Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria Va



Sermons and educational audio from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA.


  • Shrewd

    18/09/2016 Duration: 1571h00s

    A steward in crisis adopts a shrewd but dishonest plan to cheat his master. The steward receives praise from that master, and then Jesus holds the steward up as an example for Christians to follow. What can we make of this? What do we do when God reverses our sense of what is right and what is wrong? Larry Hayward preaches today from Luke 16:1-13.

  • [Navigating the Seas of Change] Christian-Muslim Engagement: Challenges and Opportunities

    18/09/2016 Duration: 3409h00s

    In an engaging forum, Salih Sayilgan and Dodd Sims will present their work on Christian-Muslim engagement in a world of difference. Bringing Muslim and Christian perspectives into discussion, they will offer new insights for a more fruitful cooperation between the two faiths based on the modern Muslim theologian Said Nursi (d. 1960) and his work the Risale-i Nur. Dodd Sims, MD practices internal medicine in Alexandria. For more than twenty years he has worked with the immigrant community of Northern Virginia. He has a masters in theology from Wesley Seminary. Salih Sayilgan is a teaching fellow at the Catholic University of America where he teaches courses on Islam and World Religions.

  • The Searcher

    11/09/2016 Duration: 1266h00s

    Almost our entire cultural heritage expects us to search for and find personal happiness, meaning and purpose to our lives, and a spiritual identity or relationship with God. Jesus tells two parables describing a search: a shepherd looking for a sheep, and a woman looking for a lost coin. Who is the searcher in these stories? Who is the searcher in our lives? What do these parables tell us about finding? Larry Hayward preaches today from Luke 15:1-10.

  • [Navigating the Seas of Change] Seas of Change in History and the Military

    11/09/2016 Duration: 3549h00s

    From existential threats such as disease and nuclear war to the immediate physical challenges of food, energy, and potable water, being of citizen of the world today means grappling with vast change. General James Cartwright, USMC (Ret.), sets the stage for us on three great issues we are facing: technology, especially in communications and in the partnering of persons with machines; migration and demographic changes brought on by climate change; and governance, including the institutional and cultural biases that tend toward denial of change. How do we do the soul-searching necessary to adapt to these changes? How do we look beyond ourselves to embrace the changes that are coming? General James Cartwright served as the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2007-2011. He is introduced by WPC member Michael Donley, who served as the 22nd Secretary of the United States Air Force. General Cartwright references the National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

  • Philemon

    04/09/2016 Duration: 1595h00s

    The book of Philemon is in many ways a book about change: the degree of change, the pace of change, the embracing of change that arises from deep within our Christian faith. In the nostalgia which some of us feel and the change which all of us face, what can this shortest of Biblical books teach us? Larry Hayward preaches today from Philemon.

  • Awkward Dinner Parties

    28/08/2016 Duration: 1338h00s

    When it comes to dinner guests, Jesus ranks among the worst. The Pharisees practice hospitality by inviting Jesus to dinner, and he proceeds to tell a story about…the best way to host a dinner party. Jesus, as he tends to do, continues to disrupt our ways of thinking and our lives for the sake of the kingdom. Casey FitzGerald preaches today from Luke 14:1, 7–14 and Hebrews 13:1–8.

  • Bent Out of Shape

    21/08/2016 Duration: 1482h00s

    “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.” When Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath, the church leaders react and the whole crowd rejoices. What does this healing tell us about Sabbath? What do we do when our insistence on right practice comes into conflict with the freedom that comes with Sabbath? The Rev. Casey FitzGerald preaches today from Luke 13:10-17.

  • A Long Division Problem

    14/08/2016 Duration: 1118h00s

    Brutal heat. Long-running and simmering divisions. Lingering stress. Sound familiar? We might long for words of peace, a Scripture that soothes us from the troubles of today’s world; instead, we get a Jesus who predicts division, a scorching heat carried by southerly winds. How do Jesus’ words in this passage challenge some of our assumptions about how we understand his message? Rev. Patrick Hunnicutt preaches today from Luke 12:49-56.

  • Does God Breathe Through the Jewels in the Attic?

    07/08/2016 Duration: 1612h00s

    This summer, the “Jewels in the Attic” series has addressed Biblical passages that are either not very familiar, might be mundane or boring, or have some troublesome aspects to them. Today, we consider the value and role that Biblical texts such as these – and the Bible as a whole – can play in our life. How can the Bible give us meaning and relevance? How does God use these passages to speak to us about things happening in our community and nation today? How can we make Bible reading more a part of our lives? Larry R. Hayward concludes the summer sermon series preaching from 2 Timothy 3:10-17. The Scripture passage is read by Rhyan Hance.

