Crossway Christian Church



Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church


  • Megachurches

    27/11/2022 Duration: 01h39s

    Modern America is littered with megachurches; that is, churches that have over 2.000 weekly attenders. What do many of these churches have in common, and what can we learn from them? This is part of an ongoing series at Crossway in Church history.

  • The Ten Commandments

    27/11/2022 Duration: 47min

    The ten commandments are not dissimilar to hot dogs in American culture; most know of them, have tasted of them, even like them, although they have a very limited idea as to what is in them. Today, we have the pleasure of thinking about these commands, their place among God’s people, and what they mean for our lives. They are much more than just black-and-white laws but represent a way of life for us.

  • The Black Church and Social Justice

    20/11/2022 Duration: 58min

    Historically, the black church has been quite involved with movements related to social justice, much more so than white churches. Today, we look at the reasons, historically and theologically, why that is so. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.

  • Ascend the Mountain

    20/11/2022 Duration: 44min

    There are many works of literature in the world that mean more than what the plain words of the text mean. Animal Farm, the incisive novel by George Orwell, is one of those works. Clearly not meaning to write a book about the social order and governance of creatures on a farm, it is meant to have an importance beyond the animal world and tell us something of ours. The Bible often does this, and does this in our passage today. Let us see the importance of this deeper meaning and follow Jesus up the mountain.

  • The Modern Catholic Church

    13/11/2022 Duration: 55min

    The Catholic Church has both been maintained in its essentials and adapted to the modern world since the Council of Trent. Today, we look at some of those adaptations, and hope for more changes to come. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.

  • Surrounded by Enemies

    13/11/2022 Duration: 40min

    We are accustomed to war; it is part of the modern world, just as it has been a part of history. Fighting and bloodshed are part of the human condition. In the OT, those enemies were seen and known as the nations surrounding Israel. These both attacked Israel, and were attacked by them. Yet, this is not how we are instructed to handle our enemies – whoever they might be. What can we learn from a text like Exodus 17 if our response is to be so much different from Israel’s? We should learn, first of all, that not all enemies are as obvious as they seem!

  • The Grumbling of God's People

    06/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    How ought we to speak to God when we face grave difficulties? When does crying out to God bleed over into grumbling? We know that such grumbling is never right, but if that is so, are we to never speak to God about our pain and circumstances? And what of God? If God puts us in difficult positions, is he just tempting us to fail? Today, we have an opportunity to hear of the grumbling of God’s people, and God’s gracious response.

  • Liberalism

    06/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    Liberalism was a movement, beginning in the 18th Century, that led many to deny the clear and evident words of the text of Scripture. Today, we investigate what theological liberalism is, its effects, and the response to it. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.

  • American Religious Movements and Heresies

    30/10/2022 Duration: 56min

    America's religious freedom has provided much good to Christians, allowing freedom of conscience in religious matters. However, this has also produced fertile ground for the production of heresy and cults. While not all of the movements we speak of this morning are cults or heresies, or are even strictly American, they have been produced and encouraged in a large part due to the unique American situation. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church

  • The Song of God's Redemption

    30/10/2022 Duration: 38min

    Christians have long been a singing people. Songs and singing have formed a part of our worship of God from the very earliest of days. But why? What is it about songs that is so important to our right worship of God? And what should our songs say? Today, as we eavesdrop on the song the Israelites sang upon the destruction of their enemies, let us consider the importance of song in the worship of our God and the retelling of his mighty deeds.

  • God's Glory

    23/10/2022 Duration: 45min

    The history of the Christian church has placed a great deal of emphasis on God’s glory. It forms the center of our purpose in creation and our goal in life. As the reformation confessions say, the highest purpose of humans is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. This is good biblical exegesis, and most would agree with it, in theory. But in our lives, the glory of God can cost us much more than we may have considered. We have before us a great example, as the people of God are rescued, for his glory, by crossing a sea on dry ground. What complaints could they have?

  • God's Passover (pt. 2)

    16/10/2022 Duration: 49min

    When reading through history, we are struck with numerous stories of people overcoming great odds and physical pain, only to feel the elation of victory. The majority of us can try to empathize with the wonder they felt at that moment, but the best we can really do is project from our own experiences. It would be hard to know how an Israelite felt when the Egyptians knocked on their door and told them to leave. It was elation of the highest order; centuries of slavery suddenly ended. Let us read of that very moment this morning, and of the Israelites great victory!

  • Charles Spurgeon

    16/10/2022 Duration: 50min

    Charles Spurgeon was known as the "Prince of Preachers", and rightly so. Today we get to look at the life and ministry of this brilliant Baptist pastor. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.

  • Christianity and Slavery

    09/10/2022 Duration: 50min

    Slavery was absent from Christianity for centuries, and yet suddenly reappeared. Why did this happen, and what justification did slave-holders, claiming to be Christian, give for it? This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church

  • God's Passover

    09/10/2022 Duration: 48min

    God has a spotless record in his fight with Egypt. A perfect 9-0! Yet, there is unfinished work to be done, one more great and mighty work to perform before Egypt will send his people away. Therefore, this is to be the act of their deliverance that they will always remember – indeed, God thinks this act so important that they were to always recall it forevermore. And so we do, thanks to Jesus, understand the full and complete Passover from death. But what does the Passover mean?

  • Jonathan Edwards

    02/10/2022 Duration: 49min

    Jonathan Edwards is thought by many to be the greatest philosopher and theologian of the New World. While there is much to applaud in the work and life of Edwards, there is also much for thought. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.

  • Pharaoh's Salvation

    02/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    We are always trying to make sure that the future is as secure as possible. Is this car I’m buying worth the money? How can I know I’m marrying the right person? What is the weather going to be like next week? Yet, the future remains a mystery to us. What of more important things – what of salvation? Indeed, we are given many assurances, but many of us still have doubts. What if we don’t believe rightly, or enough? What can Pharoah’s failure teach us about our own salvation? To change the question slightly, what can we do to assure our destruction?

  • God vs. Pharaoh

    25/09/2022 Duration: 45min

    As we continue to look at the miracles done in Egypt, we take on the second of the three triads of miracles, the sending of the flies, the plague on the livestock, and the boils sent on humans. In the first set, God took on the power of the magicians and showed himself much more powerful. Here? He directly challenges Pharaoh’s power. It is clear that Pharaoh cannot match God’s power and might. No power in the world can. So, do you trust in the power of God?

  • The Reasons for Paul's Joy

    18/09/2022 Duration: 35min

    As Paul moves into the main body of his letter to the Philippians, he has every reason to be miserable. He is a prisoner of Rome, shackled to a soldier night and day, and facing the prospect of execution. Additionally, a portion of the church at Rome is apparently seeking to bring harm or misfortune to him in his imprisonment. Despite all this, Paul has a true and abiding joy. In our text this morning, Paul gives two reasons for this joy, that we would do well to consider

  • George Whitefield

    18/09/2022 Duration: 51min

    This morning, we look at one of the greatest evangelists in church history, and perhaps the very first modern Christian celebrity George Whitefield. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.

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