Living Word Church



Thanks for checking out our podcast! This is where you can find weekly messages from Living Word Church in Hauppauge, New York. Our mission is to help people center their lives around Jesus. We meet every Sunday at 9:30AM, 11:30AM and 7PM. Please check out our website for more info.


  • The Best Chapter Ever (3)

    10/01/2016 Duration: 36min

    When we think about our battle with sin, we often think about it like this: it's us + sin vs God. It's us + anger vs God. It's us + porn vs. God. It's us + unforgiveness vs God. The problem with this is the more we see ourselves as teamed up with sin the more power it has in our lives.In part 3 of, The Best Chapter Ever, Doug challenges us to adopt a new mindset that will help us find more and more victory in our battle against sin.

  • The Best Chapter Ever (2)

    03/01/2016 Duration: 37min

    There is something in all of us that is drawn to do the wrong thing. It may be pride, lust, anger or any number of things. These things seem attractive at first, but they always lead to brokenness. So what do we do?In The Best Chapter Ever Part 2, Doug helps us see a powerful strategy to overcome the sin struggles in our lives.

  • The Best Chapter Ever (1)

    27/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    Romans 8 was probably the best chapter ever written. It's so powerful because it helps us see amazing truths about God but it's also incredible relevant to our lives.The first four verses talk about something we all struggle with - condemnation. We are really good at condemning ourselves aren't we? Sometimes we are condemened by others. Some of us view God as a condemning, angry God. Satan accuses us and condemns us as well.In Part 1 of, The Best Chapter Ever, Doug reminds us of a powerful truth for when we are struggling with condemnation in our lives.

  • Christmas (Part 2)

    20/12/2015 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever felt like you and God are out of sync? Does it feel like He isn't with you? Does it seem difficult to hear, see and feel Him? In Part 2 of our Christmas series, Doug talks about what to do when it feels like God isn't with you. The beautiful thing is, the answer is right in the Christmas story.

  • Christmas (Part 1)

    13/12/2015 Duration: 35min

    From fights in stores over presents to arguments in parking lots over parking spaces - it's amazing how this season is known for selfishness. Jesus' coming was all about selflessness. So why have we allowed things to get like this?In Part 1 of our Christmas series, Doug challenges us to look like our selfless Savior and do something big this Christmas season.

  • (Morning) Invincible Always

    06/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    We all have areas in our life where we feel vunarble. Sometimes what we are going through now is overwhelming, and sometimes we fear what we will go through in the future. In this one part message, Pastor Pavone, will encourage us to rest secure in God's powerful hands.

  • (Evening) The Silence Before Christmas

    06/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    We all go through seasons where we feel like God is silent. We wonder what God is doing in these silent times. Has he forgotten us? Has he abandoned us?In this one part message, Joey Leuci helps us see that God is at work in the silence.

  • The End (Part 3)

    29/11/2015 Duration: 39min

    As the world becomes a more difficult place to be a Christian, it's easy to wrestle with some tough questions. Is it worth it to keep followiing Jesus? Will we have the strength to stand strong no matter what? What if our influence, popularity, jobs, relationships or lives were on the line? Would we still follow Jesus?In part 3 of, The End, Doug helps us answer these challenging questions.

  • The End (Part 2)

    22/11/2015 Duration: 39min

    Probably most people would agree that the world is getting darker. All you have to do is turn the news on to see what a scary world we live in.As the world gets darker, we may be tempted to run and hide, numb out or actually become darker ourselves. None of those options is what God has for us. So what do we do?In Part 2 of, The End, Doug helps us know what to do in a world that's getting darker every day.

  • The End (Part 1)

    15/11/2015 Duration: 31min

    There's a lot of talk about the end of the world. You see it in everything from movies to Bible studies to everyday conversations. It can lead to a lot of fear, uncertainty, arguments and distraction.In Part 1 of this 3 week series, Doug challenges us to focus our energy on something more important than all the endless debates and fear being spread about the end of the world. You'll find encouragement and a powerful challenge as you listen in to Part 1 of, The End.

  • Next Step

    08/11/2015 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever felt sort of stuck in your relationship with God? You want to get closer to God but it just feels like you aren't very motivated or don't know what to do next.In this one part message, Doug tells us why taking a next step toward Jesus is so important. He reminds us why centering our lives around Jesus is the best thing we could possibly do. Lastly, he helps us determine what a practical next step may be.

  • Vigilant

    01/11/2015 Duration: 32min

    We have an enemy who is constantly trying to steal from us. He's whispering lies to us about our identity, where we stand with God and our failures.In this one part message, Pastor Pavone reminds us to be vigilant and to rest in the fact that God is a shield for us.

  • Heaven (Part 3)

    25/10/2015 Duration: 33min

    In this podcast, Doug makes an exciting annoucement and then wraps up the Heaven series.Have you ever wondered what we are going to do in Heaven? Will we be bored? Will we be looking at our watches?In Heaven Part 3, Doug helps us see that we will be fully engaged and satsified in heaven forever. He talks about several amazing things that God has prepared for us to do.

  • Heaven (Part 2)

    18/10/2015 Duration: 32min

    Are you missing someone that passed away? Are you tired of struggling with sin? Are you sick and tired of pain? In part 2 of Heaven, Doug points us to the hope that God gives us when it comes to missing loved ones and struggling with sin and pain.

  • Heaven (Part 1)

    11/10/2015 Duration: 34min

    There are lots of really good questions that come up when you start to think about heaven. "Why should I want to go?" "What are we going to do there?" "How do I get there?"In this 3 part series, Doug answers these questions and more.

  • iBelong (Part 4)

    04/10/2015 Duration: 35min

    The number one most distracting thing a church can go through is disunity. It knocks churches off mission like nothing else. Disunity is also extremely disrupting to our personal lives. Our marraiges, friendships, work and school environemnts become a nightmare when things like gossip, arguing and lying are present. So what do we do?In part 4 of iBelong, Doug talks about how to handle disunity and what it looks like to be a unifier.

  • iBelong (Part 3)

    27/09/2015 Duration: 33min

    In iBelong Part 3, Doug reminds us of 2 benefits we get when we belong! They will probably surprise you!

  • iBelong (Part 2)

    20/09/2015 Duration: 36min

    There are tons of things that can keep us from belonging to a church. Some of us are so busy we can't imagine belonging to anything else. Others of us run from church because of our sin struggles. When we start doing something we shouldn't be doing we run from God and His people instead of to them. Others of us are afraid we'll get hurt. The list goes on and on. In part 2 of iBelong, Doug helps us see belonging to a church in a whole new light. You'll be motivated to push pass the barriers that keep you from belonging and be encouraged to surround yourself with this amazing community called, the church.

  • iBelong (Part 1)

    13/09/2015 Duration: 39min

    Belonging is so important. We all desperately want to belong somewhere. The problem is, belonging is about committing to other people - people who sometimes hurt and dissapoint us.In iBelong Part 1, Doug encourages us to decide that we belong to the people in our local church before the hurt and dissapointment tempt us to run.

  • Worked Up

    06/09/2015 Duration: 41min

    Many of us are miserable at work or school. A task or subject we don't enjoy seems to suck the life out of us. A boss, co-worker or teacher drives us crazy. We do all we can just to punch in, punch out and get out of there. Is that really what God wants work to be like? Or is there a different persective we can have that would give us purpose and joy as we work? In this one part message, Doug helps us know what to do when we get worked up about work.

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