This Anthro Life



This Anthro Life is an Anthropology podcast centered on crowdsourcing the Human Condition. Every other week we bring you a round-table conversation offering a unique cross cultural and time spanning perspective on all things people, from objects and ideas to the countless possibilities encountered in everyday global life. From producers Adam Gamwell and Ryan Collins in Boston, MA. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • Black Grief, White Grievance: Power, Loss, and Political Mobilization in America

    31/01/2024 Duration: 44min

    Why does democracy inherently involve loss, and how do black grief and white grievance shape the intricate landscape of contemporary racial politics in the United States?In this insightful episode, we unravel the intricate dynamics of racial politics in the U.S. Democracy's inherent tension and the intersection of black grief and white grievance take center stage, shaping political activism. We explore the personal costs of activism through figures like Mamie Till-Mobley and Erica Garner, challenging expectations on black communities. Beyond sensationalized violence, the episode emphasizes everyday black experiences, humanizing individuals and urging a broadened perspective. As the 2024 election looms, it reflects on the persistent influence of white grievance and hopeful movements like Occupy Wall Street. "Echoes of Change" calls for collective efforts to address unequal power distribution and create a more inclusive democracy that honors the diverse experiences of its citizens.Join this conversion as we del

  • How Ethnographic Research is Shaping the Future of Insight in Business and Technology

    25/01/2024 Duration: 53min

    How can businesses effectively integrate insights from social sciences like psychology and anthropology to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, and how might this integration impact decision-making and innovation within the corporate world?In this thought-provoking episode of This Anthro Life,Oliver explores the fusion of social sciences and business, sharing his journey from psychology to incorporating anthropology at Ipsos. He emphasizes the importance of merging disciplines for a deeper understanding of human behavior in the corporate world, advocating for revisiting foundational research frameworks and creating tailored ones.Oliver addresses challenges in translating academic language to business-friendly terms and highlights storytelling's crucial role in effective idea dissemination. The integration of psychology and anthropology insights enables businesses to comprehend human behavior, fostering innovation and informed decisions. The episode reveals the transformative impact of the evolving w

  • From Taboo to Understanding: Carol Queen's Advocacy for Sex-Positive Mindset

    17/01/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Have you considered the untold stories in our perceptions of sexuality? How do community strength, the role of play and toys in sexual exploration, and the promotion of sex positivity, as seen through Carol's insights, contribute to fostering a more inclusive society?In this captivating episode of This Anthro Life, we engage in a captivating conversation with Carol Queen, a renowned sexologist and advocate for sex positivity. Carol delves into her personal journey within the realm of sexology, emphasizing the imperative nature of embracing and understanding our sexuality. She unravels the historical influences on societal attitudes towards sex and passionately advocates for open discussions on sexual orientation, pleasure, and diversity. This episode explores the impact of shame on limiting our comprehension of diverse sexual experiences and underscores the power of community, the role of play and toys in sexual exploration, and the overarching importance of a sex-positive mindset for a more inclusive society

  • Redefining Accessibility, Inclusion, and Human Rights with Victor Pineda

    11/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    How does the interplay between big systems-level questions and fundamental human questions in accessibility, disability rights, and human potential? In this captivating episode of This Anthro Life, we embark on a profound exploration of accessibility, disability rights, and human potential through an enthralling conversation with a distinguished expert who has devoted his life to these pivotal issues. The discussion delves deep into the intricate fusion of macro-level concerns related to policy and governance, seamlessly intertwining with deeply personal inquiries into identity and purpose. Victor Pineda, a multifaceted individual, sheds light on the profound significance of acknowledging and embracing the diverse spectrum of human emotions and experiences. His compelling insights challenge societal preconceptions about disability, advocating for a redefinition of worth that transcends limitations. The conversation touches upon themes of empowerment, the courage to pose meaningful questions, and the proactive

  • From Chaos to Clarity: How to Challenge Misinformation with James Mawhinney

    04/01/2024 Duration: 49min

    What are the consequences of misinformation on personal relationships, business operations, and regulatory decisions? And how does the spread of misinformation pose an existential threat to society as a whole? What role does artificial intelligence play in the creation and proliferation of misinformation?In this thought-provoking episode of This Anthro Life, we delve deep into the chaotic world of misinformation and its potential existential threats. Our guest, James Mawhinney, founder of, shares his personal and harrowing journey through the eye of a misinformation storm that led to the creation of his platform, which aims to counteract the spread of misinformation and provide a space for individuals and organizations to manage their narratives and reputations.James recounts the story of his investment company, which, after successfully raising a significant amount of capital and investing in a diversified portfolio, faced a catastrophic turn of events.We discuss the broader implications of misinfo

