Restoration On Fire With Doug Philp



We all sin. Today far to many people are struggling to be restored in their church simply because church leaders do not understand biblical restoration. RestorationOnFire is the podcast created for you and serves two purposes. First to help you through your restoration process using the S.O.A.P method to study the Bible, and to help you one day become a church leader who can walk with others in restoring them with a true Biblical perspective.


  • 012 - 1 Corinthians 6:17

    25/06/2015 Duration: 12min

    "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him." Paul is writing to the church in Corinth because it is common knowledge there are some issues inside the church not being dealt with accordingly. In fact, arrogance seems to guide the church and they are not ashamed of the behaviors happening. Paul even goes so far as to shame the Corinthians in this chapter, even boldly stating, "I say this to your shame." What was wrong? Sexual immorality and taking the brethren to court were two big issues Paul addresses. He asks the question, 'Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?" Listen to today's podcast to hear Paul's admonition to the church. It's appropriate for us today!

  • 011 - 1 Corinthians 3: 6

    24/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. The process of restoration works best when man walks alongside God in His restoration process in the lives of the fallen. What this looks like is different by circumstance and situation, certainly. Yet, if you have ever gone through a bad restoration process then you understand lives are in the balance. It looks like people walking alongside the fallen. If it doesn't, something is wrong. Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. Notice that there are two people involved with God. Yes paul is writing about more than restoring, the concept is the same. Two or more people coming around the fallen individual, walking with them in accountability and friendship all while working together in communication to insure the fallen is healing. God will give the increase during the restoring process - Actually it is God doing the restoring while man facilitates accountability and encouragement. Listen to today's podcast to discover more.

  • 010 - 1 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16

    23/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    The natural man, the Spirit of God and understanding. Phew... a lot to dig into today with these three verses. Let's listen today and discover more! There is a barrier to understanding true wisdom. That barrier is whether or not an individual acknowledges God in the first place. Because in not acknowledging Him, man can never understand the things of the Spirit of God. If you are struggling to make sense of this, consider a common phrase often repeated, "ignorance of the law is not an excuse." Which essentially means not knowing the law does not give you reason to plead 'not guilty' if you break the law. So it is with the things of God. Not believing in Him does not negate that He exists. You are merely walking about in your own wisdom ultimately blind to ever finding the truth. And God will not impart the things of His Spirit upon anyone who does not believe He exists because they are not seeking, or asking for His understanding. Jeremiah 29:13 makes it pretty cut and dried, "And you will seek Me a

  • 009 - 1 Corinthians 2: 11, 12

    22/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    1 Corinthians 2: 11, 12 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Seeking man's wisdom will fail every time. Just take a look around, it is 2015, and man's wisdom has the world in a mess. A huge mess people will spend the next 100 years arguing over who is at fault - those arguments based on man, and his wisdom, not God. Praise be to God that He provides His Spirit freely to anyone who wishes to receive Him. And, His wisdom provided with His Spirit! It's true however we live in the world, and suffer trials and tribulations as such, yet we are not of this world as Believers in Him through faith, and can overcome. As long as we walk in the Spirit, His wisdom and guidance. But how? By first choosing the Lord Jesus as our Savior, confessing and belie

  • 008 - 1 Corinthians

    21/06/2015 Duration: 12min

    Restoration is done through the wisdom of God, few individuals can walk with you in your restoration process, if any, because few are aligned with the Spirit to do the restoring. Why? Well, because man just does not have the wisdom to get the job done. God however does! He will be there at your side every time! It is in the power of God alone that your faith has any strength, and not in your wisdom or strength, never is this enough. Now here is the statement I'm going to make that may offend some, "few inside the church, leaders or otherwise, who walk close enough with God to have the faith to walk in restoration" with you or anyone else. Turn to God first for the restoring power in your life. The isdom you gain will change your life, and the life of others.

  • 007 - 1 Samuel 16:7

    20/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    1 Samuel 16:7 God doesn't see as we see does He? Samuel was tasked to go th the home of Jesse where God would annoint one of Jesse's sons as the next king. But as each son came up to Samuel the Lord kept saying "No" not him. Samuel was, I imagine, beginning to get a little frustrated and looked upon one son as surely the man. And this is where today's verse enters the equation: But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Isn't it just like me to be just like Samuel and look at the outward man. How about you? Be sure to listen to today's podcast.

  • 006 - 1 Chronicles 28:9 Restoration on Fire

    19/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    1 Chronicles 28:9 King David gives word to Solomon his son essentially telling Solomon to remain true the the one True God; that if you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever. It is so important to remain attached to the vine, to seek God each day, wouldn't you agree? For me the SOAP method boils down to exactly what I discovered when reading 'The Divine Mentor' by Wayne Cordeiro. In the book he spoke of allowing the individuals in the Bible to become mentors in your life, and I have done just this, it is amazing! And when you stop to consider these are people placed in the Bible for our benefit today ...why wouldn't God use their lives to mentor us? Listen to today's message and get a better idea of how this 'SOAP method' works.

  • 005 - SOAPIES listening to God

    18/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer - S.O.A.P. The easiest method to study the Word of God!

  • 004 -

    17/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    1 Thessalonians 4:9 Paul writes to encourage the church to remain steadfast in love and faith. Not only, but to go deeper in relationship with God and strengthen their faith, and love for one another. listen on as we explore restoration through the Word of God!

  • 003

    16/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Restoration On Fire brings you matters of the heart through true biblical restoration. Are you sinning now? And you want out? Well, it starts with confession whether you have been caught, or not. Yes. That's right. Confession is the start of restoration... so let's together you and I get to it!

  • 000 Restoration On Fire

    12/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    Restoration On Fire hosted by Doug Philp providing daily insight into restoring the church and leaders the the restoration process of S.O.A.P. We all sin. We all need help. It is God who provides that help through people willing to walk with those fallen in sin through restoration, providing hope and enouragement along the way.

  • RestorationOnFire - First Day!

    11/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Welcome to the first day after the RestorationOnFire episode000. We begin by taking a look at the Word of God usine the S.O.A.P. method to allow His word to study our heart.

  • RestorationOnFire - Day 2

    11/06/2015 Duration: 06min

    RestorationOnFire brings you another day of listening to the Word of God with Doug Philp restoring hope to Christian struggling in sin or restoration.

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