Elimination Of The Snakes



The word "politics" is derived from the word "poly", meaning "many", and the word "ticks", meaning "blood sucking parasites".


  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #150

    20/04/2009 Duration: 01h07min

    Earl joins us on the show tonight.Mail Bag:A Ole joke from Amanda.A joke and an illegal immigration story from Allen.Dan was right and Earl was wrong 4/19/2009 @ 8:43 PM.Mike sends one in this week on the Albuquerque, New Mexico school district.One from Earl "How about those Seals, that's the way to handle Pirates."The Rest of the Show:1) Cafferty: Saudi Judge refuses to annul 8-year-old’s marriage For 2nd time.The Conspiracy Theory this week:The emails and topics of this weeks show inspired so much conversation no time was left for the conspiracy.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #149

    06/04/2009 Duration: 01h05min

    The weathermen got it wrong and we love it.Mail Bag:Peter sends one in on North Korea's missile launch.Alan sends in a funny one - You may be Taliban if.....A funny joke from Mike.The Rest of the Show:1) A follow-up on last weeks Snake of the Week.(Still a snake?)2) Veteran Senator Dodd in the eye of AIG bonus storm.3) Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos.The Conspiracy Theory this week:The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle.Next week is Easter EOTS will be taking the week off.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #148

    30/03/2009 Duration: 01h10min

    Mail Bag:A couple from Mike this week:1) Tender, juicy Obama Fingers hit the shelves in Germany.2) Show idea "The Bermuda Triangle".One from Al in New Jersey on Starkist, Samoa and Pelosi.(Can you say hypocrite?)Haven't heard from Chris in awhile, 2 from him this week:1) The Chawner family to fat to work.(Pictured)2) Selling sex legally in New Zealand.The Rest of the Show:1) Racing to see his dying mother-in-law at a Plano hospital, an NFL player found himself delayed by a Dallas officer after he was stopped in the emergency room parking lot.Snake of the Week - Officer Robert Powell.2) Chase Bank's mistake shatters woman's security.The Conspiracy Theory this week:Secret Societies:1) Freemasonry-Just a boys club?2) Illuminati; The 13 bloodlines of Satan; McDonald's?Our thoughts go out to Moorhead Minnesota flood victims.(A blue state.)

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #147

    23/03/2009 Duration: 01h01min

    Mail Bag:Three from Mike this week:1) FBI planting spies in U.S. mosques, Muslim groups say.2) House approves 90 percent tax on AIG bonuses.3) Kindergarten teacher made boy eat from garbage.One from Peter on a North Carolina divorce Judge orders religious woman's kids sent back to public school.Two from Earl this week:1) Bush and the meaning of the word torture.2) Cartoon and a story involving a cookie jar.The Rest of the Show:1) JP Morgan Chase & Co., the second-largest U.S. bank by assets, said profit fell 76 percent as rising defaults and the U.S. recession forced the bank to write down $2.9 billion of assets and boost reserves for bad loans.The Conspiracy Theory this week:Secret Societies: Illuminati, Freemason's, Skull and Bones, Second Family.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #146

    16/03/2009 Duration: 01h08min

    Mail Bag:Denny sends one from Fox News - What's in a number? That depends on how you define "Homeless".Amanda sends in an Ole and Lena joke for us nordski's.(Yah der, hey.)Mike sends one in on illegal immigration.(A Dan hot button.)Earl(Mister EOTS) sends one on the conviction of 911 conspirators or the lack there of.The Rest of the Show:1) 911 McNuggets Call: A Florida woman calls 911 3 times over McNuggets "Emergency".2) Tension rises as North Korea cuts off hotline.The Conspiracy Theory this week:Famed pastor, David Wilkerson, predicts imminent catastrophe.The Rapture.(A prophesied event in Christian eschatology.)

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #145

    09/03/2009 Duration: 01h07min

    Elimination of the Snakes is officially ready for Spring.Mail Bag:Mike with one this week on Citigroup's problems.Peter sends one in on Russian academic Igor Panarin predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010.Great American catastrophes.The Rest of the Show:1) U.S. says C.I.A. destroyed 92 tapes of interrogations.(Guilty as charged.)2) McGruff the Crime Dog roughed up in D.C.3) Ex-Atlanta cops get prison for drug raid killing.(92 Year Old Woman)4) "Afflicted" with fertility? Overpopulation isn't the problem and it never was.The Conspiracy Theory this week:The John F. Kennedy Assassination. To many unanswered Questions.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #144

