St. Luke Columbus



These are the weekly sermons preached at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Columbus, Ohio.


  • Never Go Hungry // Steve Brown

    25/07/2021 Duration: 25min

    We repeatedly grow physically hungry when we have not eaten physical food. In this sense our appetites are insatiable. The same is spiritually true when we find our primary satisfaction and security in the work we do and the fleeting experiences of this world. We continue to hunger for more to fill the black hole inside of us.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • How God Moved In Me This Summer // St Luke Students

    25/07/2021 Duration: 21min

    This past year has been a year unlike anything we have had to deal with. Our world has changed, but God never changed. This Sunday we will look at what God did in the lives of these students in midst of the change we’ve all experienced.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Flourishing Spirituality // Mike Weaver

    18/07/2021 Duration: 23min

    In the midst of unrelenting change and challenge in our culture today, many people are feeling overwhelmed, tired, and burned out.  It can be a challenge to flourish in life today, especially spiritually.     One-third of church-going adults have seen a decline in their spiritual life over the past few months, according to a Barna Report of the spiritual state of Columbus.    The wisdom of Psalm 1 and the teaching of Jesus show us how we might all deepen our spiritual lives and flourish even during challenging times like these.    Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 7: Images Without Substance // Steve Brown

    11/07/2021 Duration: 33min

    Eugene Peterson writes, “We live in a culture where a new beginning is far more attractive than a long follow-through. Images are important. Beginnings are important. But an image without substance is a lie. A beginning without a continuation is a lie.”   Although Gideon had been a faithful leader, he made a move near the end of his career that had unintended consequences. He made an ephod that the Hebrews prostituted themselves by worshipping it. The ephod became an image without substance and a snare to Gideon and his family. This set up the Hebrews to fall into the same old trip trap of rebellion against God.   We can avoid this trap through a life-long follow-through of remaining obedient to God’s Word and not get caught up in a continual chase after what is new.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 6: Act By Faith Alone  // Mike Weaver

    04/07/2021 Duration: 20min

    “Take nothing with you,” Jesus tells the disciples before they are sent by twos to heal and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God. Gideon now faced a massive Midianite army camped in the valley with 300 men armed with trumpets and empty clay jars. The victory was certain, “I am going to give it [the camp of the Midianites] into your hands,” (Judges 7:9) God tells Gideon. The question remains, will Gideon act on the promise.  Will we?   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 5: Radical Trust  // Mike Weaver

    27/06/2021 Duration: 19min

    Gideon has a newfound strength and trust within him, one that moves him to radical trust in God and God’s guidance.  He has a new name, “Jerub-Baal” meaning, “Let Baal contend”.  Internally, Gideon has become the mighty warrior and he is now ready to go toe to toe with the Midianites.  What would our name be as we face the overwhelming forces against us?  The army God chooses will be like Gideon, internally strong, whose strength is found in God alone.  Who has God chosen to fight with us?   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 4: God Meets Us Where We Are // Steve Brown

    20/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    When facing the overwhelming military strength of the Midianites, Gideon’s faith faltered and he was no longer certain that God would save Israel through Gideon. So, Gideon asked God for two very specific signs that were counter to nature. Without hesitation, God gave Gideon the exact signs Gideon requested. What are the spiritual values and pitfalls of requesting signs from the Lord?    Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 3: Bold Moves // Mike Weaver

    13/06/2021 Duration: 23min

    Gideon, the mighty reluctant warrior, acts.  He’s commanded by God to do something that frightens Gideon, “Tear down your father’s altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole beside it” (Judges 6:25).  Sometimes, the first boldest move God asks us to do isn’t feeding 5000, it is internal, as we self-differentiate ourselves from our families and friends to become the people God asks us to be.      Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 2: From Weakness to Strength // Mike Weaver