  • The Path to Long-term Happiness: A New Theory on Mental Health and Neurodiversity

    27/12/2023 Duration: 55min

    The traditional view of mental health often focuses on the absence of mental illness, but a new theory is emerging that emphasizes the importance of neurodiversity and individual differences in the pursuit of long-term happiness. The question is, how can we reconcile the medicalization of mental health with the idea of neurodiversity and the unique strengths that come with different neurotypes?In this episode of This Anthro Life, we dive into a new perspective on mental health and well-being and how traditional models of mental illness focus only on treatment, not optimization of wellness. Ryan's work, which is detailed in his new book "Become Who You Are," offers a fresh perspective on how ancient philosophy and modern psychology intersect to address issues like anxiety and depression. He introduces the concept of "virtue signaling theory," which views traits like courage and compassion as evolutionary adaptations that helped humans navigate social hierarchies. Self-esteem evolved as a way to track social st

  • The Search for Dignity and Respect: An Exploration of Human Universals

    20/12/2023 Duration: 50min

    How do narratives shape our understanding of shared human experiences like dignity and respect? And, in what ways can an emphasis on human universals through inclusive narratives help fulfill fundamental human desires for dignity and respect?In this episode of This Anthro Life, we explore these questions through a discussion with sociologist Michele Lamont and her research on narratives and society. Lamont's concept of "ordinary universalism" focuses narrative frameworks on common aspects of human dignity and respect rather than divisions. Evidence shows these universal needs are fundamentally sought. Generational attitudes found Gen Z prioritizes authentic self-expression and inclusion through exploring shared experiencesIn addition, Michele's research offers a unique perspective on societal trends through the lens of ordinary universalism. We also explore how Gen Z is leading the way towards a more inclusive culture and the role of narratives in driving philanthropic and political action. Michele’s examples

  • The Trillion Dollar Plan to Transform Waste: Dan Nienhauser’s Vision for a Cleaner Future

    13/12/2023 Duration: 44min

    In the episode of This Anthro Life, the dialogue investigates waste transformation and how waste can be converted into useful energy and materials. Dan explains his work with Stellar Three focusing on pyrolysis technology that uses heat in an oxygen-free environment to break down plastics and other waste into synthetic gas, oils and carbon black. This process allows waste to be converted back into raw materials to make new plastics, chemicals and fuels.The conversation touches on the large scale of the global waste problem and opportunities to address it through diversified solutions tailored to different regional needs and economic contexts. Collaboration between organizations is emphasized to collectively advance solutions and public education around waste transformation is seen as important to gain broader support and participation in these efforts.Dan discusses various projects Stellar Three is working on around the world to implement this technology on a larger scale. He highlights how a single pyrolysis

  • How to Ensure Human Autonomy in the Age of Algorithms and AI with Brian Evergreen

    06/12/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    What does the concept of autonomy bring to mind for you?How has AI already begun reshaping how we work and make decisions? And do you think AI and algorithms should play a role in organizational decision-making? Why or why not? In the episode of This Anthro Life, the discussion delves into the intersection of human autonomy and the evolving landscape of AI. It emphasizes the need for diverse voices that prioritize human well-being, flourishing, and autonomy in the face of technological advancement. Brian's work, aimed at empowering leaders to prioritize people over profit and harness technology to enhance our humanity, underscores the importance of ensuring that AI serves humanity rather than subjugating it. The conversation also touches on the historical context of work, particularly during industrialization, where the focus was on efficiency over people. This highlights the need to reevaluate the role of AI in the workplace and consider how it can be harnessed to prioritize human values and autonomy. Brian'

  • Everyday War: How Small Intimate Moments Shape Wartime Realities in Ukraine with Greta Uehling

    29/11/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    How do civilians strategically engage with conflict while seeking everyday peace? How do power dynamics and asymmetries impact the ability of civilians to strategically engage with conflict while simultaneously seeking everyday peace, and what are the implications of these dynamics for broader peace and stability in war-torn environments?In this episode of This Anthro Life, we explore an insightful discussion with anthropologist Greta Uehling about her ethnographic research on civilians' experiences during the Ukraine conflict. Uehling introduces concepts like "everyday war" and "everyday peace" to examine how civilians strategically navigate and mitigate the effects of war through their interpersonal relationships and actions.The conversation challenges assumptions that war stops everyday life. Through stories of civilians like Alexander supporting her sniper father and "Pasha" finding community after displacement, Uehling demonstrates civilians' agency beyond preconceived notions of victimhood. She also dis

