Crossway Christian Church



Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church


  • The Reasons for the Cross

    09/04/2023 Duration: 39min

    Jesus has had a busy week! It is not yet over for him, though. The yielding of his life will give way to the resurrection on Sunday. The two days are inexorably linked, yet they different questions surround them. On Friday, the questions are not so much, “Did Jesus die?”, but, rather, “Why did Jesus die?” What was the purpose of his dying, and what did it accomplish?

  • The Offer of the Kingdom

    02/04/2023 Duration: 39min

    We teach our children, from the youngest age, about opposites. High and low, right and left, good and bad. These are helpful concepts to have in life! Yet, sometimes, we don’t rightly apply that very basic concept to the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of Jesus comes as the opposite of the world, as an enemy of the world, which is constantly at war with the world. Let us consider what that means for us today, as we listen to Jesus’ words from the very beginning of his ministry.

  • Temptation

    12/03/2023 Duration: 40min

    Temptation, for those striving for holiness, is never a welcome thing. For many, such trials just appear to be new ways to fail, to fall yet again into sin. Our text today is meant to be both a help and a comfort for us. For Jesus, temptation was real and yet overcome. And while he faces and defeats this temptation for us, he does by wielding weapons that we ourselves can wield. Let us be helped, and see the hope, that Jesus’ temptation is meant to provide.

  • To Fulfil All Righteousness

    05/03/2023 Duration: 39min

    Crossway is a Baptist church, and gladly so. We share much with other Baptist churches, but like any group, we are also quite different. Even amongst those who insist on creedal baptism, we differ quite a bit on the nature of baptism and what it represents. We at Crossway think that it is more than just a symbol (although it is at least that!). Today, we get to see in Jesus the importance of our baptism, and how it is more than just a symbol, but the center of our confession and union with him.

  • Herod and the King

    26/02/2023 Duration: 42min

    Jesus is a striking historical figure. Attempts to summarize him, to boil down his message or his work, have often failed for the basic reason that he comes to us, not as a simple person, but a complex one. He offers grace to the weakest and the most unholy of people, yet demands more from them than anyone in history had before. What are we to make of him? How do we rightly speak about these two distinct parts of Jesus’ own message? What insight might Matthew’s text today provide for us?

  • Revelation and Wise-Men

    19/02/2023 Duration: 42min

    We often look to the skies for signs from God. Even as Christians, we know that the stars and heavens hold a message for us of God’s glory. Even so, we are also knowledgeable of our own failures in understanding that message, and humanity’s ability to pervert that message in the most foolish of ways. God has indeed given us a better revelation of himself. Today, as we think about the magicians from the east and their voyage to Jesus, let us think through what it means to receive God’s revelation, both in the sky and in the Scripture.

  • Reverberations of the Virgin Birth

    12/02/2023 Duration: 43min

    Why do evangelicals hold the virgin birth in such high esteem? It is tempting to think that this doctrine’s importance is only held up in relief to the skeptical time in which we live; a fundamentalist response to the challenge of modern science. But such is not the case! The early church felt strongly enough about it to place it in the creeds, and the church universal has long confessed it. Today, let us see how the virgin birth, as recorded in Matthew, should both comfort us and challenge us.

  • Jesus, Son of David, Son of Abraham

    05/02/2023 Duration: 41min

    Where should biographies start? At the birth of the subject? But factors that shaped their lives were in place long before they were born. Parents, the nature of the culture that they were born into, the political situation? Each of our four Gospels starts in a unique position. Matthew, for his part, starts with a genealogy. We may question why Matthew would begin this way, but his introduction has questions for us as well!

  • The Work of the Lord

    22/01/2023 Duration: 38min

    Today, we come to the end of our study in Exodus. The story has moved quickly for such a long book. God has seen his people’s trials and heard their cries, he has called Moses, destroyed their enemies, given them commands, forgiven their sin, and made a way to dwell with them. Yet, while so much has been completed and done, we are left with the feeling and implication at the end of the book that much more needs to be done. As we finish and recap, what shall we learn from the Exodus?

