Teen Esteem Council Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 71:59:58
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A short weekly podcast giving teenage girls the information they need to deal with self esteem issues in today's world


  • Are Grown Ups Really Disappearing?

    29/05/2011 Duration: 13min

    We received breaking news this week. Our nation only has 104 grown ups left. In today's podcast Summer and I discuss a satirical article done by The Onion. What we really wanted to point out were the qualities that defined the 'grown ups' in the article. Things like thinking about their actions and listening to people without trying to make every conversation about themselves. There are way to many grown ups that aren't 'grown up' according to the article. The take away from the podcast, other than our incredible senses of humor, is that as a teen you can develop these same traits. To see the full article click here.

  • What's Happening In Your Brain?

    22/05/2011 Duration: 12min

    I've been reading a book called Quiet Leadership by David Rock. It really isn't a book that is written for teens, but it has been fascinating to notice how the book reinforces what we have been saying about the importance of thought. Today's discussion focuses on the science of what is actually going on in your brain when you are thinking. 

  • Dating Advice For The Ladies Again... We Need To Clarify

    15/05/2011 Duration: 16min

    We want to thank Zoe. She is a listener who emailed us with a question about the Dating Advice For The Ladies episodes that we have previoulsy released. As a result of her email we wanted to make a clarification about those episodes. Thank You Zoe for setting us straight, or for helping realize that we may have sent an unintended message in the previous podcasts.

  • Teen Pregnancy and TV

    08/05/2011 Duration: 15min

    Our discussion today centers around television and some of the shows that focus on teenage pregnancy. Do these programs glorify teen pregnancy and indirectly give permission to teens that it is desirable to get pregnant? Or, do they show how difficult life is for a teen with a child and persuade teens to be more careful about their sexuality? Do these programs promote promiscuous lifestyles? One thing that Summer and I both agree on during this podcast is that even though the media may suggest that promiscuous sexuality is the norm, there are many teens who choose not to live that type of lifestyle.

  • Music and Teens with Chris Woods (Part 2)

    30/04/2011 Duration: 24min

    We are lucky to have Chris Woods back with us this week. Today we talk more about artists that have staying power and that are very marketable. For aspiring musicians we talk about the importance of marketing yourself before a record label notices you.  The biggest part of our discussion is about how music influences teens. Chris spends some time specifically talking about rap music and R&B.  A few other questions that are part of our discussion are: Can a person tune out or not notice the lyrics when they listen to music? Does the music industry purposely put messages in their lyrics to influence young people? What are things to think about when choosing the music you listen to?

  • Music and Teens with Chris Woods (Part 1)

    23/04/2011 Duration: 19min

    Today's guest is singer-songwriter Chris Woods. Chris currently teaches music at a private school in West Jordan and is continuing his music education. He has produced his own music and has also produced music for many others. He is a brilliant musician and has some unique insights on the music industry and the relationships that teenagers have with music and the music industry. Included in today's podcast is a sample of the song that Mat co-wrote with Chris called Never Die. The song is on Chris's Album 'Wait For Me' and can be purchased at itunes. Just go to the itunes store and search 'Wait For Me Chris Woods'.

  • Another Dose of Dating Advice for Girls

    16/04/2011 Duration: 24min

    Today's podcast continues on last weeks theme. I was reading a book by Chris Crowe this week and came across his 10 do's for girls. There are many of the 10 that Summer and I would not have put in our top 10, but there is some meaty discussion about a few of them. 

  • Dating Advice for the Ladies

    09/04/2011 Duration: 14min

    I just finished reading Josh Shipp's book The Teens Guide to World Domination. It is great and I highly recommend it! Today Summer and I wanted to talk about one specific part of the book... How to Dominate the Dating Scene. There is some great advice in there for the guys... but since our podcast is primarily for teen girls, we will skip that discussion today. (Guys, if you are reading this... it is worth buying the book for. I've done my own focus groups asking girls about Josh's advice and they say he is right on.)  Our discussion focuses on one quote by a man named Randy Pausch. If young girls would follow the advice in this one quote, it could change their dating relationships forever. It is interesting too that Summer and I had totally different takes on the the advice.

  • Be A Day Maker with Todd Farris Part 2

    02/04/2011 Duration: 17min

    Todd Farris joins us again today. In this fascinating conversationhHe relates what prompted him to start 'Be a Daymaker'.  We also discuss why it is sometimes hard to make someone else's day. It was Aubin's turn to share a Tuned In Moment. It centered around one of my favorite subjects... food.

  • Be A Day Maker With Todd Farris Part 1

    27/03/2011 Duration: 14min

    Today we are joined by Todd Farris, creator of Be A Daymaker. We spend some time talking to Todd about this incredible program that has tremendous potential to change the lives of many many youth. 

