Mount Nebo Baptist Church



Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:2-4, KJV


  • Building Blocks of a Successful Church - Audio

    02/12/2012 Duration: 1375h00s

    The only way to build a true Spirit house for the Lord is to keep Jesus as the cornerstone. Not in the modern sense - a decorative piece - but in it's original purpose: what shapes the entire building.

  • Synchronizing our Church - Audio

    25/11/2012 Duration: 1392h00s

    The key to a thriving church is to be in one accord. Jesus prayed for believers to be one in Him through God's Word. We should take Him up on this promise.

  • Be Who You Need to Be - Audio

    25/11/2012 Duration: 1436h00s

    Should we design strategies for how we approach others in witnessing? After all, we do to achieve other goals in life, with far less at stake. We should be all things to all people that by all means we should save some!

  • To Whom are you giving thanks? - Audio

    18/11/2012 Duration: 1281h00s

    Thanksgiving is all about "giving thanks", but to whom are we directing our thanks? Pastor Raymond Desadier argues that any thanks that is not also directed to God is in truth ungratefulness.

  • Honoring the Veterans - Audio

    11/11/2012 Duration: 1319h00s

    Sure we have a holiday every year to "honor" our veterans, but shouldn't we do more than just that? Shouldn't we honor them with the way we live our lives every day?

  • Curing Pneumaphobia - Audio

    04/11/2012 Duration: 1676h00s

    Why is it so many non-charismatic churches have a fear of the Holy Ghost? If we seek to carry out our mission as a body of believers, embracing the Holy Spirit is essential!

  • The door is closed - Audio

    04/11/2012 Duration: 1621h00s

    We conclude our series on the churches of Asia Minor on a sad note. Whereas the believers at Philadelphia were presented with an open door, Jesus shares that the Laodiceans had a door that was closed, even to Him.

  • The door is open - Audio

    29/10/2012 Duration: 1602h00s

    The church at Philadelphia and their evangelistic efforts serve as a great example for our churches.

  • Brotherly Love - Audio

    29/10/2012 Duration: 1405h00s

    How can we reach the lost if we are not willing to display the love of Christ?

  • Sleeping Sardis - Audio

    21/10/2012 Duration: 1299h00s

    Imminent danger creates a certain level of urgency necessitating one to be on their guard. Should we not have this same sense of urgency concerning the imminent return of Christ?

  • God hasn't given up on you - Audio

    21/10/2012 Duration: 1353h00s

    No matter how far you walk away from God, all you have to do is turn around and He will be there waiting for you!

  • The Tolerant Thyatirans - Audio

    14/10/2012 Duration: 1395h00s

    Today many call Christians intolerant. Is being intolerant such a bad thing? Could it be our intolerance is a sign of our love?

  • God gives you what you ask for - Audio

    14/10/2012 Duration: 1420h00s

    Talionic Justice - also referred to as Poetic Justice, eye for an eye, and reaping what you sow - is a recurring theme throughout Scripture, especially in the book of Amos. What are some ways you have experienced Talionic Justice in your life?

  • Perversion in Pergamos - Audio

    07/10/2012 Duration: 1782h00s

    If Jesus came to your church as a guest speaker, what would He have to say to it? We may not know for sure, but what He had to say to the church at Pergamos may give us some clues.

  • Broken records - Audio

    07/10/2012 Duration: 1286h00s

    Ever feel like you keep hearing the same thing over and over and over and over again? It could be that God is trying to tell you something.

  • The Ultimate Passover Lamb - Audio

    30/09/2012 Duration: 1121h00s

    How significant should the Lords Supper be to us and what role does the Passover play?

  • How rich you are! - Audio

    30/09/2012 Duration: 1484h00s

    If Jesus came to your church as a guest speaker, what would He have to say to it? We may not know for sure, but what He had to say to the church at Smyrna may give us some clues.

  • Work hard, but not cold - Audio

    23/09/2012 Duration: 1550h00s

    If Jesus came to your church as a guest speaker, what would He have to say to it? We may not know for sure, but what He had to say to the church at Ephesus may give us some clues.

  • Is Satan more obedient than you? - Audio

    23/09/2012 Duration: 1327h00s

    Is Satan more obedient than you? Just how obedient is Satan to God's command, and how respectful is he of His authority and power? How do you compare in these categories?

  • Just because - Audio

    16/09/2012 Duration: 1199h00s

    When was the last time you did something for someone 'Just because'? When you do, you are passing along God's kindness.

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