Teen Esteem Council Podcast

Honor Codes and Peer Pressure



It's just me and Summer today, as Amanda is celebrating her birthday (Happy Birthday Amanda) and Jessica and Aubin spent the afternoon watching Jimmer Ferdette's last home game. Today we talk about the Honor Code at BYU, since it has generated so much national media attention. The take away for a teen girl, that may not like sports is this: There ARE teenagers and young adults that want to live high standards and who choose to be in positive environments. Even though the media may make it seem strange to live a wholesome life, there are many who choose to do it... and are happier because of it. We also talk about a study that was done on peer pressure. Are you more suseptible to peer pressure than you think you are?   The link to the study is found here: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/03/teenagers-friends-and-bad-decisions/