Podcast Satellite / With Prince Handley

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:19:59
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    15/07/2009 Duration: 13min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley   ISRAEL:  NEW FORCES IN MIDDLE EAST PARLANCE You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is not over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST 24/7 release of ALL Prince Handley teachings and podcasts >>> STREAM   DESCRIPTION: Iran production of Sejil II solid fuel missile with mobile Chinese launchers, US attempts to force Syria and Israel talks, and interference by Obama will be catalysts in the attack on Achmadinejad and Tehran's mullahs. ISRAEL: NEW FORCES IN MIDDLE EAST PARLANCE MUSIC / INTRO IRAN PRODUCING ADVANCED SEJIL II SOLI


    25/06/2009 Duration: 13min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL AND THE TRIUMVIRATE OF TESTING: TURKEY, IRAN, AND RUSSIA PLUS: ADVICE FOR ISRAELI LEADERSHIP AND MOSSAD You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load. Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is not over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST 24/7 continuous releases of ALL Prince Handley teachings and podcasts >>> STREAM   ISRAEL AND THE TRIUMVIRATE OF TESTING MUSIC / INTRO THE PLAYERS TODAY IN ALIGNMENT AGAINST ISRAEL (EZEKIEL 38) Magog—the Southern Steppes of Russia (former Soviet- Bloc countries); Meshech and Tubal—Turkey; Persia—Iran; Ethiopia—Southern Egypt, Sudan, Somalia; Libya—Libya (m


    18/06/2009 Duration: 16min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COMwith Prince Handley BIBI, BABYLON, AND 'BAMA: LAND FOR PEACE, PETRA, AND PROPHECY You can listen to this podcast NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Listen NOW or download for later. Or, LISTEN HERE >>> LISTEN NOW After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is not over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST 24/7 continuous releases of ALL Prince Handley teachings and podcasts >>> STREAM  DESCRIPTION: Benyamin Netanyahu's speech at Bar Ilan University: Israel's right to it's homeland, while offering Palestinians recognition conditioned upon PA recognition of Israel. Podcast covers Obama prophecy, and the future of Babylon, Petra, and the Jews.   BIBI, BABYLON, AND 'BAMA MUSIC / INTRO HEADLINES: Enraged Palestinians thinking about returning to terror for Net


    02/06/2009 Duration: 09min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of IsraelWWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COMwith Prince Handley  FUTURE NEWS NOW - PART ASPECIFIC DETAILS You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LIbSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messagespreviously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast.The podcast is not over just because you hear music.It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST 24/7 continuous releases of ALL Prince Handley teachings and podcasts >>> STREAMDESCRIPTION:This is a very SPECIFIC report of five (5) major events that will take place on Planet Earth BEFORE great cataclysmic happenings that will follow. Economy, business, religion, weather, global markets ... and Israel ... will change. These are EXACT NEWS EVENTS that will be reported on by the media of the New World Government. E


    29/05/2009 Duration: 09min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of IsraelWWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COMwith Prince Handley  A MESSAGE TO BENJAMIN NETANYAHU You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LIbSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messagespreviously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast.The podcast is not over just because you hear music.It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST 24/7 continuous releases of ALL Prince Handley teachings and podcasts >>> STREAM <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> A MESSAGE TO BENJAMIN NETANYAHU MUSIC I know you are trying to be diplomatic in withdrawing your objections about Farouk Hosni's appointment to UNESCO. I understand WHY even though some in Parliament may not. Also, I understand WHY you are for dismantling some of the Wes


    19/05/2009 Duration: 15min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley CREATION OF THE HEAVENS AND PLANET EARTH You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST Notice: There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! CREATION OF THE HEAVENS AND PLANET EARTH MUSIC / INTRO For the purpose of disclosure, let me assert that I am a graduate engineer. I received my B.S. in Industrial Engineering before attending 11 other colleges and universities. At the first institution I was the only student to ever receive a grade of 100 for the semester in the field of Electro Chemistry (which is by no means an easy subject – it is NOT even taught at many schools of higher learning). During one of the different psychology classe


    14/05/2009 Duration: 04min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley   ISRAEL: YOU HAVE NOT PASSED THIS WAY BEFORE You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later.  For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ Please email this message to a friend. RSS ISRAEL: YOU HAVE NOT PASSED THIS WAY BEFORE What is the circumstance that is standing between you and your Promised Land? What is keeping you from attaining the Ruach Ha Chodesh goals you have been praying for? What is the lie the enemy keeps telling you that has kept you from entering in? TODAY IS YOUR DAY OF DELIVERANCE After the children of Israel lodged for three days at the brink of the Jordan River, Joshua sent officers through the camp who commanded the people: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your G-d, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and