  • The Future is Speaking: Unveiling the Power of Voice Technology with Tobias Dengel

    22/11/2023 Duration: 43min

    What new possibilities do you see emerging with voice technology? How might it influence our interactions with businesses and services in the future and what if your voice could transform the way we interact with technology? Imagine a world where your voice can effortlessly interact with devices and transform the way we navigate our surroundings.In this episode of This Anthro Life, we explore the world of future technology with guest Tobias Dengel, a leading expert in digital transformation, and discuss the power of voice technology and its potential to transform how we interact with devices and the world around us. Dengel sheds light on the reasons why integrating voice technology into existing platforms is perceived as a safer approach compared to building entirely new platforms from scratch. He emphasizes the importance of leveraging the familiarity and trust already established with these platforms, enabling a smoother transition for users. Additionally, Dengel delves into the widespread adoption of voice

  • The Power of Collective Identity: Brad Deutser on Building Human-Centered Organizations

    15/11/2023 Duration: 55min

    What is the importance of belonging in the workplace according to research? And what are some key actions that business leaders can take to create a fantastic work culture? In this episode of This Anthro Life, we delve into the topic of building a stronger sense of belonging and identity within organizations through dimensional leadership.Drawing from his extensive research involving more than 15,000 employees, Brad Deutser highlights the crucial role that belonging plays in fostering engagement, satisfaction, and retention. He unveils the five "Belonging Rules" that emerged from his work: harnessing the power of identity, listening without preconceived labels, prioritizing identity over purpose, challenging established norms, and demanding unwavering honesty. We also tackle the importance of addressing underlying power structures and norms to drive lasting change. A particularly compelling point raised by Deutser is the need to embrace diverse perspectives without necessitating complete agreement, as it is t

  • Interstellar Dreams vs. Earthly Realities: Rethinking Space Exploration With Savannah Mandel

    08/11/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Have you ever wondered if reaching for the stars is humanity's most urgent priority? Is it the thrill of exploration, the endless possibilities, or our desire to ensure that our species has a plan B? In this episode of This Anthro Life, we tackle the captivating and fascinating world of Space Exploration and Space Industry with anthropologist Savannah Mandel. Savannah Mandel shares her research and experiences working in the human space exploration industry. She discusses her journey from being a starry-eyed lover of space as a child to developing more critical perspectives as her research progressed. She remains devoted to bringing anthropological research methods to bear, diversifying voices in the field, and furthering public understanding. We also touch on topics like decolonizing space, diversifying voices and perspectives involved in the industry, applying anthropological research to create real-world impact, and studying speculative futures. Join in for another episode that takes you on a journey beyon

  • Wisdom from the Edge: Writing Ethnography in Turbulent Times With Paul Stoller

    01/11/2023 Duration: 48min

    Are you curious about the untapped wisdom that exists outside of traditional academic knowledge? Do you want to learn how stories, dialogue, and sensory experiences can enhance our understanding of the world? In this episode of This Anthro Life, we dive into the fascinating world of anthropology with esteemed anthropologist and author Paul Stoller. Paul shares his fascinating experiences studying healing practices and encountering unexplainable phenomena in Niger. We delve into the importance of storytelling, deep listening, and the need for ethnography to engage all senses. Paul further emphasizes the power of evocative writing, the value of passing down knowledge through generations, and the profound wisdom we can gain from unexpected sources. Tune in to discover the transformative potential of anthropology and how it can shape our understanding of the human condition.Key takeaways:Learn how immersive fieldwork pushes boundaries of understanding and challenges preconceptions through lived experiences in oth

  • From Automation to Revolution: Exploring the Future of Conversational AI

    25/10/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Did you know that conversation, one of the oldest human technologies, is reshaping the future of how we interact with machines? We’re not talking Siri or Alexa here, but conversational AI, interfaces anyone can create and hyper automation that links together our intentions, tools and technologies. Join us in this episode of This Anthro Life as we delve into the fascinating world of conversational AI, hyper automation and composable software systems with the brilliant mind of User Experience (UX) pioneer Robb Wilson. Discover why embracing conversation and removing the barriers of complex software interfaces might just be the key to unlocking new opportunities and improved outcomes in the digital age.In this thought-provoking conversation, we explore the potential shift away from antiquated software interfaces and the exciting possibilities that conversational AI brings. From the potential of no-code approaches and decentralized business models to the interconnectedness of user experience, customer experience,

