Your Kick Ass Life Podcast



Join Andrea Owen, life coach and author, as she serves up self help in a easy-to-digest way that is also practical and implementable. Andrea brings you guests as well as solo episodes on topics such as perfectionism, the inner-critic, courage, and more.


  • Episode 523: How to Be Alone with Nicole Antoinette

    03/05/2023 Duration: 46min

    “What do we find when we push ourselves further than we ever thought we could go?” That is just one question Nicole Antoinette explores in her new book, How to be Alone: An 800 Mile Hike on the AZ Trail. This week, Nicole returns to the show to talk about her book and the lessons she learned from her loooong hiking journey. Together we have an insightful conversation about the privilege of choosing your own suffering and the process of becoming a better friend to yourself along the way. Nicole Antoinette is a writer, long-distance hiker, and former indoor kid who never imagined she’d wind up spending months of each year pooping in the woods. She is the author of two adventure memoirs, How To Be Alone and What We Owe To Ourselves (coming September 5, 2023), and she writes a weekly newsletter on Substack called Wild Letters. Featured topics: Why Nicole set out to hike the 800-mile Arizona Trail alone (5:13) How Nicole kept going even when it felt really hard (11:10) Being able to quit things publicly and out

  • Episode 522: Permission to Offend with Rachel Luna

    26/04/2023 Duration: 48min

    This week, Rachel Luna returns to the show! Rachel joins me to talk about some of the topics featured in her upcoming book, Permission to Offend: The Compassionate Guide for Living Unfiltered and Unafraid. This book is so much in alignment with the work that I do and what you often hear about on this podcast. I am excited to share our conversation with you. We talk about what it means to have permission to offend and how it affects the many different roles in our lives. Rachel is a highly sought-after international speaker & Certified Master Neuroscience Coach to 6 and 7-figure earning entrepreneurs. Named by Forbes as one of The 11 Most Inspiring Female Entrepreneurs To Follow On Instagram, this former US Marine has a reputation for inspiring confident action and helping her clients double, triple, and quadruple their income. Her clients often referred to her as their “secret weapon.” Featured topics:  Why Rachel is giving people "Permission to Offend" and what she means by this phrase (5:41) The four Offe

  • Minisode 521: How far you've come

    21/04/2023 Duration: 19min

    I’ve been thinking about confidence and I turned on the mic today to give you a reminder about it. Confidence can be that thing we think will come along if we wish it into existence, but it does take actual steps to make it grow in our lives. I wrote a whole chapter on it in Make Some Noise but thing I’m focusing on today in this minisode, is how far you’ve come.  And you might be thinking, “How far I’ve come! I should be farther along than I am!” and if you’re thinking that, this episode is especially for you.  When we only see that we “don’t have our shit together” or that we’re moving too slow, or whatever else is in the realm of NOT being where we think we should be, we’ll keep looking for evidence of that and subsequently feel like shit.  But, if you look for even the slightest of progress you’ve made, the risks you’ve taken to step out of your comfort zone even when it doesn't work out as planned, THAT is progress, THAT is evidence that you are moving forward and that all adds up to your growth.  Listen

  • Episode 520: Work/life Balance and Motivation with Amanda Walker

    19/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    We are talking about work/life balance, motivational strategies, and how to stop self-sabotaging. My guest this week is the amazing Amanda Walker. Amanda is a Certified Master Performance Coach who helps service-based entrepreneurs, primarily women, reach their full potential! We also explore how women can heal, coach themselves, and become their best damn coach. But wait, before you dive in, I wanted to let you know I am doing a giveaway!

  • Episode 519: Money Mindset, Investing, and Building a Financial Legacy with Chelsea Brennan

    12/04/2023 Duration: 54min

    “There’s no one right way to do money,” says Chelsea Brennan. That’s right, this week we are talking about how to improve your money mindset with the founder of Smart Money Mamas, Chelsea Brennan. Money is a topic many find challenging, and it’s a topic we’ve explored a few times on the show already. As you know, I love uncovering the various ways we can approach personal development, and this week it’s all about how we manage, think about, and invest our money.  An ex-hedge fund manager turned financial educator, Chelsea is dedicated to changing the way we talk about money, helping moms connect with all aspects of their money in a way that lets them overcome emotional blocks, identify what they most want, and create healthy money habits that help them achieve their biggest goals.  We’ll be discussing several of those topics and more in this week’s episode.  Featured topics: What is money or abundance mindset and why it matters (4:19) Building a financial legacy, investments, and long-term equity: “You have

  • Minisode 518: Where did your wildness go?

