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  • Life Triggers for Chronic Pain, Accident, Tragedy, Emotional Stress, Tests for Danger Signs in Body

    09/04/2016 Duration: 03min

    Life Triggers for Chronic Pain, Accident, Tragedy, Emotional Stress, Tests for Danger Signs in Body: This is a interesting yet heartfelt segment as Dr. Greg Fors, an expert on widespread chronic pain syndrome, and Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Certified Massage Therapist, touch on how someone might accidentally slide into a cycle of chronic pain that could escalate into Fibromyalgia. A trigger in life, during a time when one is not eating a good diet or in good physical condition, such as a car accident, an emotional tragedy like the death of someone close, a life changing event that is difficult to deal with or even minor health problems can all be triggers for long-term chronic pain syndrome. Be prepared by staying in good physical shape and try to eat right About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certifie

  • Overview of Fibromyalgia Progress in Body & How Brain & Spinal Column React in Pain Management

    09/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Overview of Fibromyalgia Progress in Body & How Brain & Spinal Column React in Pain Management: Steve Hefferon asks his radio talk show guest, Dr. Greg Fors, Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, to recap and give an overview of Fibromyalgia and how ti progresses through the body in terms on a molecular level and how the body manages that pain. Dr. Fors notes that Myofascial Tissues, a basic building block that holds our bodies together, becomes damaged by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, the latter being elements from food or external factors that damage Mitochondrials and prevent them from producing ATP, a necessary component for life and vitality. He then goes into how the body manages the chronic pain for surviving with it and adapting to the rigors before we take charge and get healed up, if we get healed up. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduat

  • Can't Rely on One Fix for Fibromyalgia, Like Magnesium, Start Serious Mind, Body, Diet Game Plan

    09/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Can't Rely on One Fix for Fibromyalgia, Like Magnesium, Start Serious Mind, Body, Diet Game Plan: The bottom line of this segment is don't rely on one fix, such as using Magnesium for chronic pain, abut develop an across the board game plan for Mind, Body & Diet. Focus on all, according to Dr. Greg Fors and radio show host Steve Hefferon, to get the success you want in reducing the chronic pains of Fibromyalgia and getting back the Loss of Vitality that comes with the syndrome. Firbromyalgia is not a disease but a syndrome of chronic pain that involves many different elements and in many ways defies a one-size fits all diagnosis. Pain in all four quadrants of the body for over 3 months is accepted wisdom, but Dr. Greg Fros, an expert in what he likes to call Widespread Chronic Pain Syndrome, says it is a moving target that can be overcome with natural supplements and hard work. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is

  • Mitochondrial Damage from Oxidative Stress & Chronic Inflammation, Result is Loss of Vitality

    08/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Mitochondrial Damage from Oxidative Stress & Chronic Inflammation, Result is Loss of Vitality: In the interview of Dr. Greg Fors, expert on chronic pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome, by Steve Hefferon, Fitness Expert and Rehab Expert for the Healthy Back Institute, the question in his segment is how does oxidative stress and chronic inflammation effect the body on a molecular level. Dr. Fors talks about how, if the Mitochondria are starved of fuel the result will be a loss of vitality in the manner of Fibromyalgia Syndrome, also known as widespread chronic pain syndrome. The Mitochondria need to produce lots of ATP all the time for health and survival, and a bad diet will inhibit that production and produce Loss of Vitality. Dr. Fors notes that Magnesium Deficiency is the most common of all and prominent doctors did a study where they mega dosed patients who had lost vitality with Magnesium and it worked to boost their energy level,and thus it must be assumed helped Mitochondrial health and production of

  • What Are Phytonutrients, Best Part of Fruits with Vitamins & Minerals, Essential for Good Diet

