Coach Glass Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 366:24:36
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Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep126 Motivation One

    04/05/2016 Duration: 36min

    This is a special edition of the Coach Glass Podcast. Motivation. Its not for everyone (that is for sure). It may make some of you uncomfortable. It may dive into the depths of your psyche that you have locked away and paved over with your false affirmations. Or... you will love it! It may be uplifting, inspiring, and help you squeeze out the last ounce of growth you needed to maximize your potential. Either way it is the Coach delivering his unique inspirational post workout talks. My goal has always been ?Inspire Others to Greatness? This is one episode of a series that will hopefully do just that! So here is how it works. Listen to the podcast. Then do your workout and at the end of your training session, lie on your back and put your ear buds in. Relax and listen to the Motivation. Its like a meditation but its motivation. Maybe its a MotiTation. The Motivation can be downloaded on iTunes just like you downloaded this episode. It can be listened to again and again. There are more coming so enjoy it and as

  • CGP Ep125 Chunk Training

    27/04/2016 Duration: 39min

    What if you took the end goal for your training and reverse engineered it. My end goal is to?????? Lets say it was to be STRONGER! Now break it down into the elements or components that make you stronger. What kind of time, intensity, tension, sets, reps and frequency is required to accomplish this goal. Focussing on this by itself may get us to our desired destination but may also involve us neglecting some of the other elements. Components that provide us with other desired physical characteristic like cardiovascular health, function and speed. Can we breakdown a bigger physical goal that encompasses all the elements we need to be successful at our sport? Can we put them all into 1 training session and hit them all at once or would it be better to break it up into chunks? Thats what this MUST LISTEN episode is all about. How to train in chunks to maximize your potential. Enjoy it! @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep124 Sex! Need I say more?

    20/04/2016 Duration: 35min

    This is the big one! The one you have all been waiting for! Okay probably not. In fact the thought of The Coach breaking down sex on this scientific and serious podcast seems absurd. Well it is a part of life, in fact it is the reason you have life, so its a topic that must be covered. We answer all the questions that you are afraid to type into your Google Search in fear of your neighbours finding out about your foot fetish. How many calories do yo burn while having sex? What are the hormonal implications of having sex, abstaining from sex or having to take business into your own hands. Why do you feel sleepy post coital? What is the future of sex for Generation Z? Plus a ton of random thoughts, unfiltered and completely uneducated biased opinions from yours truly. This one is explicit. There I warned you. Cheers! @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep123 Blowing Up On Social Media!

    13/04/2016 Duration: 47min

    In this episode we break down the whats, whys, hows, whens and when nots of social media. We also help you decide which social media platform is best for your brand. How to get REAL friends and REAL followers that truly care about your message. Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, FB, Pintrest and SnapChat all have a special algorithm that you need to unlock to maximize your exposure. Social media is like magic. Everyone loves the grand reveal but no one really knows how its done. Why is it that you post a video that took you a day to shoot, 3 days to edit and upload, 2 hours to write the blog post for and finally launch it on your social media platforms to get it out to 400 eyeballs. Then you take a picture of your dog eating ice-cream (which took 30 seconds) and BAM! It gets out to 4000 viewers. This is the kind of stuff that drives entrepreneurs and brand builders crazy. That is why this episode is well over due. Practical tips on how to get your message heard! @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamB

  • CGP Ep122 Charlie Weingroff Returns!

    06/04/2016 Duration: 44min

    Strap on your helmets! Charlie is back and melting minds as always. You asked for more of Charlie after his first visit so here he is. I called up Charlie to discuss the use of technology to monitor players readiness to perform and provide data to aid in the recovery process. As expected this conversation went deep! Charlie shares how technology should be used in a team and one on one training environments. Focus on communication and education before sharing the results with your athlete and coaching staff. We also discuss Charlie?s topic for the upcoming @perfrom_better Summit Series. Can?t wait to hear the whole presentation as it sounds like a home run! I could ramble on more about the topics we cover or you can just press play and enjoy! Get out a notepad, a dictionary and be prepared to press pause as this is fast a furious and chalk full of mind melting gems. Just the way Captain Transparent likes it! #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep121 How to Make Functional FUNCTIONAL!