    07/04/2023 Duration: 40min

    Today I’m bringing you an archived podcast episode from January, 2019. This particular episode was one of the sparks I had that ended up developing into the creative project that is now my third book, Make Some Noise. I had listened to a podcast series that got me thinking about the conditioning we as girls and women are handed and grow up in.Those beliefs and conditioning then shape the beliefs we have about how to act and how to feel about what it means to be a woman.  There are some questions I take you through as I talk about this, and a free worksheet you can download (see below).  *********************************  A few weeks ago I was listening to Scene on Radio, an excellent podcast. It was episode 10, in season 3 where it was a man telling a story about his son going to 6th grade and the changes that took place-- I’ll let you listen to it (it’s REALLY good, please go listen to both season 2 and 3).  There was a particular part where Terry Real, psychologist was talking and said something in particul

  • Episode 517: Process Addictions and Recovery with Jean McCarthy

    05/04/2023 Duration: 55min

    Jean McCarthy returns to the show to talk about her book, “Take Good Care”  which is a collection of encouragement, reflections, and inspiration for sober living. Jean is an award-winning author, blogger, and podcaster who is best known as a voice of recovery advocacy. In this episode, we talk about the pros and cons of recovering out loud, as well as, Jean’s decision to end The Bubble Hour podcast and how in doing so, she created a special documentary and book that catalogs her ten-year journey as a podcaster and recovery advocate.  PLUS, we are doing a BOOK GIVEAWAY! Win a copy of Jean’s book, “Take Good Care!” Be sure to listen to this episode to find out how.  Featured Topics: Getting grounded in her highest and authentic self is how Jean describes her recovery (6:46) We talk about Jean’s decision to end the Bubble Hour podcast after ten years and how her book, Take Good Care, was released in tandem with the show's final season (12:35) Recovering out loud: The pros and cons of being open about recovery

  • Episode 516: Boundaries, Sobriety, and Breaking Stigmas with Michelle Smith

    29/03/2023 Duration: 56min

    Michelle Smith joins me for a conversation about breaking the stigma of sobriety and recovery. Michelle is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the founder of Recovery is the New Black, a digital community for women living or exploring an alcohol-free life. In this episode, we highlight the importance of seeking help and support and how practicing self-awareness and setting boundaries can go a long way in the journey toward sobriety. This episode marks the end of the theme of recovery. Thank you so much for tuning into all of the themed episodes we’ve explored over the last year. Next week we return to episodes featuring guest interviews covering various areas of personal development. Stay tuned!  Featured topics: Some alcohol truths that no one talks about such as alcohol does not discriminate – alcohol dependency can affect anyone (4:28) The first steps someone can take towards sobriety such as practicing awareness and curiosity about why you are drinking, as well as taking a look at your social c

  • Episode 515: Rethinking Your Relationship with Alcohol with Annie Grace

    22/03/2023 Duration: 53min

    As I draw closer to the end of the theme on recovery, author Annie Grace joins me on the show! Annie is the author of “This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life” and “The Alcohol Experiment: A 30-day, Alcohol-Free Challenge to Interrupt Your Habits and Help You Take Control.” Her work has made a significant impact on the way many approaches living an alcohol-free life. In this episode, we cover a range of topics, including why willpower isn't effective when trying to stop drinking, the backstory behind her work, “This Naked Mind,” and how Annie's approach to changing the role of alcohol in her life differs from traditional recovery programs. We also delve into the ways alcohol increases anxiety and the societal trend of “mommy wine drinking.”  This is a must-listen episode for anyone interested in rethinking their relationship with alcohol or supporting loved ones who are navigating their own recovery journey.  Featured topics: Why willpower does not work if you wa

  • Minisode 514: How to Cultivate Confidence

    17/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    In today’s minisode episode, I’m bringing you the summary of a coaching session I had with a woman named Lisa (not her real name). She came to the session wanting coaching around confidence– it was something she wanted more of, especially around her career. Listen in to this short episode as I walk you through the questions I asked her, that hopefully you will ask yourself to be able to work on your own level of confidence. Spoiler…confidence is the end goal, and the path to get there needs to be intentional and specific. I’m sure you’ll see bits of yourself in this minisode, and find some guidance in the questions and tools I give here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 513: Grit, Shame, and Quitting Alcohol with Amberly Lago

