Aruna Ratanagiri Dhamma Talks



Dhamma Talks from various teachers present at Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery.


  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - When Faced With a Dilemma

    12/02/2022 Duration: 29min

    (keywords) (approx. 29 mins. - slightly edited version) Family, job, jhanas, goal-oriented approach, likable, affluent, healthy, great doubt, vicissitudes, reaffirmation of faith, actuality, chaos, order, kamma, realization, awakened, kaya kamma, vacci kamma, mano kamma, bowing, chanting, disposition of a servant, cittabhavana, flummoxed, sterile environment, purifying awareness, tough luck, compulsive judging mind, taking sides, ‘don’t know’, grounding, uncertainty, addiction to abstract understanding, wanting, craving, clarity, ease.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - How to Contemplate

    17/01/2022 Duration: 42min

    (keywords) (approx. 42 mins. - slightly edited version) Ajahn Chah passing away, ‘What Is Contemplation’, Rahula, mirror, wise reflection, citta, craft, proliferation, feeling enquiry, (1), goal, liberation, Dhammapada 154, unconditioned, unmade, imperturbable, griefless, dustless, secure, (2), wisdom and compassion, (3) Three Refuges, sustaining, safe haven, clear seeing, precipitated, actuality, (4) handful of leaves, Four Noble Truths, avijja, boredom, right effort, yabber, (5) five spiritual faculties, freedom from remorse, (6) six senses, (7) seven factors of awakening, stable trajectory, goodies, inner work, (8) Bhikkhuni Mahapajapati, gym, violin, fruit tree, compulsive judging, selfism, hatred, hell, bullying, speaking with your own heart, competence.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Feeling Deeply Threatened

    01/01/2022 Duration: 26min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - slightly edited version) Challenging, pandemic, politics, environment, hunger, Four Noble Truths, sensitivity, guts, MO, overly enamoured, a walking head, ground work, misappreciate, painting the living room, Wat Pah Pong, sweeping leaves, starving, sati, sampajanna, disciplined attention, remembering the bigger picture, open hearted, broad-minded, OK-ness, overwhelmed, inner competence, storehouse of wholesomeness, going gets tough, exercise, walking, jogging, trustworthy friends, Dhammapada 204, best of kin, generosity, in jail, buying into stories, outshining stories, ability, competence, yielding, assertive, honesty.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Simplify

    12/12/2021 Duration: 26min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Benefits, simplicity, agility, change, nippapanca, papanca, compulsive complication, complexity, food digestion, 37 Bodhipakkhiya Dhammas, 12 links of Paticcasamuppada, information, security, awareness, conceptual understanding, being honest, physical activity, food, exercise, technology, chat, verbal activity, manipulative speech, friendship, control, sacca vaccena, truth speech, safety, hopeless case, undermining assumptions, story of self-hood, global warming, Ajahn Chah, born-again Christian, preferences, prejudices, disheveled, scruffy, filed of enquiry, public speaking, threatened, no-self, anatta, Luang Por Liem, politics, 5 spiritual faculties, faith, energy, mindfulness, collectedness, discernment, hurt feelings, deepening, skilful strategy.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Supported and Protected

    07/12/2021 Duration: 29min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Hiri, ottappa, shame, conscience, fear of judgement, dragons, lokapala, protectors of the world, vortex of self-hatred, step back, aligned with reality, cause and effect, twisted and distorted, intentional positivity, compassion, buoy us up, mitigating negativity, muesli wrapper, assailed by self-loathing, cast into hell, Dhammapada 58-59, blaming, projecting, distracting, heart energy, spiritual community, spiritual faculties, saddha, viriya, sati, samadhi, pannya, surface of the ocean, disheartened, antibiotics, drilling down, wholesome remorse, commitment, growing lotuses.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Do We Really Have To Take Sides

    13/11/2021 Duration: 30min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Liking, disliking, lost, for and against, dead-end, chaos, middle way, dilemmas, affirming, clinging, alternative, fixed position, emerging sense of self, spiritual companions, Mahamangala Sutta, ‘my way’, conventional religion, cooperation, The 3 Refuges, prefect wisdom and compassion, faith, order and chaos, 3 different levels of intensity of suffering, 3 different sources of suffering, present generated dukkha, old unmet dukkha, adopted dukkha, intense challenges, fear of uncertainty, belief, ego, news broadcasters, personality, science and technology, spiritual faculties, attaching to feelings, laws of consciousness, disciplining attention, attending to the heart’s sensitivity, tennis, writing, computer coding, preferences, balance, hurt ourselves, stroke, vociferously complaining, catastrophize, cause and effect, climate change, intense enthusiasm.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Change and Agility

