Lebenswasser Audio



Lebenswasser is a church that is located near Cuauhtemoc Chihuahua, in Mexico. It has a diverse congregation that speaks 4 languages. The preaching is done in Low German, a dialect of German.


  • Emm Jeist waundlen


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Jeroopen too dee Frieheit


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Kjinja derch dee Veheetung


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Daut Jesatz en dee Vaheetung


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Derch den Glooewen jerajcht jeworden?


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Daut Evangelium Veteidjen


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Een aundret Evangelium ess nicht daut Evangelium


    In the “Jesus Auleen” series we will look at the clear teaching of Scripture that we are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus alone. At times we all struggle with a mentality of doing something for our salvation. We can try to add our own works to Jesus’ finished work of salvation. By doing that we destroy the gospel of grace, and we create our own gospel of Jesus + works. Such a false gospel of works cannot save us. Through this series we want to present the clear teaching of Scripture; that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. En la serie “ Solo Jesus” veremos la enseñansa clara de la escritura que somos salvados por gracia, mediante la fee en Jesus solamente. En tiempos todos luchamos con la mentalidad de hacer algo para ser salvados. Podemos agregar nuestras propias obras para la obra de salvacion que Jesus ya termino. En hacer eso destruimos el evangelio de gracia, y creamos nuestro propio evangelio de Jesus + obras. Ese falso evangelio de obras no nos puede salvar. Durant

  • Buen


    Jesus said the most important thing is to love God and serve people. During this 4 week series we will look at how that statement has impacted the vision God has for Lebenswasser. Jesus dijo que lo mas importante es amar a Dios y server a la gente. Durante esta serie de 4 semanas veremos como esa declaración a impactado la vision de Dios para Lebenswasser.

  • Deenen


    Jesus said the most important thing is to love God and serve people. During this 4 week series we will look at how that statement has impacted the vision God has for Lebenswasser. Jesus dijo que lo mas importante es amar a Dios y server a la gente. Durante esta serie de 4 semanas veremos como esa declaración a impactado la vision de Dios para Lebenswasser.

  • Waussen


    Jesus said the most important thing is to love God and serve people. During this 4 week series we will look at how that statement has impacted the vision God has for Lebenswasser. Jesus dijo que lo mas importante es amar a Dios y server a la gente. Durante esta serie de 4 semanas veremos como esa declaración a impactado la vision de Dios para Lebenswasse

  • Gloowen


    Jesus said the most important thing is to love God and serve people. During this 4 week series we will look at how that statement has impacted the vision God has for Lebenswasser. Jesus dijo que lo mas importante es amar a Dios y server a la gente. Durante esta serie de 4 semanas veremos como esa declaración a impactado la vision de Dios para Lebenswasser.

  • Weisheit liet Erfolch


    We live in this world with two different voices of wisdom calling us to follow. The voice of the world’s wisdom and the voice of God’s wisdom. As God’s children, we need to learn to recognize God’s wisdom, and to follow its voice in order to live successful lives in all areas of life. Much heartaches and trouble can be avoided if we learn to reject the wisdom of the world, and learn to recognize and follow the voice of God’s wisdom. In this series we want to learn God’s wisdom and as a result learn to make wise decisions that will lead us to godly success in our lives. Vivimos en este Mundo con dos diferentes voces de sabiduria llamandonos a seguilos. La voz de la sabiduria del mundo y la voz de la sabiduria de Dios. Como hijos de Dios debemos a aprender a reconocer la sabiduria de Dios, y seguir su voz para poder vivir una vida exitosa en todas las areas de nuestras vidas. Nos podemos evitar muchas angustias y problemas si aprendemos a rechazar la sabiduria del mundo, y aprender a reconocer y seguir la voz

  • Dee Säajen von Weisheit


    We live in this world with two different voices of wisdom calling us to follow. The voice of the world’s wisdom and the voice of God’s wisdom. As God’s children, we need to learn to recognize God’s wisdom, and to follow its voice in order to live successful lives in all areas of life. Much heartaches and trouble can be avoided if we learn to reject the wisdom of the world, and learn to recognize and follow the voice of God’s wisdom. In this series we want to learn God’s wisdom and as a result learn to make wise decisions that will lead us to godly success in our lives. Vivimos en este Mundo con dos diferentes voces de sabiduria llamandonos a seguilos. La voz de la sabiduria del mundo y la voz de la sabiduria de Dios. Como hijos de Dios debemos a aprender a reconocer la sabiduria de Dios, y seguir su voz para poder vivir una vida exitosa en todas las areas de nuestras vidas. Nos podemos evitar muchas angustias y problemas si aprendemos a rechazar la sabiduria del mundo, y aprender a reconocer y seguir la voz

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