  • Reviewing the 5 Love Languages

    19/03/2011 Duration: 17min

    The topic of today's podcaast is the 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. All of us feel loved in different ways. Sometimes we think that everyone feels love the same way that we do. However, in his book Dr. Chapman reveals that there are different ways that people feel loved. He identifies 5 Love Languages that are common. Today we discuss each of these and how they can help you develop better relationships... not just romantic relationships, but friendships as well. The 5 Love Languages are: Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch

  • What is happening with Glee - Media's Influence of Teen Girls

    12/03/2011 Duration: 17min

    Today the Teen Esteem Council talks about one of the most popular shows on TV. Glee. We are actually talking about media and the influence that they have on teenage girls... but we mostly talk about Glee.

  • Honor Codes and Peer Pressure

    06/03/2011 Duration: 18min

    It's just me and Summer today, as Amanda is celebrating her birthday (Happy Birthday Amanda) and Jessica and Aubin spent the afternoon watching Jimmer Ferdette's last home game. Today we talk about the Honor Code at BYU, since it has generated so much national media attention. The take away for a teen girl, that may not like sports is this: There ARE teenagers and young adults that want to live high standards and who choose to be in positive environments. Even though the media may make it seem strange to live a wholesome life, there are many who choose to do it... and are happier because of it. We also talk about a study that was done on peer pressure. Are you more suseptible to peer pressure than you think you are?   The link to the study is found here: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/03/teenagers-friends-and-bad-decisions/  

  • http://traffic.libsyn.com/teenesteem/Can_Playing_Video_Games_Be_Healthy_For_Teen_Girls.mp3

    26/02/2011 Duration: 14min

    I like video games. I do play them probably too much. I am not a fan of unrestricted video game play. I mean, I don't like letting kids play whatever they want, whenever they want. Today's podcast, though, discusses and article that states that playing video games may help girls be happier an better behaved. According to the article, teen girls who play video games with their parents, particularly their fathers, showed improved happiness and behavior. The article provided the Teen Esteem Council with some interesting stuff to talk about. Tuned In 2011 It was Aubin's turn to give a Tuned In update. She did something that Mat has always been nervous to do.  

  • Interesting Dilemas Created By Facebook

    13/02/2011 Duration: 17min

    It's happened to everyone. Some person that you barely recognize sends you a friend request on Facebook. Maybe someone who hasn't been very nice to you sends you a request. Perhaps you have deleted a friend from a facebook page, only to have them send you a friend request again. New technology always creates interesing dilemas. Mat, Summer, and Jessica get together to talk about some of these issues that come up when using facebook.

  • Delayed Gratification and Procrastination

    05/02/2011 Duration: 18min

    We know that we told you that we were naming 'the movement'  today. We have had some great suggestions, but we haven't had the one that works yet. We are going to delay naming 'the movement' for two weeks, just so that we are able to make sure we get the name right. Our podcast topic today is Delayed Gratification. Is it important to be able to wait, with patience, for better things that may come later? We think so.  Jessica talks about procrastination and how it relates to immediate gratification.

  • How Do You Define a Friend?

    29/01/2011 Duration: 16min

    I once had someone write a letter to me saying that a friend is someone who is loyal, kind, and always looks for what is best in and for the other person. I was honored that she would consider me a person like that. So how do you define friendship? What does that really mean to you?  In today's podcast Mat and Summer discuss what friendship means to them and how finding good friends can affect your life as a teen girl. 

  • What Would You Do To Be Popular?

    23/01/2011 Duration: 23min

    What would you do to be popular? Mat and Summer discuss a few answers to this question on today's podcast. Some other questions that are discussed are: Why is popularity so important? How can you become more likeable? What are some people willing to do to find popularity? Mat gives his update on his work regarding 'the movement'. We are still looking for a name for 'the movement'. We have some suggestions, but we are keeping the contest open until Feb. 5th. We will make our decision then. Remember that there is a $25 gift certificate for the winning suggestion.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder and The Worst Ending We Have Had In A Long Time

    15/01/2011 Duration: 13min

    In today's podcast we talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is quite common for people to feel a little blue during this part of winter. Not everyone that feels blue is suffering from SAD. If you are just feeling a little down, or if you are suffering from the disorder, we give you some tips to make it through this part of the year with a better outlook. I apoogize for the lackluster ending. Like the title of this post says, it is the worst ending that we have had in a long time.  

  • TEC We Are Starting A Movement - And Other Things to Look Forward to In 2011

    08/01/2011 Duration: 16min

    As we were recording this podcast, originally titled Things to look forward to in 2011, Summer came up with a great idea! This is going to become a movement, but we don't know what to call it. Each of us, and hopefully each of our listeners, is going to choose one person each week and find a need that they have. Then we are going to help fulfill that persons need. If only Summer does this each week, that will be 52 PEOPLE who's lives will be made better. If all 5 of the council members do it, that would mean that 260 people will have a better life. If all of our listeners choose to do this, who knows what amount of good can be done! We don't know what we are going to call the movement. We are having a contest to see who can come up with the best name. Use your creativity, come up with a great name for what we are doing, and email your suggestions to us. We will award the person who send us the winning suggestion with a $25 gift card to the restaurant of your choice. You can send your suggestions to mat@teenes

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