Cornerstone Singapore Audio Podcast



Weekly audio sermons from Cornerstone Community Church in Singapore


  • Kings and Priests

    06/07/2022 Duration: 38min

    One of the greatest revelations about to be released upon this earth in these last days is the revelation of the Melchizedekian Priesthood. So little has been taught about this seemingly ‘obscure’ subject, but I believe the full revelation is going to be revealed to us because of the hour we’re in. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the highest authority of the believer on planet earth and its combination of both the priestly and kingly anointing is something we must press in for.

  • Enjoying God

    28/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    The great business of life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. The Bible tells us that man was created to bring Him glory. That is our purpose, our duty; and what Jesus has redeemed us for. Does that sound like your experience of the Christian life? Or have we, in all our good intentions and ambitions, misunderstood our assignment, leaving us stuck in a loop of endless and ever-changing pursuits that can never satisfy?

  • What Does The Kingdom of God Look Like?

    22/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    What does the Kingdom of God look like? Jesus is inviting us to draw near and hear the incredible practicality of His Kingdom. We're to be filled with the Word and the Spirit. Hear as Dr. John Andrews teaches on how we can find application in the ordinary and routine through God's Word and Spirit. 

  • Revive Us, God!

    15/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    We yearn for the next great move of the Spirit of God. As we wait for that fresh wind, there’s a deep need to be personally revived. This message will stoke the flame for personal revival!

  • A Revolutionary Prayer (Part 2)

    08/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He set out not just to teach us a format for how we’re to pray, but He set in motion an understanding of His heart. The Lord’s Prayer has such far-reaching impact that it revolutionises how we should see our faith as Christians. Beyond a routine recitation, we need to see what Christ has embedded in this prayer.

  • A Revolutionary Prayer (Part 1) by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-06-01

    01/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He set out not just to teach us a format for how we're to pray, but He set in motion an understanding of His heart. The Lord’s Prayer has such far-reaching impact that it revolutionises how we should see our faith as Christians. Beyond a routine recitation, we need to see what Christ has embedded in this prayer.

  • Burning and Burnout? by Isaac Ong - 2022-05-25

    25/05/2022 Duration: 31min

    Are you in a season of burning with passion, calling down fire from heaven, or huddled under a tree, broken and burnt out, wishing for God to end everything? Like Elijah, many of us would've gone through days where we're burning and days where we're experiencing burnout. Can we however, walk and live in a manner where the days of burning wildly outnumbers our days of burnout?

  • When Discontent Brews by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-05-25

    25/05/2022 Duration: 36min

    Discontent isn’t something foreign to us. If we're to be honest, discontent can be found in every single person. When a decision is made that does not favour us, when we feel overlooked, underappreciated, passed over for a promotion, or when our expectations are left unmet. The rebellion of Korah in Numbers 16 takes us on a deep dive into what happens when discontent is left to brew. At the same time, the antidote to discontent is subtly prescribed to us between the lines of the drama that unfolded.

  • Follow The Cloud of Glory

    18/05/2022 Duration: 30min

    Over the past 35 years of marriage, my family and I have shifted a total of 9 times. Each time we settle into our new place and unpack, there’s always this sense of hope: “Lord, I sure hope that this will be the last time we’re going to do this.” And not too long later, we’re on the move again. I think this continual dislocation is part of my lot in life and I think it’s designed to teach me that the only thing constant in this life is change. Don’t settle down. We’re not settlers, but pilgrims on a journey. Keep following the cloud of His Glory!

  • The Trivialisation of Glory by Yang Tuck Yoong - 2022-05-11

    11/05/2022 Duration: 40min

    I want to see His Glory. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we may behold His Glory. Moses cried out to God, "Show me Your Glory". David cried out that God’s Glory may dwell in the land. It's God’s desire that we not just behold His Glory, but dwell with it. But we must be careful not to trivialise His Magnificence. If we're going to be carriers of His Glory, what's required of us in this hour?