    28/04/2009 Duration: 13min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COMwith Prince Handley PROTECTION FROM TERRORISM AND PANDEMICS UNIQUENESS AND DELIVERANCE You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load. Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, LISTEN HERE After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin laden sings! DESCRIPTION Do NOT be alarmed at terrorism or pandemics like Swine Flu. Just as God set apart His people, Israel, in Egpyt and protected them from the Death Angel, so will He do for you if you follow the instructions in this podcast.   PROTECTION FROM TERRORISM AND PANDEMICS UNIQUENESS AND DELIVERANCE MUSIC / INTRO Do NOT be alarmed at terrorists or because of terrorism. If you are anointed by G-d and serving in His purpose, NO


    23/04/2009 Duration: 11min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL: THE TURNING POINT You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS DESCRIPTION: Israel has NO real support from the President of the USA. Israel has support from the LORD of Hosts! Encouragement to Israel, outlining WHY and HOW she can win attacking Iran NOW.  ISRAEL: THE TURNING POINT MUSIC / INTRO THE CURRENT WINDOW AMAN (IDF Military Intelligence) confirmed 2 days ago that Iran is sprinting (not pacing)


    15/04/2009 Duration: 17min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley MANY MUSLIMS TURNING TO MESSIAH OF ISRAEL You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 20 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS MANY MUSLIMS TURNING TO MESSIAH OF ISRAEL MUSIC / INTRO MANY MUSLIMS TURNING TO THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL TODAY DUE TO DISENCHANTMENT WITH ISLAM Many people of the Islamic faith are calling on the Messiah of Israel for salvation. Also, many more Muslims will call upon the Messiah of Israel in the coming days. WHY? Many Muslim people are becoming disenchanted with Islam due to terrorism.


    01/04/2009 Duration: 14min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL, IRAN, AND TURKEY: THE JERUSALEM FACTOR You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS  DESCRIPTION: Intelligence concerning Iran and Turkey. Plus, the Muslim underpinning of the new USA Presidency and the effects on Israel. Why Israel must attack Iran NOW. ISRAEL, IRAN, AND TURKEY: THE JERUSALEM FACTOR   MUSIC / INTRO     INTEL   IRAN  Iran now has the capability to produce a nuclear weapon. It has warhead capability.  The MAJOR reason Iran is NOT attacking Israel


    19/03/2009 Duration: 14min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL:  HOW TO PREPARE FOR WAR (INTEL) You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST DESCRIPTION: A discussion of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare plus EMP attacks against Israel. Specific advice and Intel for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Mossad on: How to Prepare for War. ISRAEL: HOW TO PREPARE FOR WAR  MUSIC / INTRO EXHORTATION “In that day, it will be said to Jerusalem, 'Do not be afraid, Zion. Do not let your hands be slack.' YHWH, your God, is in the midst of you, a m


    01/03/2009 Duration: 12min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL: A PLAIN PATH You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW ... or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings! RSS PODCAST &amp;lt;!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } --&amp;gt; ISRAEL: A PLAIN PATH MUSIC / INTRO In this podcast I am going to lay out a plain path for Israel and her leadership: Knesset, IDF, and Mossad. King David prayed, “Teach me your way, YHWH, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies.” (Psalm 27:11)  As I men


    12/02/2009 Duration: 13min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley CONFIDENTIAL: INTEL FOR ISRAEL You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW ... or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY go to:  www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST &amp;amp;amp;lt;!--{PS..0}--&amp;amp;amp;gt; CONFIDENTIAL: INTEL FOR ISRAEL ATTENTION: YAHALOMIM and MISGAROT MUSIC / INTRO TURKEY IS THE HINGEPIN – WATCH FOR CHANGES Turkey will become the headquarters of the New World Governance. It will in effect be the (clandestine) headquarters of the NIO: New Islamic Order. The Islamic mahdi (from Iranian Shia belief system … the 12th imam) MAY be a person who arrives on the scene as the false messiah: the same as what Christians term the anti-Christ, or anti-Messiah. If so, he will NOT – as many Jews and Christians believe – try to act as the real Messiah. He will openly (maybe not at first)


