Aruna Ratanagiri Dhamma Talks

Luang Por Munindo (Archive) - Feeling Deeply Threatened



(keywords) (approx. 25 mins. - slightly edited version) Challenging, pandemic, politics, environment, hunger, Four Noble Truths, sensitivity, guts, MO, overly enamoured, a walking head, ground work, misappreciate, painting the living room, Wat Pah Pong, sweeping leaves, starving, sati, sampajanna, disciplined attention, remembering the bigger picture, open hearted, broad-minded, OK-ness, overwhelmed, inner competence, storehouse of wholesomeness, going gets tough, exercise, walking, jogging, trustworthy friends, Dhammapada 204, best of kin, generosity, in jail, buying into stories, outshining stories, ability, competence, yielding, assertive, honesty.