The Chase Jarvis Live Show



Chase Jarvis is a visionary photographer, artist and entrepreneur. Cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade, he is the founder & CEO of CreativeLive. In this show, Chase and some of the worlds top creative entrepreneurs, artists, and celebrities share stories designed to help you gain actionable insights to recognize your passions and achieve your goals.


  • Lisa Bilyeu: Escape Purgatory of the Mundane with Radical Confidence

    11/05/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    “It really starts with just saying I am going to bet on myself… no one else is going to bet on you if you don’t.”  Lisa Bilyeu spent 8 years of her life as a supportive housewife (which she described as “mundane purgatory”) until her husband's fast growing company, Quest Nutrition, required her to dive head first into business. Energized by her work, she started giving herself permission to make small moves in another direction. These decisions ultimately led Lisa to become co-founder of a billion-dollar company, an international leader in the world of personal growth and now, author empowering women to become the heroes of their own lives. Lisa has written her first book, Radical Confidence: 10 No-BS Lessons on Becoming the Hero of Your Own Life, being released this week. In this show, we discuss her life, her book and how she did it: how she transformed her life from housewife to successful businesswoman and what it took to get there. Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLiv

  • How to Improve Creative Work Sessions

    09/05/2022 Duration: 12min

    Accidental flashes, chance encounters, lucky breaks. We love to believe that creativity happens in a moment of inspiration. We think the greatest discoveries in history were experienced in a flash of thought, or a jolt, like hitting a pinball machine's tilt button. But did you know that behind the 'matter of luck' phenomena, too, lie precious times of planning and persistence? In today's micro show, we break down planning your creative session effectively, so you can move past any creative roadblocks without waiting for 'luck' to show up. Snap a photo of your work plan and tag me on social, @chasejarvis. And have a great week.   --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award winners, New York Times best selli

  • Tony Robbins: Transform the Quality of Your Life

    04/05/2022 Duration: 53min

    Tony Robbins needs no introduction. He's known around over the world as #1 life & business strategist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, peak performance expert, and #1 New York Times bestselling author. Over the past four decades, he's helped millions of people change their lives for the better through his books, programs, and events, and there's no stopping him. This mission has lead him to find new solutions and breakthroughs to improve peak performance, prevent disease, and improve long term help. It's the basis of his latest book, Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love.  The topic is dear to his heart because, after being told his health problems were irreversible, he experienced firsthand how new regenerative technology not only helped him heal but also made him stronger than ever. In this episode, we dive into: The power mindset can have in healing How technology doubles in power very 18 months, but halves in cost Key pattern

  • Are your relationships supporting your creativity?

    02/05/2022 Duration: 26min

    Have you ever asked yourself how your relationships influence your creativity or the pursuit of your dreams? Or the inverse, how how being a creator impacts the relationships in your life? Taking into account the time and energy required to run a business or pursue dreams with a two year inversion of normality, it makes sense that some friends and family don't always see the best version of us. In this episode, we explore how our relationships impact our creativity and visa versa and what more we can do to cultivate human connection.  A few notes from the show: Where to start? Self awareness. Your ability to read the room and understand your role in whatever social scenario you find yourself is a skill that can be honed and improved. Who's judgement really matters? Brené Brown keeps a 1x1 inch square piece of paper with a list of the few people who she truly respects their opinions. Rather than get distracted by the criticisms and praise of strangers, focusing on being the best version of yourself to the peop

  • Amber Rae: Strengthen Your Intuition & Unlock Your Inner Wisdom

    27/04/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    Have you ever felt "off", but you weren't exactly sure why? Amber Rae is a global voice for emotional well-being and self-discovery. She's also a creative who translates her deep insights into the human experience into art that inspires. In today's episode, Amber helps us explore what it feels like to be out of alignment with one's true self, how we can get in tune with our inner being, and how we can use our intuition to make better choices. Here are some highlights from our conversation: *      Who is Amber Rae? *      How we can relate to our inner world and come home to ourselves *     Amber's experience of creating from a place of fear and scarcity rather than a place of power, abundance, and truth *      Is it possible to come into alignment with yourself without dismantling everything? *     Alignment doesn't have to be a big deal. It can be in the small decisions we make every day. It can be the morning practice that helps us feel centered and present with ourselves. *      Different stages of alignin

  • Can You Work from Anywhere?