    06/06/2021 Duration: 24min

    Throughout Biblical history, God calls unqualified, ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Whether it be the disciples called to feed a crowd of 5000 hungry people or Gideon to defeat the Midianites, God uses people like you and me to act boldly and gracefully in the faces of the various challenges we face.  This week in this series, A Gideon Summer, we come to grips with our own weaknesses as we assess where God is calling us to face the challenges around us.  We may be, like Gideon, reluctant warriors, but we are warriors nonetheless.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Gideon Summer, Part 1: Same Old Trip Trap // Steve Brown

    30/05/2021 Duration: 21min

    In the book of the Judges, the people of God repeatedly were brought to a place where they thought evil was winning. We learn from the story of Gideon as to why this is happening and how to respond. When the angel of the Lord appeared to call a very discouraged Gideon to be the next judge of Israel, the angel began by saying, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” When evil appears to be winning, know that the Lord is with you.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • The Holy Spirit, Part 3: Advocate // Steve Brown

    23/05/2021 Duration: 39min

    The Holy Spirit is our advocate who convicts, enlightens, and motivates me to live a holy life that is pleasing to Jesus – to make me more like Jesus. This is called the process of sanctification and wholly the work of God, the Holy Spirit.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • The Holy Spirit, Part 2: Keeper // Mike Weaver

    16/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    Martin Luther explains that the Holy Spirit sanctifies us by leading “us into his holy community, placing us upon the bosom of the church, where he preaches to us and brings us to Christ.” This message explores how the Holy Spirit keeps us trusting in Jesus, even when we’re compelled to doubt. Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • The Holy Spirit, Part 1: Pioneer // Steve Brown

    09/05/2021 Duration: 26min

    Martin Luther explains that the Holy Spirit sanctifies us by leading “us into his holy community, placing us upon the bosom of the church, where he preaches to us and brings us to Christ.” In part one of our series, we explore how the Holy Spirit is the pioneer who blazes the trail for our faith. Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • What Do We Value Most? // Mike Weaver

    02/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    Our values shape our expectations, attitudes, habits, and behaviors. How do our values align with God’s? Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Compassion Sunday // Mike Weaver

    25/04/2021 Duration: 21min

    Compassion means putting our faith into action in an important, tangible way. St Luke is joining other churches across the country in a movement to release children around the world from poverty through child sponsorship. Jesus taught us to serve the poor and those in need, about generosity and about why every child deserves hope. How can you bring hope to a child in need?   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Jesus Self-Defined, Part 7: I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life // Steve Brown

    18/04/2021 Duration: 33min

    We live in a culture with growing diversity, competing claims for truth, and greater uncertainty. We also have a foundational hope to know what is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. So, how can we know the way, the truth, and the life?  Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Jesus Self-Defined, Part 6: I am the Vine // Steve Brown

    11/04/2021 Duration: 33min

    From the time that Jesus walked the earth, people have tried to define Jesus. What if we let Jesus define himself? Jesus once said, “I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.” (John 8:18) The Gospel of John records seven statements that Jesus made about himself, all beginning with “I am …” Using these statements and other related Bible passages, we will seek to learn how Jesus defined himself. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” What does that mean for the life of a branch (you, me)? Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • Jesus Self-Defined, Part 5: I am the Resurrection // Mike Weaver

    04/04/2021 Duration: 21min

    From the time that Jesus walked the earth, people have tried to define Jesus. What if we let Jesus defined himself? Jesus once said, “I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.” (John 8:18) The Gospel of John records seven statements that Jesus made about himself, all beginning with “I am …” Using these statements and other related Bible passages, we will seek to learn how Jesus defined himself. Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • The Seven Last Words of Jesus // St Luke Preachers

    02/04/2021 Duration: 31min

    Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

  • For You // Steve Brown

    01/04/2021 Duration: 18min

    God is not against you. Jesus said, "This is my body given for you." "This cup is the new covenant in my blood shed for you." In Holy Communion, God, the Son, Jesus, comes face to face with us and says, This is me, for you. We can be certain that God the Son, Jesus, is right here with us. Holy Communion is for you and a profoundly personal encounter with Holy God. Lessons: Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14, Hebrews 10:16-23, Luke 22:7-20 Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content.   Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website

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