St. Luke Columbus

Gideon Summer, Part 7: Images Without Substance // Steve Brown



Eugene Peterson writes, “We live in a culture where a new beginning is far more attractive than a long follow-through. Images are important. Beginnings are important. But an image without substance is a lie. A beginning without a continuation is a lie.”   Although Gideon had been a faithful leader, he made a move near the end of his career that had unintended consequences. He made an ephod that the Hebrews prostituted themselves by worshipping it. The ephod became an image without substance and a snare to Gideon and his family. This set up the Hebrews to fall into the same old trip trap of rebellion against God.   We can avoid this trap through a life-long follow-through of remaining obedient to God’s Word and not get caught up in a continual chase after what is new.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website