    25/04/2022 Duration: 09min

    As creators, we often place a large emphasis on our workspace. Sometimes it might even block us from doing any creative work at all. Of course, a large, airy, well-lit work space of your own—preferably with an ocean view—would be ideal. But highly productive artists everywhere hunker down to work in cafés, restaurants, co-working spaces, parks, empty college classrooms, and waiting rooms—not to mention buses, trains, subways, and planes. A huge part of one’s early endeavors—whether you’re picking up a new creative craft, starting a new business, or transitioning out of a full-time job into a freelance career—is about flexibility. Think about modifications or purchases you might make to become “creative ready” in as many environments as possible. This might mean carrying a sketch pad in your bag at all times, investing in a mobile audio rig or a digital tablet, or renting a spot at a co-working space. If your intention is to become a professional creator being able to create on-demand is key. This short episod

  • The Wayward Path of Photographer Chris Burkard

    20/04/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    In this episode, Chris Burkard reflects on his career and the wayward journey he's been on. I have had the great privilege of knowing Chris for darn near a decade now. As an accomplished photographer, explorer, author, creative director, and speaker, he has travelled to some of the most remote places on earth capturing stories and images that connect us to nature and the importance of protecting it. After nearly 20 years as a creator and storyteller, he feels like he's finally hitting his stride. That might sound odd considering his work has been seen by millions, but the truth is there's rarely a straight line to our career growth. In this episode we explore: Figuring yourself out on your career path Going beyond what you're comfortable with and getting comfortable being uncomfortable * The importance of doing something meaningful and purposeful Why you should pursue a career that excites you Why being a specialist is incredibly valuable Projects have a lifespan. Sometimes the hardest part is learning when

  • 10 Ways to Grow Your Career

    18/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    Career decisions can be daunting. The right choice is often unclear, and the trade offs uncertain. Should you stay in your current role or go look for something new? Is it in your best interest to move cities and re locate or double down on your current market? These big decisions can leave us paralyzed. And yet, one of the ways to break through that paralysis is by soliciting the opinions of others. As the legendary troublemaker, author and blogger, Luvvie Ajayi Jones says, "the best decisions are not counsel decisions. Career and life choices are bet made by you and you alone." However, by sourcing a broad range of career advice, what you end up with is a constellation of possibilities through which to draw from. This is a collection of perspectives around career strategy and building the living and life you want for yourself. Links to episodes mentioned during the show: James Altucher: James Altucher on Accelerating 10,000 Hours to Mastery Steven Kotler: How to Shatter Limitations and Achieve Your Drea

  • Make Your Message Heard with Victoria Wellman

    13/04/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    What sets memorable stories, presentations, and speeches apart from the ordinary? If you think it has to do with the speaker's innate ability, you'll be surprised to learn that it doesn't. Fortunately, Victoria Wellman knows how to craft compelling messages and overcome our fear of public speaking. Victoria is the Co-Founder of The Oratory Laboratory, a Manhattan-based boutique creative agency for public speakers. Formerly a journalist, copywriter, producer, a trained actress and voice-over artist, Victoria has crafted speeches for influencers, politicians, entrepreneurs, Olympians, NFL stars, astronauts, rap stars, artists, and activists, and has garnered media attention from The Today Show, Martha Stewart, CNN, NPR, NBC, ABC and CBS News. Victoria turned author with her newly released book, "Before You Say Anything", in which she details the creative process behind crafting memorable speeches. Giving a speech- or any form of communication, is about synthesizing ideas - which is the core of creativity. Some

  • Stop Selling Yourself Short

    11/04/2022 Duration: 14min

    Do you ever find yourself downplaying your skills or diminishing your abilities? Are you selling yourself short in your creative ambitions? On today's show, we get into how acknowledging your ambition will be a crucial unlock for your next chapter. Sharing your work and putting it into the world is part of the creative process. Creating for the sake of it has value, but at some point, most creators find themselves looking for a way to connect their passion to the world around them. Want to contribute to the show? Leave a review or send me a text @ 206-309-5177 Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award winners, New York Times best selling authors and the best entrepreneurs of our times.