    02/03/2009 Duration: 01h01min

    Mail Bag:Al sends one in on the "DOT".Two from Mike one funny Involuntary Muscular Contractions and one not Al Sharpton's take on the Chimp-Stimulus Cartoon.Two from Denny one on Defense Chief lifting ban on pictures of coffins and one on an annual hate group report.Two from Earl one on the Galaxy having billions of Earths and one on Steve Gibson's Spinrite Yabba Dabba Doo.The Rest of the Show:1) One armed BBC presenter is victim of prejudice.2) Army Officer Says President Obama Is An “Imposter”.3) White House watermelon email from California Mayor Dean Grose inspires outrage.The Conspiracy Theory this week:The John F. Kennedy Assassination. Much more next week.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #143

    23/02/2009 Duration: 01h02min

    Mail Bag:Two from Mike this week: The Bank of America and Citigroup shares drop and Palin owes tax on per diem, state says. Plus a little more on Sarah.Dennis sends one in this week on the redistricting game, the census' move to White House.The Rest of the Show:1) Woman killed during Clan initiation.2) One for Earl: Galaxy has billions of Earths. The Conspiracy Theory this week:Who is the Antichrist?Obama? McCain? Palin? JFK? Hillary? David Hasselhoff?

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #142

    16/02/2009 Duration: 01h54s

    Freedom to Fascism DVDs, ask and ye shall receive, 4 to give away FREE!Mail Bag:Earl sends one this week on last weeks conspiracy theory, the earth not revolving, none so blind as those who will not see.Mike with 2 this week:1) The costs of the California octuplets.2) An Arizona man who has waged a 10-year campaign to stop a flood of illegal immigrants from crossing his property is being sued by 16 Mexican nationals.Dennis sends one this week on Ann Coulter.The Rest of the Show:1) Bad economy forcing immigrants to reconsider U.S.2) The latest bank caught spending questionably is Wells Fargo.3) Associated Bank dumps posh Puerto Rico getaway for employees.4) Man returns hidden treasure to rightful heir.No Conspiracy Theory this week.Next Weeks Conspiracy Theory:Who is the Anti-Christ?

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #141

    09/02/2009 Duration: 01h04min

    A little on last weeks Super Bowl and this weeks Pro Bowl.Mail Bag:Earl's comments on the hollow earth conspiracy.Two from Allen this week-Some funny quotes and 14 reasons why we are bankrupt.Some word humor from Mike.The Rest of the Show:1) Citigroup gets a new $50 million luxury jet with our money.2) Ohio Firefighter suspended from Drum Band for nodding at Obama during parade.3) 1 Dead, 134 Rescued from Lake Erie.4) The incredible hypocrisy of Ted Haggard.This Weeks Conspiracy Theory:Encyclopedia Britannica offers NO PROOF for a rotating earth!Sorry about missing last week, life happens.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #140

    26/01/2009 Duration: 01h03min

    Hooray! We have us a real live President.Mail Bag:Pete sent in a couple this week "Things not to say if you're Muslim" and  cover-up worse than crime for the CIA.Earl comments on Area 51.Allen sends an article from Norma White: You want change? Try these ideasOpinion Column.Some humor from Melanie.The Rest of the Show:1) Caroline Kennedy is not going to be a Senator.2) Barack Obama begins the break from "business as usual".3) It would only cost Madison $1 to buy Overture Center.(Rant alert) This Weeks Conspiracy Theory:Subterranean Dwellers-The hollow earth conspiracy.No show next week, go Steelers.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #139

    19/01/2009 Duration: 01h08min

    Weekly weather report-Colder than a welldigger's ass in the Klondike.Mail Bag:One from Earl on the story from last weeks show on an Arabic T-shirt.A funny one from Allen.One from Becca on the story from last weeks show on an Arabic T-shirt, the Obama song, a little on Area 51, and child tracking devices.Mike with one on bailed out banks.The Rest of the Show:1) Cops take away 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and siblings.2) Father and son cut in line at Walmart, go to jail.This Weeks Conspiracy Theory:More this week on Area 51.(With a minor deviation to illegal immigrants.)

