Holy Spirit has a crucial role in helping us understand and experience God's love. According to Romans 5:5 (ESV), "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."). We cannot discern God's love through our circumstances, feelings, or human reasoning. Instead, the Holy Spirit reveals and sheds light on the depth of God's love for us. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the profound love demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, where He took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. 2 Corinthians 5:21 states, "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (ESV). Through Christ's death, we are made righteous in God's sight, not by our efforts but by His love and grace. God's love is not dependent on our performance or worthiness. This incredible act of love demonstrates God's unwavering commitment to reconciling us to Himself, regardl

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 5 | Sixteen Attributes

    09/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fifth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches about the profound depths of God's love and its essential attributes, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. These sixteen characteristics are not just guidelines for believers to follow but also a reflection of God's very nature, for "God is love" (1 John 4:8).This love is not dependent on performance but on God's unchanging character. It is a love that bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things, never failing (1 Corinthians 13:7-8). It's important to meditate on these attributes as a revelation of how God loves us unconditionally. God loves His children with the same love He has for His Son, Jesus (John 17:23).By truly knowing and believing in God's love, believers can experience wholeness, develop a healthy self-love, and extend that same love to others around them. God's love is immeasurable, unconditional, and unchanging. It's this love that empowers believers to live abundantly and love others as God has loved them.

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 4 | The Cross

    08/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the fourth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane explores the unfathomable depth of God's love for us, demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. 1 John 4:9-10 states, "In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." God's love is not based on our circumstances or conduct but on His unchanging character and nature. Love is an inherent attribute of who God is, and He loves us unconditionally, regardless of our failures or shortcomings. God's love was displayed in the most profound way when Jesus, the sinless Son of God, took upon Himself the punishment for our sins on the cross, becoming the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our transgressions. Through the cross, God's love was made manifest, providing a way for us to be forgiven, redeemed, and reconciled to Him. W

  • Money Talks | Part 3

    07/07/2024 Duration: 54min

    In the third part of the series "Money Talks," Brother Duane teaches the four pillars of biblical prosperity: work, stewardship, discipline, and giving. These principles work together to create a balanced approach to financial blessing, focusing on cultivating a giving heart.The first pillar, work, is presented as a God-given principle for prosperity. Brother Duane emphasizes the importance of developing a strong work ethic, especially when teaching children and grandchildren.Stewardship, the second pillar, involves wisely managing what one has and controlling desires for what one doesn't have. Good stewardship applies to both possessions and attitudes.The third pillar, discipline, illustrated in Proverbs 6:6-11, encourages readers to learn diligence from the work ethic of an ant. There is a for financial discipline, including budgeting, saving, and avoiding unnecessary debt.The fourth pillar, giving, is a supernatural principle that leads to blessing. Proverbs 11:24-25 states that those who give generously w

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 3 | Revelation

    05/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the third episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches about the depth of God's love by emphasizing the importance of truly understanding God's love beyond mere intellectual knowledge. According to 1 John 4:7-8, there are three fundamental truths about God's love:1. Love originates from God, not from the world or our human nature. True love is a divine attribute from God and cannot be fully understood or defined by the world.2. To truly love, one must be born of God and have an intimate knowledge of Him. The term "know" in the Bible refers to a deep, personal relationship, similar to the intimacy between a husband and wife. Therefore, we need a close personal relationship with God to experience and express His love.3. God is love. Love is not just something God possesses; it is His essential nature. God's love for us is limitless, immeasurable, and unchanging, regardless of our actions or circumstances.Duane emphasizes that many believers struggle to fully grasp God's love because they rely on the world

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 2 | Knowing

    04/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the second episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches the importance of knowing God's love for us and how the Holy Spirit primarily reveals this love. There are four foundational truths from 1 John 4:7-9 about God's love:1. Love is of God, not of this world or our flesh (v. 7).2. To love with God's love, one must be born of God and know God (v. 7).3. God is love; it is His nature and character (v. 8).4. God's love was manifested by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the propitiation (satisfactory sacrifice) for our sins (v. 9).Duane shares his powerful testimony of having an open vision of the cross, where he saw himself in Christ, crucified with Him, buried, and raised to new life. This revelation of the cross showed him God's unconditional, unmerited love, satisfying God's righteous judgment against sin through Christ's sacrifice, and his faith exploded.Not everyone has such a dramatic experience, but the Holy Spirit can reveal the same truth through the Word of God (Romans 5:8, 1 John 3:16). The cross i