    29/10/2021 Duration: 25min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Retreat, transition, compartmentalizing, resistance, iriyapada, motivation, samavayama, effort, compassion, assertive, yielding, laziness, driving a car, formal meditation, obstructions, nivarana, 3 levels of intensity, cutting through, seeing through, burning through, competence, agility ability, fixed views, taking sides, harmony, opposing fixed positions, heroism, modesty, zeal, rote learning, hopeless case, craziness, according with change, sabbe sankhara annica, purification.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Recovering From Our Addiction To Distraction

    22/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    (keywords) (approx. 32 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) The easing of restrictions, asteroid, atomic war, minuscule virus, better prepared, deeply discontented, Buddhist meditators, self-critical, side effect of affluence, at risk, technology, shopping, travel, bored, weak, meditation, ambiguity, indignation, anatta, storehouse of wholesomeness, patient endurance, bitter endurance, gently bearing with, kindness, hatred, inner strength, adhitthana, resolution, vow, resilience, out of my scope, mindfulness, patterns, compassion, karuna, vortex of pain, mountain climbing, generosity, austerity, comfort, realization.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Welcoming the Unwelcome

    01/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    (keywords) (approx. 32 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) (Background noise of rain) Retreat, deepening, ocean, surface, depths, apparent reality, actuality, argy-bargy, technology, wisdom, seeing both sides, biases, partial view, dogma, affluence, cynicism, addicted to distraction, suicide, denied dukkha, living simply, bottled away, consistency of effort, happiness, prioritize wisdom, Discourse on Greatest Blessings, Dhammapada 78, faith, humility, spiritualized ego, modesty, Bhikkhuni Mahapajapati, comparing, agility, samadhi, four foundations of mindfulness, 4 iriyapada, handful of leaves, aspiration, ritual, devotion, Ven. Tan Ajahn Mahabua, bowing, chanting, puffed up, selfless wisdom and compassion, generosity.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Wise and Foolish Wanting

    24/09/2021 Duration: 25min

    (keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Retreating, enquiring, God wants you to have more, televangelist, Four Noble Truths, craving, owning up, Reading The Natural Mind, smart phones, distraction, samatha, vipassana, anapanasati, frustration, ‘my way’, start-up, funding, resources, contradictions, stoners pontificating, balance, living simply, downtime, formal meditation, ascetic, consumer culture, rules, functional limitation, 5 precepts, glasses, mindful, aspirations.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - So What Have I Learnt in 70 Years

    16/09/2021 Duration: 32min

    (keywords) (approx. 32 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Advantages of being older, memories, living in the ‘now’, bad press, disoriented, Jesus, questioning, Prof. C. G. Jung, hope, Alan Watts, The Way of Zen, enquiring, inspiration, commune, idealism, Hamilton, naive, disillusioned, bearings, motor-bike accident, Ram Dass, ‘Be Here Now’, diet, hatha yoga, mantra yoga, macrobiotics, 1972, Byron Bay, Australia, Mullumbimby, Nimbin, meditation retreat, Woodstock, hope, faith, discipline of attention, delight, delusion, Paul Breiter, spiritual companions, Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Sumedho, Bill Hamilton, Samanera Dhammiko, humour, Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Thate, suffering, indictment, judgement, message, disappointment, signpost, bitter endurance, feeling challenged, a good wicket, overwhelm, backlog, pioneer days, holy cow, equanimity, selfless just-knowing awareness, goal, foolishness.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Contributing to a Wisdom Culture

    04/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    (keywords) (approx. 30 mins. - this talk is slightly edited.) Consciousness, challenging, Ajahn Punnyo, unanswerable, percolate, cult, conspiracy theories, Four Noble Truths, anxiety, despair, faith, real wisdom, assailed, freedom, mass of suffering, old age, sickness and death, liberation, extreme asceticism, resolve, compassion, wanting, imperturbable calm and clarity, undefiled, greed, hated, delusion, message, decipher, eight-fold path, align our being, meningitis, culture of delusion, Dhammapada verse 76, spiritual faculties, faith, energy, mindfulness, collectedness, discernment, disadvantaged, googly, abstract knowledge, dogma, inherent inadequacy, inherent adequacy, abiding as awareness, meditation, precepts, live simply, friends, buy into the con, contributing to a wisdom culture.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Optimism and Naivety

    28/08/2021 Duration: 24min

    (keywords) (approx. 24 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Optimistic perspective, pessimism, negativity, strategic optimist, compulsively positive, clinging, identity, 4 noble truths, upadana, samma sati, abstract realms, disembodied mindfulness, stupid feet, whole body-mind, abstraction, 4 areas of monastic training, indignation, vortex, aversion and hatred, sadness, daily-life and formal training, two eyes, navigating space, internal dialogue, verbiage, still, settle, let go.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - The Morphing of the Sense of Self

