Mount Nebo Baptist Church



Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:2-4, KJV


  • Jesus: In the flesh - Audio

    16/09/2012 Duration: 1553h00s

    Any faith which does not recognize Jesus as both God and man is incomplete.

  • Significance of John 3:16 - Audio

    09/09/2012 Duration: 1225h00s

    John 3:16 is perhaps the most popular Bible verse in our culture, if not in history. How much do we really know about it?

  • Heart, Soul, AND MIND - Audio

    09/09/2012 Duration: 1219h00s

    Living the Christian life is about more than just feeling and emotion. God gave us a brain to use, not waste.

  • God gives the increse - Audio

    02/09/2012 Duration: 1611h00s

    So, a good church member should strive to get as many people to join their church as possible, right? The answer will probably surprise you.

  • Balaam and the False Prophets - Audio

    02/09/2012 Duration: 1548h00s

    Balaam is a Bible character oft mentioned in the Bible, yet little spoken of in church. If he is mentioned frequently in the Bible, should there not be a reason? What is the significance of this mysterious character?

  • Denying God, pt 2 - Audio

    26/08/2012 Duration: 1654h00s

    Our nation is mired in idolatry, and our only hope of ever improving it is to stop fighting the symptoms and start addressing the cause!

  • Denying God, pt 1 - Audio

    26/08/2012 Duration: 1661h00s

    Many claim one thing or another as "what's wrong" with our country. Could it all be related?

  • No ifs, ands, or buts - Audio

    19/08/2012 Duration: 1265h00s

    Scripture is not up for debate, and obedience is not optional. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

  • Back to the Basics - Audio

    19/08/2012 Duration: 1159h00s

    In sports, as well as other areas in life, it benefits us to go "back to the basics" from time to time. Should this not also apply to our Christian life as well?

  • No place for bandwagon fans - Audio

    12/08/2012 Duration: 1600h00s

    Jesus is looking for obedient workers, not a fan club. Which description fits you?

  • Communication is the key to concord - Audio

    12/08/2012 Duration: 1414h00s

    Just how important is communication to a church?

  • Small gestures, BIG impact - Audio

    29/07/2012 Duration: 1152h00s

    Ever feel like what you have to offer is not worth even offering? This line of thinking is not biblical! God can do great things with even the smallest offerings.

  • GO, even when God says NO - Audio

    29/07/2012 Duration: 1460h00s

    God answers prayer in one of three ways: Yes, no or wait. Yes is what we all want to hear, and while wait can be frustrating, many times it will eventually be a yes. But what do we do when God says NO?

  • Where does your help come from? - Audio

    01/07/2012 Duration: 1838h00s

    Where do you turn for help in your ministry? Friends? Family? Market research? Should not GOD be the one we turn to?

  • Be careful what you pray for - Audio

    10/06/2012 Duration: 1477h00s

    Ever heard of the expression "be careful what you wish for"? Christians should also be careful what they PRAY for, because you might just get it, and it not be exactly what you wanted!

  • Awareness - Audio

    10/06/2012 Duration: 1226h00s

    Many say they do not believe in God. Others say they believe, just not what the Bible teaches about certain things such as the existence of Hell. Like it or not, it makes no difference: it is real whether you are AWARE of it or not.

  • Where is our dedication? - Audio

    03/06/2012 Duration: 1543h00s

    Does the way you live your life show your dedication to Christ? Are you as dedicated to Him as you are other things?

  • Three P's of prayer - Audio

    06/05/2012 Duration: 1801h00s

    While the Lord's Prayer has been popularized as something to recite, in all actuality Jesus presented it as a template for all of our prayers. This template can be summarized through three "P"s: Purpose, Purification, and Procedure.

  • Victory in Jesus - Audio

    18/03/2012 Duration: 1440h00s

    Far too often Christians feel defeated and this just should not be so! For we, like the old hymn says, have VICTORY in Jesus, just as Elijah had victory over the prophets of Baal.

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