  • Love Beyond Measure | Episode 1 | Faith

    03/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    God loves you so much! Many Christians do not fully comprehend the depth of God's love and how it impacts their faith. Duane teaches that understanding God's love is crucial to our faith.In Ephesians 3:16-19, Paul pleads for believers to comprehend the vast dimensions of God's love - its breadth, length, depth, and height. This love is not just intellectual knowledge but a revelation from the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. To be firmly established in God's love, our faith will soar, and we can love God and others more fully (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10).According to 1 John 4:18, perfect love casts out fear. When we truly grasp the immensity of God's love for us, it dispels anxiety and worry, even the fear of death itself. God's love is not based on our performance or conduct but on God's unchanging character and nature.Knowing God's love for us will transform our lives and help us to love God and others. This message will deepen your understanding of God's immeasurable love and how embracing that love can strengt

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 20 | Maturity

    02/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the final episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that maturity is the sixth defense in guarding against deception, especially in the Christian faith. One of the primary reasons many people depart from the faith is immaturity - being carnally minded and lacking spiritual discernment.How can professing Christians embrace immorality, vote for leaders who oppose biblical values, and support unbiblical ideologies that celebrate sinful behaviors? The root cause of this departure often lies in a lack of genuine salvation and spiritual rebirth. Some attend church and try to live a moral life, mistakenly believing that this alone secures their salvation. True Christianity, however, involves a spiritual transformation through being born again, with God's Spirit dwelling within and empowering a new life in Christ.Even among those genuinely born again, many fail to transition from being new converts to becoming mature disciples of Christ. They remain spiritual infants, unable to properly understand and

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 19 | Doer of the Word

    01/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the nineteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that the fifth defense against deception is to be a "doer of the word" and not just a "hearer only." This means actively living out and applying the teachings of the Bible, rather than simply listening or reading without putting them into practice (James 1:21-25).If you hear or read the Bible without mixing faith and obedience, it will not lead to transformation in your life. Someone who hears the word but does not act upon it is like a person who looks in a mirror, sees their reflection, but immediately forgets what they look like when they walk away.True faith requires doing "the work" by living out the teachings of Jesus and the principles found in God's Word. This obedience and application of Scripture is a vital safeguard against deception, helping believers stay grounded in the "simplicity of Jesus" rather than being led astray.

  • Money Talks | Part 2

    30/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    In this compelling message on money and prosperity, Brother Duane teaches that God desires to bless His people. However, prosperity involves more than just finances. There are four key components of biblical prosperity: work, stewardship, discipline, and giving.Having a solid work ethic is essential. Thessalonians 3:10 states: "If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." Work is part of God's image in mankind and vital in providing for oneself and others.Duane explores Jesus' parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:9. In this parable, Jesus says to "make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon," explaining that we should use money to further God's kingdom and save souls. Duane underscores that how we handle money tests our faithfulness in spiritual matters.Discipline is the third component that can be challenging in today's digital age. True prosperity comes from God's perspective on money. Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." The power of gi

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 18 | The Fulfillment

    28/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the eighteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches how the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus throughout the Scriptures, revealing Him as the fulfillment and embodiment of God's promises. Jesus is also the firstborn of fullness from which all spiritual blessings come (Ephesians 1:3, 1 John 2:24). The Holy Spirit shows us Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) regarding our need for God.The Spirit reveals Jesus as the answer to the human condition – our deep spiritual bankruptcy, separation from God due to sin (Romans 3:23). Scripture testifies that humanity was spiritually destitute and hopeless before the grace of God through Christ's sacrifice (Ephesians 2:12). It reveals all people, even spiritual people like Abraham, David, and Paul, were spiritually bankrupt and in desperate need of divine rescue from sin's dominion (Romans 3:10; 9:16; 11:32).The Holy Spirit revealed God's supreme expression of love – He so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to deliver us from si

  • Defenses Against Deception | Episode 17 | Simplicity of Jesus

    27/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    In the seventeenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of understanding the simplicity of Jesus as a defense against deception. He emphasizes that the Bible and scriptures should always lead us to Jesus. Studying the Bible without focusing on its author and subject, Jesus is like memorizing a restaurant menu without ordering a meal. People often focus solely on the literal interpretation of the word, missing the spiritual and life-giving aspects found in Jesus. This can lead to legalism, unkindness, and deception by not allowing the word to lead them to intimacy with Christ. Doctrines and traditions should guide us to Jesus.Only by keeping a simple focus on Jesus can we avoid being led astray. Believers should have a child-like, simple faith centered on Jesus as the living Word. Doctrines, traditions, and even the Scriptures themselves are meant to continually guide us to the person of Christ and abiding in Him, our sure defense against deception.

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