    14/08/2021 Duration: 28min

    (keywords) (approx. 30 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Retreat time, what matters most, befitting, manifesting beauty, Dhammapada verse 53, flowers, brutality, unawareness, avijja, anatta, rainbow, ‘Who am I’, dementia, actuality, timeless truth, mapping the brain, self aggrandizing, relativizing, external agent, anthropomorphic beings, timeless truth, Going For Refuge, spiritual education, global identity crisis, (Previous talk: Self Caring and Self Obsessing), spiritual capacities, Ajahn Chah, integrity, mindfulness, skilful restraint, wise refection, stroke, 1982, monkeys in the telephone exchange, Anando, Sumedho, disintegration of the sense of self, free from remorse, unshakable, purified.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - The Option Addiction

    06/08/2021 Duration: 28min

    (keywords) (approx. 30 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Wisdom, both sides, Ajahn Chah, building a Dhamma Hall, ordaining monks, Dhammapada v 290, meditation, 4 Noble Truths, distraction, uninformed relationship with desire, unacknowledged grief, ease of being, faith, belief, remedy, conviction, skin cancer, antipodes, agility, deepening, not meditating, renunciation, booking restaurants, agile, integrity.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Are Kindness and Compassion Already Enough?

    23/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    (keywords) (approx. 30 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Self doubt, Ajahn Chah, compassionate attention, head exploding, suffering, gratitude, dross, homeless person, despair, 4 Noble Truths, abstraction, Kisa Gotami, Dhammapada verse 114, beside herself in grief, insanity, self-obsession, dispelled, 4 Brahma Viharas, conscious kindness, compassion, empathetic delight, equanimity, risk averse, ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’, religious zealots, indigenous people, Satan, equanimity, kamma, accuracy of perception, limitations, Professor of Medicine, oncologist, acupuncturist, kerpow, cancer, fear, indignation, anger, ‘why me?’, vegetarian, transformative understanding, uncertain, unsafe, calm and peace, balanced perspective, feeling threatened, resistance, a brilliant model, harmony, warm-heartedness, wisdom.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Self Caring and Self Obsessing

    07/07/2021 Duration: 38min

    (keywords) (approx. 38 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Self-reliance, anxiety, identity, personality, maturation, anatta, conventional sense of self, Mahamangala Sutta, rightly aligned, Dhammapada 157, Dhammapada 160, rare refuge, psychological approximation, fulcrum, frame of reference, relativizing, demonizing, dissipated, guttering, wildness, Brahma, Allah, Jehovah, egocentric, symbols, false fulcrum, not-knowing, control freaks, vaccination, anger, vortex, Four Divine Abidings: Kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Delight, Equanimity, tea caddy, blessings.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - These Beautiful Emanations

    16/06/2021 Duration: 27min

    (keywords) (approx. 27 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Ajahn Chah’s birthday, community, debt of gratitude, kindness, empathy, generosity, pontification, abstruse theories, character trait, selfless awareness, purifying gold, collective, individualistic, consensus, unanimity, attachment to views, control freaks, loser, winner, intensity, kilesa, loosen the knot, apologize, interjecting, one-upmanship, approximations, brahmaviharas, the four beautiful dispositions, generosity, susceptible.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Bowing to Suffering

    25/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    (keywords) (approx. 32 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Strengthening the heart, training attention, crestfallen, happiness, heart-warming, heartbreaking, The Four Noble Truths, boiler-man, happiness as the goal, disappointment, sadness, mindfulness, restraint, wise reflection, spiritual tools, chronically unhappy, genetic propensity, cynical, añjali, remorse, regret, Dhammapada verse 166, unacknowledged pain, generate benefit, resisting reality, hopelessness, despair, control freaks, freedom, sharing with others.

  • Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Wholesomeness Strengthens the Heart

    07/05/2021 Duration: 37min

    (keywords) (approx. 37 mins. - this talk is a slightly edited version of the original.) Kusala kamma, the goal, realization, muscle tone, gas in the tank, light, darkness of unawareness, nutriment, aspiration, rigors, making merit, puñña, positive momentum, canonical, trustworthiness, Dhammapada v 204, safe spaces, kin, Maori, whanau, impeccability, fake news, nefarious intent, friendliness, quandary, spiritual community, empathy, Ajahn Chah, brains explode, patient endurance, forbearance, bitter endurance, conscious cultivation, karaniya metta sutta, forgiveness, resentment, samadhi, disciplined attention, empathetic sorrow, skilful restraint, superficial assessment, samvara, lifetimes, ten parami, goal, cessation, wisdom and compassion, abiding in selfless, just-knowing awareness.

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