    30/03/2016 Duration: 35min

    In this episode we dissect the concept of Functional Training. Some of you are rolling your eyes right now because you have been hearing about this for years and you are either done with it or don’t understand it and think its for the worthless and the weak. “I use to be a functional trainer but now I’m a Zumba Instructor!” “I use to be a functional trainer but now I am a Crossfit Coach!” What? What the hell does that mean? Can’t you be a Crossfit coach and still care about your client’s function while doling out the WOD of the day? Can’t you be a Zumba instructor and still be functional with a smile on your face? Have you just realized that I wrote "WOD of the day” which is like saying "I would like apple pie ala mode with ice cream please?” We go deep into how every coach can be a functional trainer and still deliver kick ass workouts, train large groups functionally and get results. Just because you aren’t functional doesn’t mean that your training also has to be nonfunctional. Listen and learn! Then comme

  • CGP Ep120 Powerful Public Speaking Tips

    23/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    Many people say that public speaking is their #1 fear in life. For some, they would rather die than get in front of 100 people waiting for them to speak. I was born with a strong urge to perform in front of a crowd. It led me to lecturing and stand up comedy. I have been speaking on stage for the past 10 years and wanted to share some of the tricks of the trade with you on the art of making it look effortless. Whether you know it or not, we are all public speakers. Telling a story at a dinner party or delivering the marketing plan via Power Point to your colleagues. Public speaking is public speaking. The tips I deliver in this episode may shock you! I am telling you the insider tips that the professional speaking coaches won’t share. You can start by not speaking! What? My #1 tip for public speaking is to stop talking. If you don’t, your audience feels like they are bien spoken to instead of having a conversation with you. Taking a breathe in-between points allows the audience a chance to digest the last sta

  • CGP Ep119 Nick Winkelman NFL Combine

    16/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Nick Winkelman is one of the World’s most respected strength coaches. He works with athletes from all sports but is best known for developing some of the NFL’s fastest and most explosive athletes. I wanted to have Nick on to discuss the NFL Combine and debate the relevancy of some of the time honoured tests. Is it really necessary to have linemen running 40 years dashes? Can a linebacker’s grit, determination and football sense be summed up in agility drill where he has to slap bags laying on the field. Nick goes DEEP into the subject before we wonder off into other topics including the secrets behind Exos helping the German National Soccer team become World beaters on the grandest stage. We also get personal and discuss how we both use hobbies to help us disengage from our crazy work lives and add a little of welcomed mental relief. Make sure that you check out Nick’s presentations at the 2016 @perfrom_better Summit this year! His topic will definitely make you think about the language you use and cues you u

  • CGP Ep118 Personal Branding

    09/03/2016 Duration: 40min

    You are a brand. Whether you like it or not you are a brand. It doesn’t matter whether you own your own business or if you work for a corporation. You are a brand and you need to manage the way the world sees your brand. What will I see if I look at your website, your twitter, instagram and FaceBook page? Will I see the best representation of you? Would I leave with a positive and accurate account of what you are passionate about, what inspires you and most importantly what you are selling? If not then your brand isn’t working for you. In fact it is working against you! This episode is all about how to develop a personal brand that is authentic to you and gets out to your target audience. Listen, learn and take a look in the mirror. Do you see what I see? @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep117 Biohack your Performance with Brandon Marcello

    02/03/2016 Duration: 55min

    All the training, cryotherapy, pre, post, prep, recovery, periodizing, micro, macro, load and explode in the world means nothing….. and I mean NOTHING if you don’t eat and sleep right! One of my favourite people to geek out on human performance topics with is @perform_better presenter, Brandon Marcello PHD. This guy has forgotten more in his sleep then most of us have learnt in a lifetime of journal reading, certification taking and University student loan paying. I asked Brandon about the 2 most import elements in an athlete's performance program. His answer, hands down, without question, was sleep and nutrition! We have discussed at length on previous episodes of the podcast about the various nutritional concepts and science behind eating right. So in this episode I wanted to go deeper…..way deeper! We discuss your gut flora and how the health of your gut will dictate what you can & cannot eat and how bacteria in your gut may be the driver behind your cravings. We then go deep into the science of sleep