  • Jewels in the Attic?: Ideas Have Consequences

    31/07/2016 Duration: 1761h00s

    In today’s world, ideas have consequences. How important is it to have clear, well-considered ideas of who we are and what we believe? In what spirit do we develop and share those beliefs? And what is the “sound doctrine” that makes up the content of those beliefs? Dr. Larry R. Hayward continues the summer sermon series “Jewels in the Attic?” The Scripture lesson is 2 Timothy 1:8–14, 2:1–7, 4:1–5.

  • Jewels in the Attic? Money Matters

    24/07/2016 Duration: 1197h00s

    The Rev. Dr. Larry R. Hayward continues his summer sermon series, Jewels in the Attic. The scripture for today is 1 Timothy 6:6-19.

  • Jewels in the Attic? The Social Safety Net

    17/07/2016 Duration: 1576h00s

    In today’s letter to Timothy, Paul lays out the duty of small house churches to determine who among its members has need and to focus the church’s support toward such members. What can Paul’s instructions teach us about how we live in community today? Larry Hayward preaches today from 1 Timothy 5:1-16.

  • Jewels in the Attic? Speech and Conduct

    10/07/2016 Duration: 1616h00s

    This week has been a tough one in our nation, following the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the police officers in Dallas. Among the pieces of advice Paul gives Timothy concerning leadership and his own Christian commitment is this: “Set the believers an example in speech and conduct.” How can we -- as individuals, as a community, and as a nation -- seek to listen and move beyond our own comfort zones? Dr. Larry R. Hayward preaches from Psalm 77 and 1 Timothy 4.

  • Souls and Trolls

    03/07/2016 Duration: 1257h00s

    Evangelism: It’s not a numbers game. When Jesus sends out his followers, he sends them out to offer peace, share meals, and share stories together—to build relationships. But in today’s world, where we seem to be more divided than ever, how do we create community? How do we provide hospitality when it means being uncomfortable? Casey W. FitzGerald preaches today from Luke 10:1-11, with reference to “Community: The Structure of Belonging” by Peter Block.

  • Jewels in the Attic? The Qualifications of Leaders

    26/06/2016 Duration: 1439h00s

    In this passage from 1 Timothy, we discover a list of qualifications of those who would be a bishop in a first century Christian congregation (the leader of a local house church). While this list is specific to those congregations living under the Roman Empire, how can it speak to issues we face in leadership today, within the family, within the church and community, and within our nation? The Scripture passage today is 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

  • Jewels in the Attic?: A Hint of Equality

    19/06/2016 Duration: 1362h00s

    When it comes to the Bible, how do we decide if its words more reflect attitudes of its own day and time than attitudes that lie in the heart and mind of God? Do we have the right to conclude that one part of the Bible has authority for us, while another part doesn’t, that one part bears witness to God’s Word while another part bears no such witness? Larry R. Hayward explores this challenge through 1 Timothy 2:1-15 and Old Testament scholar Phyllis Trible’s article “Authority of the Bible.”

  • Are There Jewels in the Attic?

    12/06/2016 Duration: 1252h00s

    The texts of 1 and 2 Timothy reflect a time when Christianity had evolved from being a movement to being an organization: with standards and traditions and rules and regulations and offices and office-holders. In addition to being rather settled and mundane, they contain some very troubling passages. The people of these Pastoral Epistles, who lived a hundred or a hundred and fifty years after the death and resurrection of Christ, are actually closer to us in experience than those who lived in his immediate aftermath. We are settled into our life and our world, trying to make sense of events that happened eons ago, events that we have been told hold the key to life here and life in the world to come. And some issues we face – in daily life, in politics, in work – are not much different than the issues they faced. If we can work our way through these difficult passages in scripture – and in the way those passages have been used in church and society – we may be

  • Confirming the Welfare Plan

    05/06/2016 Duration: 1135h00s

    Rev. Patrick Hunnicutt preaches on Confirmation Sunday. The scripture for today is Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14.

  • Licking the Water

    29/05/2016 Duration: 1687h00s

    On this weekend in which as a nation we remember those who have lost their lives in battle, and on a day in which as a church we gather around the Lord’s Table to remember “the death of Christ” until he comes again, we look at two lectionary texts that provide similar insight and challenge. Dr. Larry R. Hayward preaches today from 1 Kings 18:20-40 and Luke 7:1-10.

  • [Adult Ed] Toward a Creation Spirituality (Part 5 of 5)

    22/05/2016 Duration: 3384h00s

    Central to our Christian faith is caring for God’s creation. What is our relationship to the natural world? In this lecture series, Dr. Tony Tambasco will suggest elements for a “creation spirituality,” drawing on the Pope’s encyclical and Elizabeth Johnson’s book "Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love."

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