Chi Podcasts

PepTalk 2015 | Leachables and Extractables: Updates, Best Practices and Recommendations



Nandini Kashyap interviews Dr. Daniel L. Norwood of Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals on October 15, 2014. Dr. Norwood will be speaking during the 3rd Annual Extractables and Leachables conference which takes place on January 22-23 at the upcoming PepTalk event which runs from January 19th to 23rd, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Topics Include: Extractable, Leachable, PQRI – PODP, United States Pharmacopeia, FDA, Parenteral and Ophthalmic Drug Products, Single use technologies, Risk assessment, Analytical Study design for E&L, Regulatory consideration, Toxicological considerations, Cell Culture, Plastic Packaging Systems, Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems, multi-product facilities , Leachables in Large Volume Parenteral Products