  • CGP Ep116 New Era of Delivering Coaching

    24/02/2016 Duration: 36min

    I have been coaching for over 20 years. I use to draw stick figures and hand them to my clients at the end of their session so they could continue their workouts while on holiday. Wow! Since then we have had some amazing technological advances: email, the Betamax, CD’s and phones with cameras have come into play in the coaching delivery system world. So what is the future of coaching delivery systems? Building communities, building teams, building environments that are contextually rich with visuals, stats and sharable data! This is what students and athletes are looking for. So what are you delivering to your students? Some of us don’t have the guts to ask our clients what they really want out of the fear that we may not be able to provide them what they are really looking for. This is why I had to take my conversation with the founder of Edufii and put it on wax! I was discussing how I could use this platform to better deliver my coaching videos, programs and technical analysis. After 20 minutes I said “we

  • CGP Ep115 Glass & Gill Show | Early Specialization And Other Ways to Screw Up You Kids!

    17/02/2016 Duration: 32min

    Just two coaches, two dads talking about what we know best. Coaching, developing World class athletes and being a good parent. You might not like what we have to say but you do need to listen if you want to give your children and your students a fighting chance at success. Success as an athlete and success as at having an enjoyable and fulfilling childhood is a tricky balance. As always, Lance Gill @lgp_inc and The Coach get into some singing, silliness and fun while discussing this sensitive subject. It wouldn’t be a Glass & Gill Show after all if we didn’t! @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • Most Controversial Ep EVER!

    10/02/2016 Duration: 29min

    If you are easily offended or are sensitive to weight loss issues please do not listen to this episode of the #CoachGlassPodcast. I am on my soapbox and taking a stand on personal responsibility which is something we all have but many of us choose to neglect. You make excuses for yourself! Tell me if this sounds familiar? "I don't have time because of my job." Why are the other people in your office in shape? “Obesity? It runs in my family!" Apparently the only thing that runs in your family is the fact that no one runs in your family! "I'm big boned!" It's not the bones hanging over your belt buckle. "I have a slow metabolism!" Your metabolism is based on your lifestyle. Move fast, work hard, eat right and your metabolism will follow. Eat sh@$&% fuel, live a sedentary lifestyle and your metabolism will slow down. If you are ready to look yourself in the mirror and have a REAL conversation with yourself then listen to this episode. If you are tired of making excuses and you are ready to make changes in yo

  • CGP Ep113 Do Less Get More

    03/02/2016 Duration: 33min

    What if doing less cardio, less lifting and less time in the gym resulted in more strength gains, more fat loss, more results? Take the time to really look at what you do in your training session, and create 3 buckets. Bucket 1: Elements that produce results. Bucket 2: Elements that you perform because you always did them and you assume they create results. Bucket 3: Elements you know are doing nothing but you enjoy the exercises because they are fun or make you feel good while you perform them. Now take out Bucket 2 and 3 and see what you are left with. See what elements are left and determine whether or not Bucket 1 by itself will produce the results you are looking for or do you need to add some new elements to create a complete program.  Lets say you ran hills in the morning 3 days a week. On those days, do you need a metabolic workout as well? Or could you just do some strength elements with no dramatic increase in heart rate throughout the day? Do 5 chin ups, vacuum the couch, do 20 push ups, iron your

