Element Christian Church



Download Element's weekly sermons and sermon notes. Visit ourelement.org/media/messages for more.


  • 2011 Churchwide Meeting

    28/01/2011 Duration: 54min

    Listen to Element's Church-wide Meeting

  • Missing Words Part 02 - Who God Is

    24/01/2011 Duration: 30min

    God’s character has always remained constant throughout all of human history. Ages have come and gone, people have changed, and they have tried to place that change upon God. Our great God has always been a God of not only justice, but of righteousness, forgiveness, grace and hope.

  • Missing Words Part 01 - Hidden But Known

    17/01/2011 Duration: 32min

    Scripture is all about Jesus. When in doubt, look for Jesus in a passage or narrative. Everything ultimately points to Him as our redeemer and hope.

  • Jude Part 02 - How do we contend for the Faith?

    10/01/2011 Duration: 38min

    We saw that Jude starts his letter by pointing out that our salvation from beginning to end is the result of God gracious working in our life. Jude then urges the faithful to “contend for the faith once for all entrusted to the saints. But as we’ve seen through the rest of the letter, God doesn’t do the believing for us. We are responsible to REMEMBER his warnings, and to REMAIN in his love, to REACH OUT to those in error, and finally to REST in God’s ability to save us completely by his glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • Jude Part 01 - Grace without Godliness leads to Gehenna

    03/01/2011 Duration: 45min

    Jude goes to great lengths to describe the lifestyle of sin and ungodliness that characterized the false teachers in the church. They assume that the grace of God revealed in Christ gives them the freedom to do just about anything they want to do. They have no regard for the authority of Christ so they engage in all kinds of sins of the flesh. They are godless, yet they claim to be Christians. Jude doesn’t mince words and he leaves no doubt that they are false teachers proclaiming a false gospel and they are destined for hell.

  • Meeting God

    27/12/2010 Duration: 35min

    If you're going to meet God: You have to meet Him alone. You have to meet Him for Blessing. You have to meet Him at the point of weakness.

  • MADE Part 10 - Softer

    19/12/2010 Duration: 32min

    Learn to connect the gift—which you already love—with the Giver, whom you want to love more. You start with what you already like and work your way back to its source, to God. You taste and see that the Lord is good.

  • MADE Part 09 - Feed Your Mind

    13/12/2010 Duration: 37min

    Most people already know more than they need to know...it is simply LIVING what we claim we know that needs to be done. We don’t become doers on our own, as we read the Scripture, we ask the Spirit to help us understand what to do in response. The intersection of what the Scriptures teach and how our lives unfold will give us a never-ceasing stream to actually do what Jesus says. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnOPu0_YWhw

  • MADE Part 08 - The Big Reveal

    05/12/2010 Duration: 35min

    In one sense, you know yourself better than anyone in the world. You alone have access to your inner thoughts, feelings, and judgments. In another way, you know yourself worse than anyone else can know you. Because we hate being honest with ourselves about ourselves...we all rationalize, justify, minimize, forget, and embellish—and we do not even know when we are doing it.

  • Giving

    28/11/2010 Duration: 32min

    We are so consumed with giving in this time of year, we forget to give God what we should be giving Him. Our love, our life, we are to live for Him in everything we do. We are great at quickly accepting the good things that He gives us, but we are slower to give back. We forget to give Him what He deserves: our love, for He first loved us.

  • MADE Part 07 - Hi Ho! Hi Ho!

    22/11/2010 Duration: 34min

    One of the things the Holy Spirit does is encourage believers in their work. In reading the scriptures you realize God is still active, even today, and He is working. Work brings pleasure to the image of God in us.

  • MADE Part 06 - Tough People

    14/11/2010 Duration: 33min

    People are hard to get along with because we are all evil. Sin is in us and comes out through our words and actions. Sin separated people from each other and God...sin leads to only death. The simple fact is that we all sin.

  • MADE Part 05 - Worreis, Unite

    07/11/2010 Duration: 34min

    God is never anxious, worried or afraid. His presence in the midst of our lives should be a calming influence because He knows all that we will face. So today’s question section will be a little different.

  • Engage The Culture You Live In.

    31/10/2010 Duration: 29min

    This Halloween: Engage the culture you live in: 1. Don’t turn out the lights and ignore it. Halloween won’t go away. So if you don’t support this holiday, determine to turn a negative into a positive. 2. If you’re staying home: buy some candy, answer the door and when you put candy in the children’s bags be kind and say hi to their parents. 3. If you have children, don’t take fun away from them, go “Trick-or-Treating” with them. How often can you go door to door on a day when almost everyone will answer the door with a pleasant attitude? 4. PRAY! Pray for the safety of the children who will be out on that night, but more importantly pray that the Gospel will go out that night as well—and that through God’s word some lost soul might come to know Jesus.

  • MADE Part 04 - Being Human

    24/10/2010 Duration: 35min

    People are okay telling a doctor that their bodies have a problem or telling a mechanic that their car has a problem. Why is it so difficult for people who sin to tell other people who commit sins that they have a sin problem?

  • MADE Part 03 - Know Your Weakness

    18/10/2010 Duration: 38min

    Our greatest strength usually brings about our greatest weaknesses. Knowing both will help us better live on mission in the name of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • MADE Part 02 - Know How You Grow

    11/10/2010 Duration: 33min

    Just like shoes, hats, pants and shorts, one size dies not fit all in terms of spiritual growth. God made us unique and wants to develop that uniqueness as children who bring Him glory and honor.

  • MADE Part 01 - You Were Made For More

    03/10/2010 Duration: 32min

    God created you to simply be you, not anyone else on the planet (or in all of creation). Unfortunately we all seem to think we need to be someone else in order to truly grow into who we think God wants us to be... but only GOD knows who he wants us to be.

  • Part 16 Pride & Humility - A Closer Look at Haman's Story

    26/09/2010 Duration: 38min

    Pride is the result of our fallen and deceitful hearts, whereby we look to ourselves and others instead of our God and creator, to find significance, approval and love. Pride puts us in competition with others as we seek our own glory above others and turns our focus onto ourselves. It is based on an unrealistic view of who we really are, and who God really is. Humility is the ability to see the truth about ourselves and about God, and to act accordingly.

  • Part 15 Esther10 - Called to Greatness

    20/09/2010 Duration: 35min

    God’s story for humanity will be a good one...but the question really is, “what type of story are you living?” We are all in a story but are our lives something that would inspire us?

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