Believers Church, Chesapeake Virginia



...a diverse community of people who have found strength, purpose and a fresh start through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is to help others who have been disillusioned or battered by life find hope and healing. Your life is by design; Jesus desires a relationship with you. He has a purpose for your life!If you live in Hampton Roads come check us out on Sundays at 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 or 5:00. We promise you a safe environment to investigate the claims and promises of Christ. If you are close only through the internet, check out the website, watch a message or email us a question.


  • Provision (Message)


    When following God we can anticipate that He will provide for our needs. He has proven Himself faithful!

  • Stuck (Message)


    There will be times when following God that we get stuck; the only way through is when God provides a way, supernaturally. The times that we are stuck are opportunities for God to show up and our faith to grow. Don't give up!

  • Sacrifice (Message)


    There was only ONE way to escape the passover. People may have attempted other formulas, but only one worked...the sacrifice assigned by God. If we are to go forward with God, we too will have to sacrifice something in following Him (including death to self).

  • Resistance (Message)


    Moses accepts God's call on his life but then his circumstances, and the circumstances of everyone around him, actually get worse! Resistance can grow us and grow our dependency on God. Don't give up when you face resistance...lean in!

  • You Have a Call (Message)


    All of us have a calling. The calling isn't about how great or skilled YOU are, it's about understanding that the God who has called you is GREAT and will provide you with what you need to do what he has accomplished. Say "yes!" to God's call on your life!

  • How to Do More with Less (message)


    Discover what tithing is, how to invite God's blessing over your finances and how being faithful to it builds your faith!

  • I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. (message)


    Get #firedup with author and financial guru, Joe Sangl!

  • Act Your Wage (message)


    If we are going to act our wage, we have to develop a few virtues: self control, sacrifice, and planning. Planning to get out of debt, establishing a budget, getting smart with money!

  • A New Perspective on Money (message)


    Did you know that your money can serve you as you serve God? In order for that to happen, we must stop worshipping our money. The fact that we worship money is evident in our's a heart issue. Let's get back on track!

  • Marriage Problems (message)


    We each have to fight for our marriages and protect ourselves from a constant bombardment of something trying to dissolve it. We will learn practical ways of dealing with this enemy by putting Christ in our sites for the win!

  • Family Problems (message)


    Family relationships are always being tested. It's our job to use our relationship with Christ to make them better.

  • Death (message)


    All of us will face death. Pastor Jamey reveals way to cope and prepare for it. He also shares a story of a young woman who is dealing with a death very close to her heart.

  • Illness (message)


    Illness has touched us all in one form or another. This message will help us deal with illness and the affects it has on us all.

  • Rejection (message)


    Everyone wants to be accepted; but this need coupled with the reality that it's a cruel world feeds into the fear of rejection. Rejection from our friends, co-workers, and even our families is on the heart of a lot of people. This message will focus on the importance of realizing our acceptance of our heavenly Father as our greatest asset.

  • Doubts (message)


    The general idea for most Christians is that if you are truly saved you should not have doubts. If you have doubts, you must be lacking in your faith is a common rational. We aren't going to have nothing but mountaintop experiences with God and then we have to go through the valleys and that's where doubts can set in.

  • Failure (message)


    Being negative is easy; it requires no work because it comes natural. All you have to do to fail is nothing. On the other hand being positive isn’t as easy; it requires work. Optimism in the face of adversity is difficult and is hard to find in this day and age. We will be looking at the epic failures of John Mark and his attitude of not giving up.

  • Stand Firm (message)


    We aren't guaranteed a great outcome when we follow God, but we trust God to accomplish what he wants to regardless!

  • Stand in Faith (message)


    God cares about us even more than we understand. Not only that, God is DOING even more than we understand. He's at work, even when we don't see it. Through this message, we'll learn that God's strength is there eve when we have none.

  • Stand Strong (message)


    If you're living out the plans God has for you, the battle around you will be hot! We'll learn from Daniel's example; when people tried to take him down, he found the strength to stand strong, on his knees in prayer.

  • Stand Up (message)


    There are 2 problems with confrontation: some are afraid to confront, others confront unlovingly. In this message we will learn the art of confrontation; confronting for the purpose of restoration.

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