Podcast Satellite / With Prince Handley




PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel WWW.PODCASTSATELLITE.COM with Prince Handley   ISRAEL  AND GAZA: MIRACLES THAT HAPPENED ISRAEL AND GAZA: AN ABORTED VICTORY ISRAEL: IT IS NOT TIME TO PUT UP YOUR SWORD You can listen to this message NOW Click on the LibSyn pod circle (top left). Give it 30 seconds to load. Listen NOW or download for later. For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/messiah/ RSS PODCAST DESCRIPTION: Many personal MIRACLES happened for the Israelis and the Israeli army (IDF) during the Gaza conflict. Also, 1300 Palestinians died compared to only 13 Israelis: 100 to 1 ratio, a Biblical miracle.   ISRAEL AND GAZA: MIRACLES THAT HAPPENED ISRAEL AND GAZA: AN ABORTED VICTORY ISRAEL: IT IS NOT TIME TO PUT UP YOUR SWORD   MUSIC  / INTRO “But if the watchman sees the sword come, and doesn't blow the trumpet, and the people aren't warned, and the sword comes, and take any person from among them; he is taken away in his iniquity,