    15/03/2023 Duration: 48min

    Amberly Lago, all around badass lady, is on the podcast this week! In this episode, she shares her incredible story of how she got into a terrible accident, went through unimaginable physical pain, and decided to get sober. We also explore the importance of asking for help and not feeling ashamed of one's struggles, as well as the need to confront shame and practice radical acceptance in order to heal. For those new to Amberly and her work, she is a Peak Performance Coach, TEDx Speaker, Podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation.  Some of the topics we discussed include: Amberly shares her story of how she started drinking wine to cope with pain which led to her alcohol addiction (4:35) Confronting shame and embracing radical acceptance (17:47) The difference between grit and resilience (29:55) What it means to live life from a place of ease and flow (36:36) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 512: Anxiety, Healthy Coping Mechanisms, and Recovery with Brad Jensen

    08/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    The Sober Body Builder Brad Jensen is on the show this week! Brad is a former client of mine who has a tremendous redemption story. He is the founder of Key Nutrition where he works with his clients to help them live healthy lives and understand how food and fitness can change your life for the better. In this episode Brad shares his journey of overcoming addiction and finding wellness through fitness, nutrition, and personal development.  Some of the topics we discussed include: Brad shares his downward spiral into addiction and later recovery, which spanned six treatment centers between 2005 and 2012 and 17 bookings in the county jail (5:37) “The gift of desperation often offers a moment of clarity. The gift is to be desperate enough to do something different.” (31”08) How Brad handles triggers today and employs better coping mechanisms following his recovery (34:57) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 511: Women’s mental health and the Lindsay Clancy story

    03/03/2023 Duration: 26min

    Warning, this episode contains talk of attempted suicide and harm to children.  The Lindsay Clancy story may not have made national news, but you’ve probably seen it if you live in the eastern U.S.  Lindsay was a mother of three, who allegedly killed her three young children while suffering from postpartum psychosis. This is an absolutely unimaginable and tragic case, and one that opens up a bigger conversation about women’s mental health. As well as a personal one for me, as I struggled greatly with postpartum anxiety and some psychosis after the birth of my son in 2007.  Lindsay was being treated for her mental illness, and allegedly was on several medications. A recent article quotes an OB/GYN nurse and perinatal mental health advocate by the name of Melissa Anne DuBois, where she explains, “The rhetoric coming from the prosecution and other people in authority hazardously distort the medical complexity of this disorder. When they paint Lindsay as a monster who carried out an elaborate, premeditated murder

  • Episode 510: A Life in Hiding with Laura Cathcart Robbins

    01/03/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Laura Cathcart Robbins returns to the podcast to share her story of addiction and recovery from prescription pills. Her forthcoming Atria/Simon & Schuster memoir, STASH, comes out next month, and I am thrilled to have her back to talk about her journey.  The episode continues our current podcast theme on recovery, which features guests who have struggled with addiction in different areas of their lives. Even if you don't identify as an addict, Laura’s journey (and memoir) is a great story. I hope you tune in! In this episode, you’ll hear: Laura recounts her addiction to prescription pills and how it impacted her life (7:20) What Laura means when she says addiction is a disease of “not enough” (7:56) The effects of hiding your addiction from loved ones (13:33) Laura’s experience with “doctor shopping” as a means to satisfy her addiction to benzos (28:02) The point of no return; what happened when the pills ran out (43:28) Some of the hard truths of recovery, including the fact that “You can’t take everyo

  • Episode 509: Honesty, Healing, and Recovery with Laura McKowen

    22/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    Laura McKowen returns to the show! Laura opens up about the turning point that led her to sobriety and the underlying issues she had to confront. She also shares some insights and teachings from her latest book, Push Off From Here: Nine Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else). She is also the Founder of The Luckiest Club, an international sobriety support community.  We also discuss how drinking is often just one symptom of deeper issues and the importance of honesty and vulnerability in the healing journey. Whether you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, this episode offers insight and hope for anyone seeking a life in recovery and offers a compassionate perspective for understanding and overcoming these challenges. Some of the topics we discussed include: Laura's sobriety and the turning point that made her realize she had to get sober (5:24) How alcohol can be a red flag for underlying issues (7:03) Substance addictions are only a small part of a bigger issue of