  • Virtues Not Desired by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-05-01

    01/05/2022 Duration: 35min

    The Beatitudes stand in deep contrast to the state of the world that we live in today. To speak the Beatitudes to a modern-day crowd would evoke ridicule and disbelief. Yet in the light of aggressive activism, cancel culture, justice movements, and an ever-increasing appetite for consumption, the Beatitudes bare relevance for us as Christians and how we’re to respond.

  • Peace In Jesus by Andrew Yeo - 2022-04-21

    21/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    The search for peace is a universal one, because true peace has to do with having peace with God and not what the world has to offer. Peace is a Person, and can only be found in the Prince of Peace.

  • Does God See Me? by Isaac Ong - 2022-04-20

    20/04/2022 Duration: 30min

    There may be moments in our lives where we wonder and ask God if He sees us. Is it pure coincidence or chance that events happen in our lives? Did Blind Bartimaeus randomly stumble into the Messiah’s path? Did the servant girl at Cana witness Jesus’ first miracle by chance? God’s heart for us is pure intentional and He continues to seek us out. Will you respond to Him by saying, “Lord, here I am!”

  • Jesus Does Q and A by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-04-12

    12/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    Everyone loves a good Q&A session. Ask the burning questions on your heart. Imagine being able to have a Q&A with Jesus. Well, the Bible records for us a Q&A session that Jesus gave. But the context was hostile. The Pharisees and religious leaders were out to trap Him. Yet, Jesus turned the session into one that answers some crucial and critical issues that has relevance for us even today.

  • The False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast by Yang Tuck Yoong - 2022-04-01

    01/04/2022 Duration: 38min

    In the last days, we'll see a level of deception not seen since the world began. Satan will bring out all his weapons of mass deception because he knows his time is short and he'll try and bring as many people into hell with him. And part of getting ready for the future is to have a revelation of what’s coming. What will we face in the future? How do we prepare ourselves for the end-times? Can we be immunised from taking the mark of the beast?

  • When The World Goes Down by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-03-29

    29/03/2022 Duration: 37min

    Just when it seems like we’re getting out of the pandemic, the world is plunged again into another crisis with the conflict in Ukraine. When world events dominate the news and everyone has an opinion about what’s happening, how should we respond as Christians? Should we take sides? How should we pray? Who are we to listen to? The Bible surely will shine some light for us on this.

  • We Got Christmas All Wrong by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-03-16

    16/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    Christmas is often preached in December in the midst of the holidays, and because of this, I think we need to hear a message on Christmas away from the holiday we’ve become so familiar with. Instead of the fancy light-ups, gifts, good food, and a fuzzy warm feeling around friends and family, we need to see the atrocities, the pain, the ominous warnings, and the agenda that God conceived when He gave His Son, Jesus Christ. We’ve missed so much of God’s message to us because we’ve lost the true essence of the birth of Christ.

  • A Mad King Speaks by Lim Lip Yong - 2022-03-09

    09/03/2022 Duration: 32min

    King David’s life was not all glorious and triumphant. In fact, there were moments where it was downright embarrassing. Times when he had to feign insanity, sport a dishevelled look, and became no better than a homeless vagabond. Yet, it was from this experience that Psalm 34 was penned – a psalm of victory and insight that offers us comfort, assurance, and a view of the long-term.

  • The Drumbeat of War by Yang Tuck Yoong - 2022-03-03

    03/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    We read from Scriptures – first the natural, then the spiritual. What we're now seeing unfold is the potential of a European War breaking forth with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Jesus foretold of this time – that we will see wars fought and hear rumours of wars. This will lead to a spiralling of the world’s economies, open hostilities in many nations, the loss of many lives, soaring oil prices, out-of-control inflation, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The downstream effects of war will be immense and it'll bring great hardship to the nations. The Church must arise in this hour because we march to the sound of a different drumbeat. God is raising His Gibborim, His Mighty Army. Can you hear the horns of Deborah sounding?

  • Friendship With The Holy Spirit by Isaac Ong - 2022-02-23

    23/02/2022 Duration: 34min

    There’s a new and fresh outpouring in the horizon, and a beautiful fellowship that we can enjoy with the Holy Spirit. How can we build a deeper friendship with Him and not just have temporal encounters? More than how He manifests Himself, WHO is the Holy Spirit to you?

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