Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 523: How to Be Alone with Nicole Antoinette



“What do we find when we push ourselves further than we ever thought we could go?” That is just one question Nicole Antoinette explores in her new book, How to be Alone: An 800 Mile Hike on the AZ Trail. This week, Nicole returns to the show to talk about her book and the lessons she learned from her loooong hiking journey. Together we have an insightful conversation about the privilege of choosing your own suffering and the process of becoming a better friend to yourself along the way. Nicole Antoinette is a writer, long-distance hiker, and former indoor kid who never imagined she’d wind up spending months of each year pooping in the woods. She is the author of two adventure memoirs, How To Be Alone and What We Owe To Ourselves (coming September 5, 2023), and she writes a weekly newsletter on Substack called Wild Letters. Featured topics: Why Nicole set out to hike the 800-mile Arizona Trail alone (5:13) How Nicole kept going even when it felt really hard (11:10) Being able to quit things publicly and out