Oasis Church Birmingham: Talks



Podcast by Oasis Church Birmingham


  • The Lord's Prayer - Sarah Bowen

    21/01/2024 Duration: 29min

    In early 2024, the Oasis community is undertaking 25 days of prayer - beginning the year together by coming to God with thanksgiving and worship. This week, Sarah explores some of Jesus' most famous teaching on prayer - commonly known as Lord's Prayer - looking at how it is an invitation into the whole of Jesus' message of good news for a world that desperately needs it.

  • Vision 2024 - Adrian Hurst

    14/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    This week was Vision Sunday - the point at the start of every new year where Oasis takes an opportunity to reflect on all that God has done amongst the community in the previous year, and to look ahead to all He might want to do in the year ahead and beyond. The focus passage this year is from Psalm 100:4-5, tying into the overall vision of 'Legacy: Living Thankfully' "Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation."

  • Living Centred - Adrian Hurst

    07/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    In the first message of 2024, Adrian explores how to live centred on Jesus - introducing different FOUNDATIONS to live from, RHYTHMS to live with, and PRACTICES to live exploring. This year, Oasis has also launched a brand new weekly podcast called 'Living Centred', to help us learn from one another about how to live with Jesus at the centre. Find out more about that here: https://medium.com/oasis-church-birmingham/living-centred-podcast-d678a5317b2f

  • Advent 2023: The Joy of Future Hope - Mike Blaber

    10/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, facing the darkness, embracing the light, and encouraging us in how to wait patiently whatever situations we are living with. In this third and final talk, Mike explores Luke 1:57-79 - taking a deep dive into the character of Zachariah, and exploring what his song of joy about the birth of his son (John the Baptist) reveals about the one who is to follow, Jesus, the saviour.

  • Advent 2023: Promise in the Present - Rich Bowpitt

    03/12/2023 Duration: 29min

    Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, facing the darkness, embracing the light, and encouraging us in how to wait patiently whatever situations we are living with. In this second talk, Rich explores Luke 1:39-56 - Mary's journey to visit her relative Elizabeth, and her song of praise to God; known throughout church history as 'The Magnificat'.

  • Advent 2023: Grace Amidst Darkness - Alice Gray

    28/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, facing the darkness, embracing the light, and encouraging us in how to wait patiently whatever situations we are living with. In this first talk, Alice unpacks Luke 1:5-38 - the story of the birth of John the Baptist, and the appearing of the angel Gabriel to Mary.

  • 10. Jesus Is Enough Full Stop - Adrian Hurst

    21/11/2023 Duration: 31min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Adrian wraps up the series by reflecting on all that Paul has shared through this letter - how Jesus is enough because he is the one who is with us, sustains us, defines us, transforms us, satisfies us, unifies us, makes us shine, and brings us hope. Jesus is enough, full stop!

  • 9. Instructions & Promises - Lucy Hurst

    12/11/2023 Duration: 35min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Lucy (with the help of Chika and Davina) unpacks two instructions and a promise from Philippians 4 - exploring how Paul's encouragement to not worry (1) and to pray (2) and grounded in the promise of peace that Jesus offers.

  • 8. When We Fall Out - Adrian Hurst

    05/11/2023 Duration: 36min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Adrian looks at how Jesus is enough when we fall out - recognising that as humans, there will be times when we disagree with one another and time when we hurt one another. In those moments, we need to know that Jesus is enough to sustain us as a community, and that his desire is for us to be reconcilled and reunited in the joy of the unity that he has for us.

  • 7. Living Like Runners & Citizens - Adrian Hurst

    29/10/2023 Duration: 27min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, in an all-age service, Adrian explores Paul's encouragement for everyone who seeks to follow Jesus to live like runners and citizens - two metaphors for the Christian life that can help each of us journey with God in all we are living with. As it's an all-age meeting, there are a number of points where the congregation got into smaller groups to discuss questions - the gaps have been removed, but don't be afraid to pause the recording at those moments and consider your answers before moving on!