  • CGP Ep112 Mike Cantrell PRI Master

    27/01/2016 Duration: 52min

    Mike Cantrell could be one of the most entertaining, insightful and intelligent guest I have interviewed. That is a bold statement I know, but listen to this episode and I dare you to disagree. Mike is a Postural Restoration Institute faculty member, instructor and world renowned therapist. Mike possesses an uncanny ability to connect the dots and identify the source of dysfunction and deliver the right solution. Mike and I discuss how the human body is asymmetric and how the change in one segment of the body affects the entire system. Get out your notepads and get ready to put aside time to listen to this episode over and over. Knowledge bombs are dropped! @MikeCantrellPRC @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep111 McCabe & The Coach on Accomplishment

    20/01/2016 Duration: 36min

    Listen in on what turns out to be a  therapy session for Coach Glass! Clinical psychologist Dr. Bhrett McCabe, from the Mindside Podcast, and Coach Glass talk about Accomplishment and what it means to accomplish your goals and why some people struggle to find fulfillment in goal attainment. This was a jumping point for a heated discussion filled with personal stories  and stories about their athletes and clients who also struggle with accomplishment. If you are a goal setter and looking for a defined path and fulfilling destination you have to listen to this! @drbhrettmccabe @themindside @perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep110 Sleep Eat Lift Reflect Repeat

    13/01/2016 Duration: 35min

    The younger generation has a saying, "Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat" I think my generation should have the mantra "Sleep, Eat, Lift, Reflect and Repeat”. This episode is a program for you to follow for you or for your loved ones who are wanting to hit 40 feeling like a 20 year old. I want you to do this program Monday to Friday and enjoy the weekend they way you normally would. Treat your health like you treat your job. Get up, get after it and call it a day.  During the week you work and on the weekend let your hair down, loosen your tie and enjoy the good life!  Recipe for a healthier and happier you. 1.Sleep like its your job! 2. Eat Clean 3.Lift Heavy! 4. Meditate or Reflect Daily to keep you balanced and on course. 5. Repeat! Who doesn’t like the sound of that? @perform_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep108B Dana Santas Breathing Exercise

    06/01/2016 Duration: 10min

    This is the Dana Santas Breathing Exercise from the #CoachGlassPodcast Ep108. I have clipped this for you to make listening to this meditation/breathing exercise easier to do on a daily basis. I highly encourage you to find a quiet place to sit and listen to this exercise. Give yourself the gift of 10 minutes to get your mind and body connected. Very powerful stuff. Thank you Dana for sharing. 

  • CGP Ep108 Dana Santas Power of Breathing

    06/01/2016 Duration: 40min

    Coming off our successful film “Breathing & Bracing” (On VimeoOnDemand) Dana @mobilitymaker and I catch up to talk about the power of breathing and how it affects function and power outputs. I also share with Dana my experiences since filming the movie and how the breathing has enhanced my ability to move, lift and express my strength. We discuss ribcage positioning and its affect on the T Spine, posture and back pain as well as how breathing affects your sleep , stress levels and overall health. Dana finishes this podcast with a 7 minute breathing exercises that will blow you away! It is fantastic. I will be releasing the breathing exercise/meditation as its own episode for those of you who want to just work on the exercise without having to scroll through the entire episode to find it. Hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed making it! To download the hour long “Breathing & Bracing” film go to #DBODBU Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep107 Dream Big 2106

    31/12/2015 Duration: 26min

    #DBODBU Dream Big! Over Deliver! Be Undeniable in 2016! Doesn’t that sound great? Aren't those the words that come out of the mouths of leaders, game changers and champions? “Ohh no thats not me! Thats for the winners in the world!” Im here to tell you that this concept is not for others. It is for YOU! Your time is NOW! “But every time I have had a dream I have failed! I have a dark cloud that follows me and nothing goes my way!” I have an answer for you! You need to get something called momentum on your side. You need to start the year with goals that are attainable. Small high percentage goals that you CAN accomplish. Gather some steam and ride that momentum to bigger and bigger goals till you accomplish your Dream Big goals. When you hear about others accomplishing their dreams it always looks so easy for them.  What you didn’t see is the blood sweat and tears that became the foundation of their dreams. Most people quit before the 1st tear hits the floor. That is because they start with goals that are so

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