    04/02/2009 Duration: 17min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley DIRECTIONS FROM ISRAEL AND THE NEW WORLD LEADER You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW ... or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST DESCRIPTION:When you go to Jerusalem, you are going UP. If you travel away from Jerusalem, you are going down. Directions in prophecy are also related to Israel. Zechariah and Yeshua revealed KEY end time specific prophecies and the directions (West, East, North, South) and actions for which they are assigned. In this podcast you will also see HOW Global Governance and the new world leader are affected. DIRECTIONS AND THE NEW WORLD LEADER MUSIC  /  INTRO Directions in the Holy Bible – the Torah, the Tanakh, and the Brit Chadashah – are specific. North, South, East, and West are all related to Jerusalem, the City of G-d. When you go to Jerusalem, you are


    27/01/2009 Duration: 15min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ECONOMICS 701 ISRAEL, INVESTMENTS AND ECONOMY: HOW TO SURVIVE UNTIL 2015 (WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR INVESTMENTS) You can listen to this message NOW.Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW ... or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). RSS PODCAST Notice: There are several music beds in this podcast. The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music. It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings. DESCRIPTION: How to survive the next seven years and beyond. The year 2009 will appear to have everything in good shape; but then, in 2010, a great economic downturn. After that, a second factor – ENERGY – reshapes the landscape which later will bring about a total economic collapse. THE ECONOMY: HOW TO SURVIVE UNTIL 2015 (WITH SUGGESTIONS


    22/01/2009 Duration: 12min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley   ISRAEL  AND GAZA: MIRACLES THAT HAPPENED ISRAEL AND GAZA: AN ABORTED VICTORY ISRAEL: IT IS NOT TIME TO PUT UP YOUR SWORD You can listen to this message NOW Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST DESCRIPTION: Many personal MIRACLES happened for the Israelis and the Israeli army (IDF) during the Gaza conflict. Also, 1300 Palestinians died compared to only 13 Israelis: 100 to 1 ratio, a Biblical miracle.   ISRAEL AND GAZA: MIRACLES THAT HAPPENED ISRAEL AND GAZA: AN ABORTED VICTORY ISRAEL: IT IS NOT TIME TO PUT UP YOUR SWORD   MUSIC  / INTRO “But if the watchman sees the sword come, and doesn't blow the trumpet, and the people aren't warned, and the sword comes, and take any person from among them; he is taken away in his iniquity,


    13/01/2009 Duration: 14min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL: ANALYSIS, ADVICE, AND ACTION You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST DESCRIPTION: Analysis of Islam and the EU, advice for Israel concerning Zechariah’s secret to Messiah’s return, and action Intel for Israel’s Mossad and the IDF. ISRAEL: ANALYSIS, ADVICE, AND ACTION MUSIC / INTRO Israel, be encouraged. You are WONDERFUL! “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put my law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people: And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahweh; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greates


    19/12/2008 Duration: 16min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  -  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley ISRAEL: REPLACEMENT TIME IN LEADERSHIP PREPARATION FOR WAR WITH IRAN You can listen to this podcast NOW. Click the center of the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen now ... or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ After you listen to this message, you can scroll down for all messages previously in the Archives (with Show Notes). RSS PODCAST Please forward this posting to friends and acquaintances. You may post it on your own lists or on the web as well. Subscribe to Prophecy / Intel E-zine newsletter: PrinceHandley@gmail.com DESCRIPTION: God is bringing NEW leadership in Israel to the forefront. War with Iran is just ONE MOVE in the chess game of the End Times. Fasting will bring deliverance AND enlargement to Israel to prepare for war with Iran. ISRAEL: REPLACEMENT TIME IN LEADERSHIP PREPARING FOR WAR WITH IRAN MUSIC / INTRO IT’S REPLACEMENT TIME


    12/12/2008 Duration: 11min

    PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of IsraelWWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COMwith Prince Handley ISRAEL: TIMES AND ACTIONS FOR MILITARY SUCCESS You can listen to this message NOW. Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load.Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST   Notice: There are several music beds in this podcast.  The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music.It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings.  ISRAEL: TIMES AND ACTIONS FOR MILITARY SUCCESS MUSIC / INTRO Israel, HOW do you intend to defeat your enemy when you are supplying them with fuel and shekels? Specifically 100 million Israeli Shekels (ILS) delivered to the West Bank for Hamas in Gaza yesterday. Binyamin Netanyahu and any practical minded leader must assume that your enemy is NOT your friend. Also, any pragmatician who desires to lead Israel – and their Cabinet – must identify times and actions for the following: Iran and nuclear arms

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