Mount Nebo Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 251105:00:00
  • More information



Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:2-4, KJV


  • Wed Night Study: Psalms/2 Samuel - Audio

    24/04/2013 Duration: 1411h00s

    A discussion about the first ten chapters of 2 Samuel with a few comments on Psalms.

  • Looking Out For # 1 - Audio

    21/04/2013 Duration: 1421h00s

    For the unredeemed sinner, selfish motivation is to be expected. For the Christian however, "looking out for # 1" should mean looking out for our 1 and only Lord and Savior!

  • Be Wary Who You Believe - Audio

    21/04/2013 Duration: 1374h00s

    We should all pray for discernment, because things are not always as they seem.

  • Wed Night Study: 1 Samuel - Audio

    17/04/2013 Duration: 2011h00s

    Discussion on 1 Samuel

  • Learning From History - Audio

    15/04/2013 Duration: 1206h00s

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. However, you can't learn from history if you do not learn it correctly to begin with.

  • Sacrificial Prayer - Audio

    14/04/2013 Duration: 1499h00s

    What do you pray when hard times come? Psalm 141 is a great example from King David of how we should approach God when adversity strikes.

  • What Are You Willing to Give? - Audio

    07/04/2013 Duration: 1420h00s

    God finally gave Hannah the son she had longed for, but only after she was willing to give it all to Him. What are YOU willing to give?

  • God Is King Enough - Audio

    07/04/2013 Duration: 1384h00s

    Israel wanted a king because they basically rejected God's leadership. If you want God to help you in your life, you need to acknowledge that God is King enough for you!

  • It's Not Too Late - Audio

    31/03/2013 Duration: 1407h00s

    When her husband and sons died, to Naomi it seemed all hope had been lost. This must have been the same way Jesus' followers felt after He died on the cross and was buried without restoring the nation of Israel. Both would learn however, that it was NOT too late!

  • Wed Night Study-Joshua/Judges - Audio

    27/03/2013 Duration: 2039h00s

    Discussion from Mar 27

  • Women to the Rescue - Audio

    25/03/2013 Duration: 1212h00s

    A woman's role in society, as well as in the church, has been oft misunderstood throughout history and even today. Judges chapter 4 offers great insight into the woman's rightful role in the service of God.

  • The Humble Warrior - Audio

    25/03/2013 Duration: 1187h00s

    Jesus is no wimp. He is a sword toting warrior and is described as such at different points in Scripture. Do not let His meek and humble entry into Jerusalem fool you!

  • New Generation Of Leaders - Audio

    18/03/2013 Duration: 1514h00s

    As Moses passes the torch of leadership to his successor Joshua, there is much to be examined about Moses' career and how it applies to us.

  • Settle For Less - Audio

    17/03/2013 Duration: 1410h00s

    Israel's wandering in the wilderness and later failure to capture all the lands God had promised them is a picture of our failure to live up to our potential in Christ. Like Israel, we are settling for less.

  • The One True God - Audio

    10/03/2013 Duration: 1519h00s

    In Moses' final charge to the people of Israel, he wanted to instill in them the importance of remaining true to the One True God. It is advice we would be well to follow today!

  • Not What I Have Done - Audio

    10/03/2013 Duration: 1706h00s

    When we recognize the many blessings God has bestowed upon us, we must not grow haughty with the assumption these blessings are rewards for our faithfulness.

  • True Social Security - Audio

    03/03/2013 Duration: 1316h00s

    The Social Security Act was passed in order to secure American's future. The way God set up the land of Canaan followed a similar motive for Israel's future.

  • Subtle Attacks of Sin - Audio

    03/03/2013 Duration: 1278h00s

    We are to be cautious of where stumbling blocks can arise from, always remembering Satan and his cronies can have a very subtle approach.

  • Default Leads to Destruction - Audio

    24/02/2013 Duration: 1527h00s

    Israel was under a covenant agreement with God, chose not to fulfill their obligations within it and therefore suffered the consequences. As humans, we too are accountable to God. Are you holding up your end of the bargain or is your sin leading you to destruction? PART 1 OF 2

  • Quit Your Bellyaching! - Audio

    22/02/2013 Duration: 1228h00s

    Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, we are blessed tremendously by God. Don't let the trials of life let you miss that.

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