  • Seeing God's Glory

    15/01/2023 Duration: 40min

    In 1961, the Soviet Union detonated the largest nuclear bomb ever exploded during a test in the Artic Circle. The bomb was over twice the strength and size as the next largest bomb ever detonated, and remains so to this day. It is staggeringly difficult to imagine the power of the blast. We use numbers and analogies, but still cannot quite grasp it with any meaningful metric. If that is true for a manmade bomb, think of what the glory of God, who made all things, must be like! What could we compare it to? How might we describe it? What’s more, how do we experience it? Our text today is about the bold request of Moses to experience that very glory; but what does it hold for us today?

  • Controlled Anger

    08/01/2023 Duration: 42min

    Anger is a part of the world. With sin so prevalent, and wrong so near, it would be odd if it wasn’t. Anger is rightly applied to the Lord in the presence of sin, so it is likewise a legitimate reaction for his people. Yet, it is never to control us or to be characteristic of God’s people. How, then, shall we be angry and not sin? While exhaustive rules would never suffice, our text today provides a very good model in Moses. Let us see how he handles his anger, that we might better handle ours.

  • Idol Construction

    01/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    Illusion in the form of magic is so interesting. It is equal part showmanship, psychology, and mechanics. There are a number of well-known and rehearsed illusions, one of my favorites being the quick-change. Exodus 32 provides us with a theological picture of a quick change, but for the worse: the people who were exuberant in their confession of obedience in chapter 24 have suddenly gone rogue in 32. Why the sudden shift? What has happened? And can it happen to us?

  • The Light and the Darkness

    25/12/2022 Duration: 24min

    The light has come! What a glorious reality. In the deepest hours of the night, the light comes. In the darkest weeks of the winter, the light comes. Goodness and richness flow with it. But John promises something more: the darkness has not overcome it. Today, let us think through what John means by this little phrase as we celebrate the birth of our Lord together!

  • The Promise of the Tabernacle

    18/12/2022 Duration: 36min

    Moby Dick is considered by many the quintessential American novel, given over to the pursuit of vengeance and retribution, ephemeral monsters, and action pieces of grave import. Yet, it is also filled with much beside: talk of whale anatomy, uses for blubber, and the intricacies of whaling. The planning and building of the tabernacle are viewed in much the same light: distractions from the main thrust of the book. Yet, if we look closely, we can see there is much to learn from this wonderful Tabernacle!

  • God's Role in Justice

    11/12/2022 Duration: 43min

    There are plenty of people who believe in a power beyond this world, a thing that controls through a plan long ago put in motion, but one who refuses to dirty themselves by interfering in the things of the world. Our God does not appear to be such a god. But, since we clearly see that as the case, why has God left justice completely up to the Israelites? Our text today reminds us that he hasn’t – indeed, God is instrumental in our carrying out justice.

  • The Plan of Justice

    04/12/2022 Duration: 42min

    Mike Tyson famously said that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. God’s desire for his people has been laid out in the 10 commandments and in their further implications. But sin will punch back, and when it does how are the people to respond? Here, God begins to give his people the outline for justice, as they seek to right the wrongs that sin will cause among them. Justice is necessary where there is sin, so we all must strive for it in all our dealings.

  • Megachurches

    27/11/2022 Duration: 01h39s

    Modern America is littered with megachurches; that is, churches that have over 2.000 weekly attenders. What do many of these churches have in common, and what can we learn from them? This is part of an ongoing series at Crossway in Church history.

  • The Ten Commandments

    27/11/2022 Duration: 47min

    The ten commandments are not dissimilar to hot dogs in American culture; most know of them, have tasted of them, even like them, although they have a very limited idea as to what is in them. Today, we have the pleasure of thinking about these commands, their place among God’s people, and what they mean for our lives. They are much more than just black-and-white laws but represent a way of life for us.

  • The Black Church and Social Justice

    20/11/2022 Duration: 58min

    Historically, the black church has been quite involved with movements related to social justice, much more so than white churches. Today, we look at the reasons, historically and theologically, why that is so. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.

  • Ascend the Mountain

    20/11/2022 Duration: 44min

    There are many works of literature in the world that mean more than what the plain words of the text mean. Animal Farm, the incisive novel by George Orwell, is one of those works. Clearly not meaning to write a book about the social order and governance of creatures on a farm, it is meant to have an importance beyond the animal world and tell us something of ours. The Bible often does this, and does this in our passage today. Let us see the importance of this deeper meaning and follow Jesus up the mountain.

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