Element Christian Church

Engage The Culture You Live In.



This Halloween: Engage the culture you live in: 1. Don’t turn out the lights and ignore it. Halloween won’t go away. So if you don’t support this holiday, determine to turn a negative into a positive. 2. If you’re staying home: buy some candy, answer the door and when you put candy in the children’s bags be kind and say hi to their parents. 3. If you have children, don’t take fun away from them, go “Trick-or-Treating” with them. How often can you go door to door on a day when almost everyone will answer the door with a pleasant attitude? 4. PRAY! Pray for the safety of the children who will be out on that night, but more importantly pray that the Gospel will go out that night as well—and that through God’s word some lost soul might come to know Jesus.