  • 6. What Do You Rejoice In? - Mike Blaber

    22/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Mike asks the question of what we are each rejoicing in. The Apostle Paul's status, in his culture, was untouchable - he was everything anyone could want to be, and he did everything he was supposed to have done. And yet, none of that was worth anything to him any more. Jesus had changed everything, and this new way of living, utterly tansformed, is one that we are each invited to enjoy and embrace.

  • 5. So, Let's Shine - Adrian Hurst

    15/10/2023 Duration: 34min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Adrian explores the invitation to "shine like stars" - that living knowing that Jesus is enough (full stop), means that we don't have to live as if we are carrying around heavy weights of obligation. Instead, there is a way of freedom and lightness which God is longing to see characterise our lives, and shine out to others.

  • 4. The New Community - Rich Bowpitt

    08/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Rich explores how a life lived knowing that Jesus is enough, full stop, means an invitation to be part of a new community, a new humanity, and a new world. This is the context behind the great poem of Philippians 2 - it's all about the Jesus who is both the foundation of this new community, and the model for this new community.

  • Baptisms: Moving Home - Adrian Hurst

    01/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    This week, it was Birthday Sunday at Oasis (24 this year!) and the community celebrated by baptising two individuals in the church. During the morning, Adrian shared about how baptism is like moving house - a celebration of a move from an old life to a new - and unpacks the key features of the new life in the new house that all are to enjoy in Jesus.

  • 3. What Am I Living For? - Alice Gray

    24/09/2023 Duration: 22min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Alice continues the series by posing the question: "What am I living for?". This question helps us understand Paul's comments in this chapter as he ponders whether (as he awaits a sentencing which may lead to his execution) it would be better for him to die and be with Christ, or to live and continue in his work.

  • 2. Transforms - Adrian Hurst

    17/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Adrian continues the series by exploring how the truth that Jesus is enough (full stop) means that God is committed to working in our lives to bring transformation.

  • 1. Foundations - Adrian Hurst

    10/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from the depths of a Roman jail, awaiting sentencing for preaching the good news about Jesus that might end in his execution. Despite that though, Philippians is a book full of joy, comfort, warmth, and connection. The key, as Paul reveals, and as Oasis will be exploring through this series, is that Jesus is enough, full stop. This week, Adrian introduces the series, unpacking the foundation of grace of peace that characterises Paul's life and shapes everything he is about to talk about in this letter.

  • Psalm 23: Part 3

    03/09/2023 Duration: 21min

    Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and beautiful poems in the book of Psalms - a source of comfort, encouragement and challenge to generations of people around the world. It's a Psalm "for all seasons", with an appeal to everyone, no matter what stage of life they are in or what circumstances are surrounding them. Over the summer of 2023, Oasis is spending a few weeks dwelling on this incredible Psalm and hearing from different members of the community about how they have known the Lord as their shepherd through different seasons of life. This time, Jean unpacks what it means to "dwell in the House of the Lord, forever", and there's an opportunity to hear from Sinead and from Chris about how they've known the goodness of God through some challenging times.

  • Psalm 23: Part 2

    20/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and beautiful poems in the book of Psalms - a source of comfort, encouragement and challenge to generations of people around the world. It's a Psalm "for all seasons", with an appeal to everyone, no matter what stage of life they are in or what circumstances are surrounding them. Over the summer of 2023, Oasis is spending a few weeks dwelling on this incredible Psalm and hearing from different members of the community about how they have known the Lord as their shepherd through different seasons of life. This time, Alice introduces the central part of the psalm, and then there are contributions from Bolaji and Uduak about how they've known God with them in navigating cultural change, and from Andy about how he has known God with him in times of anxiety and depression.

  • Psalm 23: Part 1

    06/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and beautiful poems in the book of Psalms - a source of comfort, encouragement and challenge to generations of people around the world. It's a Psalm "for all seasons", with an appeal to everyone, no matter what stage of life they are in or what circumstances are surrounding them. Over the summer of 2023, Oasis is spending a few weeks dwelling on this incredible Psalm and hearing from different members of the community about how they have known the Lord as their shepherd through different seasons of life. In this first week, Rich gives an overview of the series, and there's a chance to hear from Janet about how she has known God's leading beside still waters in her work, from Charlie about how she has known God restoring her soul during burnout, and from Faith about how she has known God's leading in paths of righteousness on pilgrimage.

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