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #138

    12/01/2009 Duration: 01h09min

    A little Wisconsin in January weather banter.First 6 people that ask get a free copy of "Freedom to Fascism" DVD.Mail Bag:Two from Becca this week-One on 911 conspiracy theories, the other her opinion on entrapment(pro-active protection), state lottery money and some thoughts on conspiracies.Mike with one on a JetBlue airline passenger forced to cover Arabic T-shirt receiving $240,000 compensation.The Rest of the Show:1) GOP reaction divided over controversial Obama song.2) Spam in our inbox that grabbed Dan's attention.This Weeks Conspiracy Theory:Area 51 and the Roswell UFO incident of 1947.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #137

    05/01/2009 Duration: 01h05min

    We open this weeks show with a Wisconsin winter adventure story.Mail Bag:Allen from New Jersey sends one in this week - trivial pursuit.Denny on a driving dilemma.The Rest of the Show:1) Are internet stings legal? Entrapment legal? 2) Caroline Kennedy was spared financial disclosure as a top aide at New York City schools.3) Congestion Pricing and San Francisco.4) The legacy of the Bush Administration.5) Did Palin abuse power yet again for future son-in-law?This Weeks Conspiracy Theory:Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories. What do you think? (eots@inbox.com)

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #136

    29/12/2008 Duration: 01h03min

    Mail Bag:Two from Mike this week:1) CNN pole says 75% of the people are glad to see Bush go.2) The Hillary vacancy needs to be filled - Caroline Kennedy?One from Becca on WISC-TV Meteorologist charged with incest.The Rest of the Show:1) Idaho Mayor apologizes after flak from children's "Assassinate Obama" chant.2) EOTS is investigating numbersusa.com to see if it is a site we can endorse.3) This weeks conspiracy theories are 9/11 based. Let us know what you think. (eots@inbox.com)

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #135

    22/12/2008 Duration: 01h06s

    Mail Bag:Mike sends a couple this week.1) Divorced Jacksonville woman says church threatening to make sins public.2) Little "Adolf Hitler" denied birthday cake at New Jersey grocery store.Mike B. sends one on body statistics.The Rest of the Show:1) William Mark Felt Sr, Deep throat, died last week.2) Police Officer seen shoving bicyclist on YouTube indicted.3) UW Madison employee caught in sex sting.4) Burger King's "Whopper Virgins" ads: just bad taste?5) Tonight's conspiracy theory "Obama not an American citizen".

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #134

    15/12/2008 Duration: 40min

    Mail Bag:1) Peter sends one on “An eye for an eye” – Iran hands out gruesome punishment.2) Denny sends one on a noise complaint at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.3) Mike sends in 2; Hollywood film The Wrestler "insults Iran" and Murder charge in Vancouver office party shooting.4) Dan's daughter holds Dad's feet to the fire.The Rest of the Show: 1) Governor Rod R. Blagojevich; Selling the Obama Senate seat; What was he thinking?2) Tonights show is a little shorter than usual. Life happens.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #133

    08/12/2008 Duration: 01h01min

    Earl joins Dan and John Tonight.Mail Bag:Patrick sends in 2 this week - Our spam filter seems to be blocking Pat and a comment on some possible conspiracy theories to look into.Earl has an opinion on the separation of Church and State.The Rest of the Show:1) Dan was thinking the other day......."Public service announcements from the public"......Hmmmmmm?  2) Technology in politics.3) Bush’s legacy of failure and excuses.4) Not only did the trooper say no, he gave them a $100 citation for driving in the breakdown lane, made them wait for their citation while he finished writing someone else's ticket, and even seemed to ask for proof of pregnancy.Massachusetts State Patrol and Trooper Michael Galluccio - Snakes of the Week.5) Earls favorite conspiracies Kennedy assassination and Evangelistic Conspiracy.6) Evangelistic Conspiracy, creationism and the WEDGE STRATEGY.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #132

    01/12/2008 Duration: 01h09min

    Mail Bag:1) Comment on checking ID's, not using the word orgasm on the show, a yes vote for conspiracy theories on the show and more from Dan's daughter.2) Jeff sends in some comic relief.3) Earl sends in an article from Time magazine "Bush's Last Days: The Lamest Duck".The Rest of the Show:1) Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of USA.2) Sarah Palin watch.3) Wisconsin Dells police forced Iraq war veterans to lick up urine.Snakes of the Week - Wisconsin Dells police officers Thomas, Jacobson and Albrecht.4) You're Wrong, Nancy Pelosi; Impeachment is Your Constitutional Responsibility.5) On next week show we start our Conspiracy Theories Corner.

  • Elimination of the Snakes - Show #131

    24/11/2008 Duration: 01h07min

    Mail Bag:One from Mike this week - Madison's Overture Center laying off workers by year's end.The Rest of the Show:1) Battered Citigroup slashes 52,000 jobs.2) Lori Drew cyber-bullying trial begins - a past Snake of the Week.3) Screen Actors Guild to seek strike authorization.4) Catholic leaders congratulate Obama, offer prayers for administration.5) Dan gets a letter wanting him to help stop judicial tyranny.6) Do we want a conspiracy theory segment on the show?

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