  • How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole with Susan Cain

    06/04/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    Do you typically repress pain, internalize it, and let it damage the way you treat yourself and others? On today's episode of Chase Jarvis Live, I'm joined by Susan Cain. Susan is the author of "Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole," and "Quiet Journal, Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts," which spent eight years on The New York Times best seller list, and has been translated into 40 languages. Joy and sorrow are eternally paired in this world. So why do we so willingly accept and celebrate one, and try to distance ourselves from the other? Susan encourages our listeners to see their pain, sorrow, sadness, suffering, as their own creative superpowers. A few main takeaways from the show: Why humans we play sad songs 5x more than happy songs.  Finding validation and permission to feel pain, move towards it. The role creativity has in our ability to make something beautiful out of painful experiences One of the greatest gifts of humanity is the innate ability to take something p

  • 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Health and Happiness

    04/04/2022 Duration: 10min

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up? If you’re like most of us, you go right to the phone, and start scrolling social media, checking emails, responding to texts, etc. All of these things trigger stress responses in the brain, which is not an ideal way to start the day. After learning the hard way more times than I would like to admit, I've landed on handful of foundational daily actions that I've found boost my health and happiness. Health is absolutely the new wealth, and whatever we can do to emphasize it in our life is a step in the right direction. And remember, if miss a day, that’s okay. Progress > perfection. What are you waiting for?  Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award

  • Max Lugavere: Can Food Turn Us Into Geniuses?

    30/03/2022 Duration: 01h23min

    Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist focused on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Max’s journey to understanding the power food has on brain function began when was helping his mother, who developed Lewy body dementia. He noticed the doctors doing nothing except trying to manage the symptoms- rather than actually curing the disease. He started learning and applying what we are now learning about the science of food and cooking and kicked off a decade-long journey to understand how to prevent cognitive decline. What he found out was that, “The same steps that we can take that are going to buy us extra years if not possibly decades of cognitive health also improve the way our brains work here and now.” In this episode we dig into: The why behind a Genius Life came from Max’s mom, who developed a rare form of dementia. When the doctors didn’t help, he took it upon himself to research everything he could to help his mom battle her early onset dementia to try to help her live the best life she could.

  • How to Breakthrough to Higher Paying Jobs

    28/03/2022 Duration: 20min

    In this week’s episode, I take two questions that any creator or business owner should consider.  How to handle the experience of having someone you’ve mentored “move on” from needing you as a mentor. What is the best way to break through?  You can text me or reach out via social if you have a question. 206-309-5177 Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award winners, New York Times best selling authors and the best entrepreneurs of our times.

  • Peace is a Practice with Morgan Harper Nichols

    23/03/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    Morgan Harper Nichols is a poet, artist, and author with a goal to form meaningful connections through her work, and help others find peace in their own lives. Her most recent book, “Peace is a Practice: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life,” is a must read that invites people to slow down and return to the present moment, using breath as their vehicle.  Topics we dive into: Overcoming self-doubt Creative rhythm and flow Managing the financial side of the creative journey You are allowed to charge for your art How breath can be used to control the nervous system The more you're present the more you uncover what's really true. Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Gramm

