Chi Podcasts



The CHI Podcasts are produced by the Cambridge Healthtech Institute and offer in-depth interviews with research and business leaders from many facets of biotechnology.


  • PepTalk 2015 | Baculovirus-Insect Cell Systems for Protein Production

    20/11/2014 Duration: 07min

    Dr. Donald Jarvis of University of Wyoming and GlycoBac, LLC and Dr. Dominic Esposito of Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. speak to CHI in November 2014. Drs. Jarvis and Esposito will be speakers during the Transient Protein Production conference at PepTalk, January 19-23, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Topics include the benefits of protein processing in the baculovirus-insect cell system, future challenges for transient protein expression and production and possible solutions.

  • PepTalk 2015 | CHO Cells and Computational Models for Recombinant Protein Expression

    04/11/2014 Duration: 13min

    Dr. Nathan E. Lewis of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability at UCSD School of Medicine speaks to CHI on November 3, 2014. Dr. Lewis will be a speaker during the Recombinant Protein Expression and Production and CHO Cells conferences at PepTalk, January 19-23, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Topics include the promise and challenges of using Chinese hamster ovary cells for enhancing recombinant protein expression and production, the creation of computational models by integrating metabolism glycosylation and the protein secretion pathway, the Novo Nordisk partnership with University of California, San Diego and more.

  • PepTalk 2015 | Enabling High-Throughput Protein Expression

    28/10/2014 Duration: 08min

    Dr. Joshua LaBaer of Arizona State University speaks to CHI on October 27, 2014. Dr. LaBaer will be a keynote speaker during the Recombinant Protein Expression and Production conference at PepTalk, January 19-23, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Topics include applications of sequence-verified recombination-based clone sets to high-throughput protein expression, cell-free expression systems, sharing clones upon request for research, self-assembling protein microarrays and more.

  • PepTalk 2015 | Leachables and Extractables: Updates, Best Practices and Recommendations

    20/10/2014 Duration: 11min

    Nandini Kashyap interviews Dr. Daniel L. Norwood of Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals on October 15, 2014. Dr. Norwood will be speaking during the 3rd Annual Extractables and Leachables conference which takes place on January 22-23 at the upcoming PepTalk event which runs from January 19th to 23rd, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Topics Include: Extractable, Leachable, PQRI – PODP, United States Pharmacopeia, FDA, Parenteral and Ophthalmic Drug Products, Single use technologies, Risk assessment, Analytical Study design for E&L, Regulatory consideration, Toxicological considerations, Cell Culture, Plastic Packaging Systems, Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems, multi-product facilities , Leachables in Large Volume Parenteral Products

  • PepTalk 2015 | Analytical Control Strategy for Novel Complex Recombinant Biotherapeutics

    02/10/2014 Duration: 05min

    Nandini Kashyap interviews Dr. Johnson Varghese of Shire HGT on October 1, 2014. Dr. Varghese will be speaking during the Characterization of ADCs, Bispecifics and New Biotherapeutics conference taking place on January 19th-20th at the upcoming PepTalk event which runs from January 19th to 23rd, 2015 in San Diego, CA.

  • EBRS 2014 | Impact of PAMA on the Molecular Diagnostics Market Environment

    23/09/2014 Duration: 05min

    Amid Zand interviews Mr. John Warren of McDermott Will & Emery on 23 September, 2014. Mr. Warren will be speaking at the Evidence-Based Reimbursement Summit, November 17 to 19, in Bethesda, MD. His talk will be focused on examining speed bumps and road blocks in Medicare payments for diagnostics.

  • EBRS 2014 | Reimbursement and Adoption of Personalized Genomic Medicine

    18/09/2014 Duration: 06min

    Amid Zand interviews Dr. Gregory Hess of University of Pennsylvania on 17 September, 2014. Dr. Hess will be speaking at the Evidence-Based Reimbursement Summit, November 17 to 19, in Bethesda, MD. His talk will examine the growth of pharmacogenetic testing and interventions.

  • FAST Congress 2014 | Understanding Drug Toxicity

    10/09/2014 Duration: 18min

    Dr. John P. Wikswo of Vanderbilt University speaks to CHI on September 8, 2014. Dr. Wikswo will be a keynote speaker during the Engineering Functional 3D Models and Organotypic Culture Models for Toxicology conferences at the FAST Congress, November 17-19 in Boston, MA. Topics include the evolution of tissue- and organ-scale toxicology research, the need for microfluidics in biological physics to control systems, challenges with organs-on-a-chip efforts, the hermeneutic circle of biology and more.

  • Discovery On Target 2014 | Development of Histone Demethylase Inhibitors

    04/09/2014 Duration: 14min

    As a preview to Discovery on Target 2014, Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Kip Harry speaks with Dr. Tamara Maes on recent advancements in LSD1 Inhibition, including the current status of Oryzon Genomics’ ORY-1001 trial, in collaboration with Roche. Dr. Tamara Maes will be discussing this in more depth at Discovery on Target’s Targeting Histone Methyltransferases and Demethylases Conference. Learn more at

  • FAST Congress 2014 | “Sci-Fi Come to Life”

    04/09/2014 Duration: 04min

    Dr. Kristin Fabre of NCATS at the National Institutes of Health speaks to CHI on September 3, 2014. Dr. Fabre will be a keynote speaker during the Engineering Functional 3D Models and Organotypic Culture Models for Toxicology conferences at the FAST Congress, November 17-19 in Boston, MA. Topics include NCATS’s Tissue Chip for Drug Screening Program, increased government support for tissue and organ chips, the benefits of these models for drug research, opening the drug discovery bottleneck through human surrogate technology and more.

