Mount Nebo Baptist Church



Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:2-4, KJV


  • God is There Even When He “Isn’t” - Audio

    16/09/2013 Duration: 1669h00s

    The inclusion of Esther among the canonical books has long been a mystery to Christians, especially considering God is never even mentioned in it's pages. Join us as we delve into its pages in pursuit of its meaning.

  • A Better Bag - Audio

    15/09/2013 Duration: 1393h00s

    The Jews are back home in Canaan and have settled into their houses. However, they have forgotten about GOD'S House!

  • Who Is Satan? - Audio

    09/09/2013 Duration: 1260h00s

    There are many misconceptions about "the devil". Just what does the Bible say about our great adversary?

  • Cyrus Messiah - Audio

    08/09/2013 Duration: 1444h00s

    The Jews were awaiting a redeemer to free them from captivity. They were waiting on a messiah.

  • Purposeful Discipline - Audio

    01/09/2013 Duration: 1419h00s

    When we do not live up to God's expectations for us, sometimes He allows us to fall into tribulations in order to discipline us and refine us for service.

  • Great Is His Faithfulness - Audio

    01/09/2013 Duration: 1374h00s

    Amidst Jeremiah's weeping over the fall of Jerusalem, he finds solace in the great mercies God shows us each and every day.

  • Stand For God No Matter What - Audio

    25/08/2013 Duration: 1240h00s

    Many times we will face scrutiny for our faith, but we must remember that Christ will always be with us.

  • A Happy Ending Awaits - Audio

    25/08/2013 Duration: 1204h00s

    After countless negative prophecies delivered to Judah, Jeremiah gives a message of hope.

  • Wednesday Night Study: Jeremiah - Audio

    21/08/2013 Duration: 1398h00s

    Discussion on the book of Jeremiah

  • Serving Secularly - Audio

    18/08/2013 Duration: 1274h00s

    Does it seem like your God-given talents are being wasted on things that do not directly benefit His Kingdom? The story of Daniel is a model of how we should use those talents wherever God has put us.

  • Sit Tight And Eat A Bite - Audio

    18/08/2013 Duration: 1280h00s

    In Babylon, the Jews were afraid to put down roots due to false prophets saying they wouldn't be there long. However, Jeremiah assured them they were going to be there for quite some time.

  • Tread Lightly Through Scripture - Audio

    11/08/2013 Duration: 1393h00s

    Reading Scripture out of context can be dangerous. Bro. Raymond highlights this by preaching a mini "fake sermon" and following it with keys on avoiding misinterpreting God's Word.

  • Mistaken Identity - Audio

    04/08/2013 Duration: 1529h00s

    How do you view the Messiah? As a strapping, handsome warrior, or a plain, unassuming man willing to take a beating without raising a finger?

  • Why Are You Here? - Audio

    04/08/2013 Duration: 1554h00s

    Why do you go to church? What does the term "worship? mean to you? You might be surprised to learn that the biblical concept of worship is not the same concept you have.

  • Submit To God - Audio

    14/07/2013 Duration: 1341h00s

    Things looked pretty bleak for King Hezekiah and the city of Jerusalem as they were surrounded by the mighty Assyrian army. But rather than surrender to them, the good king surrendered to God!

  • A New Desire - Audio

    14/07/2013 Duration: 1356h00s

    Micah's prophecy provides clues to God's ultimate plan of redemption through the Messiah.

  • Wednesday Night Study: 1-2 Kgs/2 Chron - Audio

    10/07/2013 Duration: 1256h00s

    Bible Study

  • Here Am I! Send Me! - Audio

    07/07/2013 Duration: 1669h00s

    The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Nowhere did God ever call someone to sit on a pew or at the house. Isn't it about time you said, "Lord, Here am I - send me!"

  • You Asked For It - Audio

    07/07/2013 Duration: 1469h00s

    What do we deserve in life? In a society dominated by entitlements, many may feel they deserve certain things they have been denied, yet in truth what they deserve is what they would never dream of asking for.

  • Following Simple Instructions - Audio

    30/06/2013 Duration: 1444h00s

    Naaman expected a complicated cure for his leprosy but received simplicity. Are you following the simple instructions God has given you?

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