Lebenswasser Audio



Lebenswasser is a church that is located near Cuauhtemoc Chihuahua, in Mexico. It has a diverse congregation that speaks 4 languages. The preaching is done in Low German, a dialect of German.


  • Jäw Jnod Dee Jeläajenheit


    God's grace makes the Christian life possible. Wundaboare Jnod is a 4 part series looking at God's amazing grace.

  • Jnod, Dee Daut Mäajlijch Moakt


    God's grace makes the Christian life possible. Wundaboare Jnod is a 4 part series looking at God's amazing grace.

  • Waut ess Jnod


    God's grace makes the Christian life possible. Wundaboare Jnod is a 4 part series looking at God's amazing grace.

  • Lot Dee Kjinja no Jesus Kommen


    According to Jesus the 2 greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People. This 5 part series talks about how the values of Lebenswasser line up with that. This series serves as a pre-requisite to Lebenswasser membership.

  • Menschen Deenen


    According to Jesus the 2 greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People. This 5 part series talks about how the values of Lebenswasser line up with that. This series serves as a pre-requisite to Lebenswasser membership.

  • Nenn Komen en Rut Gonen


    According to Jesus the 2 greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People. This 5 part series talks about how the values of Lebenswasser line up with that. This series serves as a pre-requisite to Lebenswasser membership.

  • Leew Bewiesen


    According to Jesus the 2 greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People. This 5 part series talks about how the values of Lebenswasser line up with that. This series serves as a pre-requisite to Lebenswasser membership.

  • Gott Leewen


    According to Jesus the 2 greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People. This 5 part series talks about how the values of Lebenswasser line up with that. This series serves as a pre-requisite to Lebenswasser membership.

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