  • Anti-Bacterial Drug Development Summit 2014 | Developing Robust Platforms

    15/08/2014 Duration: 03min

    Amid Zand interviews Dr. Kim Lewis of Northeastern University on August 14, 2014. Dr. Lewis will be speaking at the Re-Entering Antibacterial Drug Development Summit, October 27 to 29, in Boston, MA. His talk will be on the subject of Sterilizing Antibiotics.

  • Anti-Bacterial Drug Development Summit 2014 | New Antibiotic Commercialization

    14/08/2014 Duration: 05min

    Amid Zand interviews Dr. Prabhavathi Fernandes of Cempra, Inc. on August 14, 2014. Dr. Fernandes will be speaking at the Re-Entering Antibacterial Drug Development Summit, October 27 to 29, in Boston, MA. Her talk will be focused on the development of an antibiotic with broad indications.

  • Discovery On Target 2014 | Targeting BET Bromodomains in Cancer

    31/07/2014 Duration: 12min

    In a recent interview, Cambridge Healthtech Institute spoke with Dr. Jialiang Wang about his outlook on targeting BET Bromodomains in Cancer. Questions included: 1. Part of your research focuses on epigenetic therapeutic approaches, particularly for glioblastoma tumors, where targeting BET bromodomains are of interest. Can you speak to us a little about the underlying biological/genetic rationale for researchers targeting these proteins in glioblastoma tumors? 2. Since your work also aims to develop novel therapeutic drugs, what initial approaches have you taken to validate BET bromodomains as both druggable and potentially efficacious targets? What early signs of efficacy are you noticing in vivo? 3. One important consideration when thinking about drugging individual BET proteins is unintended consequences of inhibition as they have known roles as co-repressors as well as co-activators. Do you have such concerns? What do you notice during your work? Do you have potential concerns of toxicity for these in

  • BioBanking and Cancer at the Crossroads 2014 | Impact of Biobanks and Fit-for-Purpose Biospecimens

    24/07/2014 Duration: 17min

    An-Dinh Nguyen interviews Carolyn Compton of National Biomarkers Developmental Alliance, Complex Adaptive Systems Institute, Mayo Medical School and Arizona State University on July 23, 2014. Dr. Compton will be a plenary keynote speaker at the Leaders in Biobanking Congress and Cancer Diagnosis at the Crossroads: Precision Medicine Driving Change event, September 15-17 in Seattle, WA. Topics include effects of pre-analytical variables on human biospecimens during acquisition and processing, the importance of fit-for-purpose samples and how biobanks play a role in making personalized cancer therapies possible.

  • Cancer Diagnosis at the Crossroads 2014 | Clinical Applications of NGS Gene Panels

    22/07/2014 Duration: 14min

    An-Dinh Nguyen interviews Colin C. Pritchard of University of Washington on July 21, 2014. Dr. Pritchard will be speaking at Cancer Diagnosis at the Crossroads: Precision Medicine Driving Change, September 15-17 in Seattle, WA. Topics include clinical applications of next-generation sequencing gene panels for cancer risk assessment and precision treatment, collaborating with Dr. Mary-Claire King, overcoming challenges in translating genetic information into clinical settings, ensuring such data benefit individual patients and more.

  • BioBanking and Cancer Diagnosis Podcast 2014 | Precise Cancer Surgeries and Drug Treatments

    21/07/2014 Duration: 05min

    An-Dinh Nguyen interviews James M. Olson of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Presage Biosciences and Blaze Bioscience on July 18, 2014. Dr. Olson will be a plenary keynote speaker at the Leaders in Biobanking Congress and Cancer Diagnosis at the Crossroads: Precision Medicine Driving Change event, September 15-17 in Seattle, WA. Topics include the scorpion venom-derived molecular imaging agent Tumor Paint and its potential applications for cancer treatment, optide therapeutics, drug research and development breakthroughs in pediatric brain tumors through PDX models and more.

  • Next Generation Summit 2014 | Preview of the Panel Discussion on IMPLEMENTATION OF MOLECULAR TESTING

    21/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    The panelists describe what they will be covering during the panel discussion, which include third party payer requirements for clinical utility and funding sources. They will also review how the higher level of evidence will impact implementation, equity and access.

  • BioBanking and Cancer Diagnosis Podcast 2014 | The Business of Biobanking

    18/07/2014 Duration: 05min

    An-Dinh Nguyen interviews Stephen Schmechel of NWBioTrust and University of Washington on July 17, 2014. Dr. Schmechel will be a short course instructor for Biobanking Is More than Sample Storage and Management and speaker at the Leaders in Biobanking Congress and Cancer Diagnosis at the Crossroads: Precision Medicine Driving Change event, September 15-17 in Seattle, WA. Topics include critical business considerations for running biobanks to advance personalized medicine, support of translational research and clinical trials through a biobanker/biouser partnership and collaborations between University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children's Hospital and elsewhere.

  • Next Generation Summit 2014 | Companion Diagnostics

    15/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    Amid Zand interviews Dr. Richard White of Genomic Health on June 11, 2014. Dr. White will be speaking at the Companion Diagnostics: Technology and Reimbursement track at the Next Generation Dx Summit, August 19-21, in Washington, D.C.

  • Next Generation Summit 2014 | Single-Cell Sequencing and Complex Cancer Genome Analysis

    25/06/2014 Duration: 05min

    An-Dinh Nguyen interviews James Hicks of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on June 24, 2014. Dr. Hicks will be a speaker at the Single-Cell Sequencing conference, part of the Next-Generation Dx Summit, August 19-21 in Washington, DC. Topics include the advantages of single-cell genomic analysis for personalizing cancer therapies, one method for making single-cell sequencing more cost efficient, the relationship between tumor heterogeneity and drug response and more.

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