  • Minisode 508: On the Point of No Return

    17/02/2023 Duration: 16min

    I’ve talked about what I refer to as “the point of no return” many times in my books and on the podcast, and I’m talking about it again today. This is a point in our lives that we reach many different times, and everyone does to varying degrees.  Today I’m referring to when you’re in transition. You decided you’re done with your ultra-stressful job and you have to quit– but you’re not sure what’s next. You can’t go back to feeling like you can just trudge through, but you’re not ready yet to take the next step. Or maybe that’s happened in a relationship. You leave a partner (or make the decision to leave) and you can’t go back, but are nervous for what’s next.  This is such an important time in our lives and one that doesn’t get talked about enough. So, I'm talking about it today!  Even if this isn't where you are right now, make sure you save this episode in case you need to listen to it again, or share it with someone who you know who's going through a transition in their life.  Learn more about your ad cho

  • Episode 507: Benzos Addiction and Recovery with Melissa Bond

    15/02/2023 Duration: 53min

    We have another thrilling and exciting interview for you today around recovery. Melissa Bond joins me to discuss her story of addiction and recovery from benzodiazepines, more specifically, Ativan. Melissa is a narrative journalist and poet. In the years of her dependence on benzodiazepines, she has blogged and become a regular contributor for Mad in America. She is also the author of the memoir Blood Orange Night where she writes about becoming dependent upon and then withdrawing from benzodiazepines.   Some of the topics we discussed include:   Melissa shares her story of addiction to benzodiazepines and how it affected her life with her family (5:53)   “Benzos are the thieves that take everything.” (21:29)   How Melissa decided to withdraw from benzos and took it upon herself to do it (24:19)   Identifying as an addict and why as a culture we must ask, “What is addiction?” (38:12) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 506: Overdrinking, Controlled Drinking, and Recovery with Sherry B. Price

    08/02/2023 Duration: 48min

    This week, we explore how to stop overdrinking with special guest Sherry Price. Sherry helps women moderate their drinking and as someone who identifies as an addict, I was a bit skeptical of her work. However, after our conversation, I have new insight into her expertise and her thoughts on alcohol and addiction. We also discussed the stigma around addiction, different paths to recovery, and the importance of having the right support network during your journey.  Sherry is a certified life coach, pharmacist, and creator of the Drink Less Lifestyle podcast and EpicYOU program. Using empowerment-based tools, she helps women to stop overdrinking, lose weight, improve relationships, and live as their most epic self. Some of the topics we discussed include: Drinking for the experience versus self-medication (12:09) The joy of saying, “No.” (14:28) Overdrinking: what it is and some reasons women may do it (18:24) We explore the question, “Is alcoholism a disease or not?” (29:01) Why “you can’t punish addictio

  • Minisode 505: On following your dreams

    03/02/2023 Duration: 19min

    I’m going back to my roots today and giving you a pep talk of sorts around following your dreams. I know, I know, follow my dreams? In this economy!? Stay with me… So, a dear friend of mine is turning 50 at the end of this year, and she posted on Facebook about bucket list items she wants to do before she turns 50. She wants to have 50 things to do and needed more ideas to fill her list. As I was reading through all her comments, things like skydiving, volunteering at a shelter, and traveling to Europe, it got me thinking about all of you.  Listen to this episode as I give you some coaching questions to ask yourself as you think about your own bucket list, small action steps to take, obstacles to look for, as well as giving you a good old fashioned motivational speech about going after your dreams. You may want to listen to this one more than once and send it to your friends!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Episode 504: Substance Addiction and Love Addiction with Betsy Byler

    01/02/2023 Duration: 01h39s

    This episode marks the introduction to the recovery theme of the podcast. Betsy Byler, LPC-SAS, ICS, LPCC, joins me to talk about substance addiction, love addiction, and the difference between the two. We also discuss addiction from the perspective of brain science and how the brain actually changes the addicted person. It’s a fascinating and insightful conversation.  Before you turn the episode off or think this theme might not be applicable to you - there's a saying in recovery, “Everyone's recovering from something.” So even if you don’t have a dysfunctional relationship with alcohol or another substance, throughout this series we'll be talking about recovery in general. If you are interested in personal development, I really do think that you will walk away with some nuggets of wisdom. If nothing else, you will understand what it's like to be a person in recovery. I hope you do tune in.  For those of you new to Betsy, she is a mental health therapist, substance abuse counselor, clinical supervisor, and h

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