  • Navigating Uncertainty: Lessons from the Frontlines of COVID-19 Testing

    18/10/2023 Duration: 53min

    What can we learn from our handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to better prepare for future crises? Why is it crucial to build a diagnostic infrastructure for future crises? And what lessons can we learn from the collaboration between healthcare providers and the sports industry during the COVID-19 pandemic? In this fascinating episode of This Anthro Life podcast, surgeon-turned-CEO Jon Cohen shares the story of how he and his team led the nation in the creation of diagnostics testing for COVID-19. Jon has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 testing efforts, working tirelessly to build a diagnostic infrastructure and tackle the challenges posed by the pandemic. From setting up drive-through testing centers to providing testing for the NFL and the NBA, Jon has been involved in a wide range of testing initiatives. Join us as we explore the critical importance of testing during a crisis, the logistics involved, and the leadership lessons learned along the way.Bringing us to today, Jon highlights the immense nee

  • Navigating the Labyrinth of Perception: Wisdom, Language, and Post-Trauma Growth

    10/10/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    How does language shape our understanding of experiences? How do we navigate trauma and find growth amidst adversity? Join us in this thought-provoking episode of This Anthro Life as we delve into the power of perception, the importance of emotional intelligence, and the role of our internal GPS in making sense of the world. Our guest, Amrita Subramanian, an esteemed expert in cultural contexts and relationships, sheds light on how language, trauma, and resilience intertwine in our everyday lives. Get ready to challenge conventional wisdom, uncover the hidden depths of grief, and embark on a journey of self-reflection. Amrita SubramanianAmrita Subramanian is a renowned expert in cultural contexts, relationships, and emotional intelligence. With a deep understanding of the complexities of language and identity, Amrita brings a fresh perspective to the podcast, challenging our assumptions and inviting us to explore the depths of our own experiences. As a seasoned speaker, consultant, and teacher, her insights i

  • Understanding Tribal Signals: A Conversation with an Evolutionary Anthropologist

    27/09/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    The episode emphasizes how understanding our innate human drives and dispositions is critical, as awareness allows us to work with them constructively. In particular, humans have a "tribe drive" - an instinct to cooperate and identify with groups, even strangers. Figuring out the signals that activate this drive is an important mission. David Samson talks about the concept of tribalism and the role it plays in human behavior. He discusses the idea of evolutionary mismatch, where humans are evolved for a different environment than the one they currently live in. This episode explains that tribes are intersubjective belief networks that signal coalitionary alliances to bootstrap trust among strangers. Moreover, it explores the power of tribal signals, such as symbols, language, music, and ideology, in creating a sense of belonging and identity. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the importance of being conscious of our identity stack and the proportion of abstract tribes (e.g., political tribes) versus face-t

  • Bridging the Gap: Bringing Science to the Public Imagination

    21/09/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    This episode is about the importance of supporting public access to science and helping experts and scientists in their work. Dr. Nicholas B. Dirks, joins host Adam Gamwell to discuss the work of the New York Academy of Sciences, which emphasizes the importance of science and the need for public engagement. Together, we highlight the changing relationship between science and broader society over time and the misconception of science as a singular established truth. The episode also explores challenges in communicating the nature of scientific discovery, addressing public skepticism towards scientific messages, and the role of science in addressing climate change and technological advancements. Dirks emphasizes the need to support and connect science across disciplines and engage with the public effectively. Additionally, the episode touches on the tension between liberal arts and public policy, the importance of public awareness in scientific thinking, uncertainty and trust in the scientific process, the role

  • The Intersection of AI, UX, and Human Experience

    07/09/2023 Duration: 01h47min

    In this episode, Joe Schaeppi explores the concept of designing human-centric experiences and the intersection of AI, design, and technology. He shares his journey toward designing experiences that promote mindfulness and self-knowledge. The conversation goes towards designing human-centric experiences, the challenges of measuring outcomes, the need for community and constructive criticism, the limitations of hyper-personalization, and the importance of understanding the audience and creating meaningful experiences. Moreover, it focuses on the limitations of big data in understanding consciousness, the role of language in shaping thoughts, the role of AI in creativity, and the success of certain games in the gaming industry. The episode also touches on the importance of understanding oneself through psychological assessment and the potential role of AI in self-discovery.Joe Schaeppi Joe is an entrepreneur and leader in the gaming and psychology fields. He co-founded and is CEO of Solsten, a company that integ

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