Oasis Church Birmingham: Talks

Advent 2023: The Joy of Future Hope - Mike Blaber



Advent means ‘arrival’ or ‘appearing’, and is an annual season for engaging with the reality of the ‘time between’ the comings of Christ. It is not simply the ‘build up to Christmas’, as if we pretend Jesus has not yet been born and then celebrate his birth. Rather, it is ‘forward leaning’ and engages with the unseen forces at work in the world, facing the darkness, embracing the light, and encouraging us in how to wait patiently whatever situations we are living with. In this third and final talk, Mike explores Luke 1:57-79 - taking a deep dive into the character of Zachariah, and exploring what his song of joy about the birth of his son (John the Baptist) reveals about the one who is to follow, Jesus, the saviour.