  • How to Make Time for Creativity

    21/03/2022 Duration: 11min

    If you told me in my twenties that being rigorous about my schedule would be a major differentiator in the success of my creative work, I would have said, you’re crazy. You can’t put creativity in a box like that, I thought. In my mind, schedules only confined the creative process. Today, my thoughts on this have completely 180’d, and I firmly believe that setting a schedule can be your biggest ally as a creator.   On today's show I break down how your schedule is actually your biggest ally. If you have questions, comments, or ideas for future shows, text me directly at +1 206-309-5177 Enjoy! --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award winners, New York Times best selling authors and the best entrepreneurs

  • Creativity Hates Complacency with Maria Brito

    16/03/2022 Duration: 01h13min

    Career transitions are often bumpy. New processes, different people, and all the energy that goes into building the skills, network and momentum- no wonder why the comfort of a stable career is prevents many people from pursuing their calling. Change isn't easy. Now imagine you're a working attorney with a promising future and more than a decade of education, testing, and training to get to where you are. That's the scenario my guest on the show today, Maria Brito found herself in. She recalls, "For the years I was an attorney, it was like I had a fake identity." It was clear that law was not her calling. Fast forward to today's episode, and Maria is now an award-winning contemporary art advisor, author, and curator. She has written for publications such as Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, Elle, Forbes...  the list goes on. Complex Magazine named Maria one of the Top 20 Power Players in the Art World. She now teaches creativity courses in companies and, in 2019, she launched “Jumpstart”, an online program on cr

  • Managing Burnout with Your 9-5

    14/03/2022 Duration: 17min

    Is your day job burning you out?  Maybe your creative passion is taking up the majority of your headspace, while your J.OB. is using all your creative bandwidth? On today's episode I answer two audience questions: Can you be a hyphen and a master at the same time? How to manage burnout, a creative passion and a 9-5 job If you're creatively stuck, making a difficult business decision or just want to chat about what it takes to start down the path towards being a full-time creator, you can text me at +1 (206) 309-5177 or drop me a message on social. Enjoy! Have a question? Text me 1-206-309-5177
 Tweet me @chasejarvis --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub for online creative education in photo/video, art/design, music/audio, craft/maker and the ability to make a living in any of those disciplines. They are high quality, highly curated classes taught by the world’s top experts -- Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy Award winners, New York Times best selling auth

  • A Love Letter to Human Potential with Kate Robinson

    09/03/2022 Duration: 56min

    Kate Robinson is a writer, speaker, and co- founder of a number of initiatives dedicated to the legacy of her father, Sir Ken Robinson. On the show, Kate shares some backstory on her father’s life, and the journey that led to her completing his final piece of work. In Sir Ken and Kate’s perspectives, there are 3 myths regarding creativity that hinder our advancement as a collective.  Creativity is about a certain group of people, “the creatives” Creativity is about certain things/subjects (music, writing, art, dance, etc) You’re either creative or you’re not  The truth is, creativity lives in each of us, it is a muscle that can be trained and strengthened, and there is space for creativity in every activity. Sir Ken and Kate define creativity as “the process of having original ideas that have value.” It is an ongoing process of idea creation and evaluation, and it can be applied to anything.  True change comes from those who dare to imagine. Creativity comes from within, and progress comes from diversity of

  • Joy is the Way

    07/03/2022 Duration: 15min

    Do you have a big dream, but you're having trouble making progress? There is one simple thing you can do to start moving, and re-train your brain to operate autonomously,  prioritize joy. Once you make this contract with yourself to pursue joy on a regular basis, you start to create inertia. So how do you get started? Maybe you don't know what action to take? I believe that a hugely under valued element of the equation is joy. You don't need to wait for lighting to strike. You don't need a master grand plan. Just start doing more of the stuff that make you feel more alive, and less of the things that block you or don’t serve you. In this episode I share a few thoughts on how prioritizing joy on a daily basis can have tremendous positive impacts in other area of life. So are YOU following joy? Share this message with a friend who needs to hear it. Enjoy! Have a question? Text me 1-206-309-5177
 Tweet me @chasejarvis --- Today's episode is brought to you by CreativeLive. CreativeLive is the world's largest hub

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