Teen Esteem Council Podcast



A short weekly podcast giving teenage girls the information they need to deal with self esteem issues in today's world


  • Skin Care Tips

    15/08/2010 Duration: 14min

    I've been moving this weekend, so this will be really short. Each of the Council Members, besides myself of course, give tips that they have learned that help them keep their skin looking beautiful.

  • Are You Real Or Fake?

    08/08/2010 Duration: 19min

    As the title of today's podcast states, we ask a few questions that can help you determine if you are real or fake. The questions were found on an online quiz that can be found here. The questions are pretty simple, but the Council provides some great insight and personal experiences that give the subject more depth.

  • A Brief Discussion About Teen Driving... And A Big Thank You!

    31/07/2010 Duration: 15min

    For a teen, driving can provide so much freedom. It is an exciting time for a teen, to be ale to get into the car and drive. In today's podcast Summer provides us with some statistics that remind us that driving can also be dangerous for teens. The girls, Jessica, Aubin, and Amanda, share their experiences and insight on what teens can do to be sure that they are safe when they are driving.We definitely want to thank everyone who has been listening to our podcasts. June was a huge month for us and July was even bigger. We are excited about, and are grateful for, all of the support. We are growing and we have some exciting stuff that we are working on. Stay tuned!

  • Inspirational Quotes That Motivate Us and Why They Do

    24/07/2010 Duration: 16min

    Who comes up with these great quotes that have the power to change our lives? That is the question that the Teen Esteem Council asked ourselves after we finished recording this podcast. This was such a fun podcast to do. Each of the 5 members of the Council (We will introduce our 5th member in a moment) took a few minutes and shared their favorite quote that has had an impact on their life. Hopefully each listener will gain some insight into their own life and be able to apply something positive to their life.

  • What Should I Do If My Parents Fight All The Time?

    17/07/2010 Duration: 17min

    When your parents are not getting along life can be very hard. Some kids place the blame for their parents hardship on themselves. Others deal with the tension by being away from home as much as possible. If your parents are struggling with their relationship and you are wondering how to deal with it, this podcast my give you some information that can make your life easier.

  • Dealing With Change

    10/07/2010 Duration: 14min

    Change is a part of everyone's life. Our lives are very fluid and there are constantly changes going on in them. What is the best way to handle change? Today we discuss a few strategies that you can use when change happens in your life. Even if... You no say in the change, such as a family move to another state. You perceive the change as being totally unfair. Sometimes the changes that happen turn out to be better for us in the long run, and if you are able to accept change in your life, you will be much happier.

  • Staying Healthy During The Summer

    03/07/2010 Duration: 13min

    For some people it is a lot easier to be healthy during the summer than it is during the school year. For others, summertime means sitting on the couch watching TV eating potato chips. Our discussion today focuses on simple ways that you can stay healthy during the summer. We discuss exercise and good summer eating habits. One of our hosts admits that she lives off of ice cream and cookies during the summer. Our other host speaks from the experience of living healthy habits this summer. Listen for simple basic tips that can help you be more healthy this summer.

  • Bridgeing the Gap Between Earthquake Saftey and Real Life

    27/06/2010 Duration: 14min

    What does earthquake safety have to do with real life? (Besides saving your life if you are in an earthquake of course) The Teen Esteem Council Members take on the challenge of relating principles of earthquake safety to the every day lives of, well, everyone.

  • The Small Things Matter Most

    20/06/2010 Duration: 15min

    The show gets personal as each of the members share stories illustrating small acts of kindness have had a big impact on their lives. Never take for granted that some small thing that you do to make someone else's day better can have a lifechanging effect on them.

  • Does Your Body Image Really Matter?

    13/06/2010 Duration: 19min

    Body Image. It is a topic that is discussed all the time among teen girls. We've discussed in out podcasts before. It is the topic of our podcast again this week. The four of us have a candid conversation about how important body image is for girls and boys alike. We also share a few ideas that can help you improve your body image and the way you see yourself.

  • How You Can Prevent Date Rape

    06/06/2010 Duration: 20min

    Jessica and Aubin are back and there is something different about them... They are graduated from high school. We want to make sure to congratulate them and let them know how much we appreciate their input on the podcasts. Aubin came to us with the idea of doing a show about date rape. It is definitely an issue that many girls have had to deal with. Today we give girls tips on how they can avoid having this horrible thing happen to them in their lives.

