Restoration On Fire With Doug Philp

010 - 1 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16



The natural man, the Spirit of God and understanding. Phew... a lot to dig into today with these three verses. Let's listen today and discover more! There is a barrier to understanding true wisdom. That barrier is whether or not an individual acknowledges God in the first place. Because in not acknowledging Him, man can never understand the things of the Spirit of God. If you are struggling to make sense of this, consider a common phrase often repeated, "ignorance of the law is not an excuse." Which essentially means not knowing the law does not give you reason to plead 'not guilty' if you break the law. So it is with the things of God. Not believing in Him does not negate that He exists. You are merely walking about in your own wisdom ultimately blind to ever finding the truth. And God will not impart the things of His Spirit upon anyone who does not believe He exists because they are not seeking, or asking for His understanding. Jeremiah 29:13 makes it pretty cut and dried, "And you will seek Me a