  • Never Be Bored Again - Almost Never

    29/05/2010 Duration: 10min

    A few years ago I learned an amazing trick. It is something that has helped from being bored and frustrated in many situations. Summer and I agree that sometimes summer break can get boring... and even if you have not started your break we wanted to share this idea with you, so that you can use it at the first hint of boredom.

  • Natural Ways To Increase Your Energy

    22/05/2010 Duration: 16min

    Why were there over 500 new energy drinks released for sale in 2006? Because millions of people drink them. Energy drinks have become very popular among teenagers. A 2006 article states that 31% of teens drink energy drinks. Some regard them as a 'safe buzz'. With all the stresses that teenagers face (such as school work, extracurricular activities, and keeping up a social life) it is easy to understand why many teens feel like energy drinks are a good way to get through the day. There are adverse side effects to drinking energy drinks. Some of those side effects are nervousness, heart irregularities, increased blood pressure, insomnia, neurological symptoms and anxiety. In today's podcast Mat and Summer discuss a few natural ways that you can boost your energy levels.

  • Mistakes Parents Make When They Talk To Their Teens

    16/05/2010 Duration: 20min

    Today's podcast is directed to those adults that listen to our podcasts. Jessica and Aubin give their thoughts, from a teenage point of view, on mistakes that adults make when they are talking to teens. Some of the tips that they give are: Don't say, "I know how you feel..." Be consistent with consequences The importance of listening sincerely Keeping issues within the family When and how to give advice to your teen. For teens we share: How to let your parents know that you think a consequence is too severe.

  • Thoughts on Suicide

    08/05/2010 Duration: 17min

    In today’s podcast the Teen Esteem Council gang share some of their thoughts on suicide. No statistics or anything like that, just our thoughts … and a phone number that you can call if you need help!

  • What Is Love?

    02/05/2010 Duration: 17min

    For all of our listeners who have ever wanted to hear Jessica and Aubin sing... this podcast is for you. They lead into the podcast today with an exhilarating rendition of the song What Is Love?. Actually you only get the first line. Chances are you will be impressed though.Relationships are so important in the lives of teen girls. One of the most common issues that we talk to girls about is relationships. Today we discuss some behaviors and attitudes that permeate many teen relationships and explain why those behaviors and attitudes are not love. We also discuss some of the behaviors and attitudes that do define love.

  • Mythbusting: Jessica and Aubin Break Through The Confusion

    24/04/2010 Duration: 18min

    In today's podcast Jessica and Aubin shed some light on common myths that teenagers may believe in. In a 'fact or fiction' type of format, the girls give common myths and give relevant information on whether they are true or false. I was surprised at some of the answers. Some of the interesting myths that are brought up are: If you clean your face as much as possible your face will be more clear. Shaving your legs will make your hair grow in thicker. Getting a lot of sun can help your complexion. You can spot reduce and lose weight in just one spot of your body. Wearing makeup every day hurts your skin. Venting anger makes you feel better.

  • Many Boys Want Girls To Dress Modestly

    17/04/2010 Duration: 15min

    Ladies... when you go out on a date, and you are dressed kind of skanky, it makes guys (at least the ones who really want to get to know you) uncomfortable.Guys want to be able to look at you and talk to you without feeling like a pervert. Today we talk about dressing and modesty. We talk about how hard it can be for girls to find appropriate clothes that are fashionable.

  • Your Parents Are Your Own Fault

    11/04/2010 Duration: 16min

    Mat has been reading an awesome book on parenting by Larry Winget called Your Kids Are Your Own Fault. We don't want to let you guys off the hook. Your relationship with your parents has two sides to it. In this podcast we talk about how you affect the relationship with your parents. Actually the conversation that we have can apply to any kind of relationship really. We also want to introduce the Snowball... our new microphone. This was our first ever podcast with the new microphone. We think it sounds pretty good... and it looks cool too. Included in today's podcast is a little listener love as well.

  • How Can Keeping A Simple Commintment Boost My Self Esteem?

    04/04/2010 Duration: 16min

    If you are looking for a quick self esteem boost, try making a small commitment to yourself and following through on that commitment. This idea is one of the ideas that we talk about in our book Dropping Him, Finding Me. Anytime you make a commitment to yourself or someone else, and you do not keep it, there is an eroding effectt on your self esteem. In today's podcast Mat and Summer talk about the importance of this idea. It may sound too easy, but in our experience, the keeping of commitments is one of the fastest and most sure ways to give yourself a self esteem boost. This is not a one time fix however. You have to continue to keep commitments for the effect to remain with you long term.

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