    08/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    What Are Phytonutrients, Best Part of Fruits with Vitamins & Minerals, Essential for Good Diet: In a short segment Steve Hefferon and Dr. Greg Fros talk about the nutrient values of raw fruits and where the best part resides. Vitamins and minerals abound in fresh fruits and Dr. Greg Fors recommends a diet rich in raw foods complimented by an exercise program for total health. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupuncture and certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU). He is a recognized expert in the field of chronic pain and brain health lecturing internationally to doctors on a variety of subjects including chronic pain disorders, autism, ADHD, depression, and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's. His clinical experience includes many years of teaching and successfully treating a wid

  • External Elements & Foods Turning Into Oxidative Stress Needing Anti-Oxidants to Combat in Body

    08/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    External Elements & Foods Turning Into Oxidative Stress Needing Anti-Oxidants to Combat in Body: Steve Hefferon, interview Dr. Greg Fors, Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is curious if external pollution can contribute to oxidative stress, which is essentially the introduction of free radicals in the body that required additional anti-oxidants to combat. The answer is an emphatic yes; from the fumes coming off carpets, counter tops, exhaust from cars or any of hundreds of other chemicals we might encounter during out travels. Whether introduced through food, liquids or external sources, the oxidative stress elements must be countered. Dr. Fors suggests getting on a good program of diet and exercise. As Jessse Cannone, who works with Steve Hefferon at the Healthy Back Institute, says it is Mind, Body and Diet, all three must be paid attention to in order to get total healthy. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & S

  • Loss of Vitality from Chronic Inflammation & Oxidative Stress, Roots of Fibromyalgia Syndrome

    08/04/2016 Duration: 03min

    Loss of Vitality from Chronic Inflammation & Oxidative Stress, Roots of Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Dr. Greg Fors, an expert on Fibromyalgia and widespread chronic pain syndrome, talks about the underlying causes of Fibromyalgia as in the Loss of Vitality. The two underlying culprits are Chronic Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants. Fors explains to Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Rehab Expert, that we must get these under control through diet and exercise and the proper mindset to bring ourselves out of widespread chronic pain syndrome, or Fibromyaglia. Antioxidants will help, but basic tenets of life must be followed or the constant state of inflammation will render bring our bodies to a serious condition which might not be reversible. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing

  • Is Modern Medicine Failing Us, or Are We Failing Ourselves, We Must Take Control of Our Lives

    08/04/2016 Duration: 03min

    Is Modern Medicine Failing Us, or Are We Failing Ourselves, We Must Take Control of Our Lives: In this segment the subject of the modern diet is discussed as this generation eats out more often and parents cook less home made food, their children are more likely to develop diabetes than previous ones. No matter what one might order at a restaurant, the chances of harmful additives being in the food are high. High Fructose Corn Syrup is classified by Dr. Greg Fors, Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, as a fake food and it is found throughout the modern food supply. If one is to survive in this crazy world then information and control are necessary. Take Control of Your Body and Life, so that Doctors Will Not be Making Decisions for You. About Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer, Post Rehabilitation Specialist & Certified Massage Therapist:, Steve Hefferon, CMT is a native of Washington, D.C. currently living and working in Germantown, Maryland. He holds a B.

  • Is Fibromyalgia on Rise, YES says Dr. Fors, Over Consuming Bad Food Plus Chemical Exposures Factors

    08/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Is Fibromyalgia on Rise, YES says Dr. Fors, Over Consuming Bad Food Plus Chemical Exposures Factors: Steve Hefferon, interviewing Dr Greg Fors about Fibromyalgia, wants to know if the mysterious syndrome, which sometimes defies diagnosis because of many moving parts, is on the rise around the world. Dr. Fors says YES< YES< YES, and that is because of bad diets, eating too much back food, and exposure to chemicals through a variety of sources. Fors says we have whole populations of "walking wounded from consuming too much bad food and being exposed to too many chemcals in the air, in our homes, in our food, in our clothing and everywhere else." About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupuncture and certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU). He is a recognized expert in the field of chronic pain and

  • Mis-Diagnosing Fibromyalgia & Missing Fatal or Serious Disease or Condition Not Uncommon

    08/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Mis-Diagnosing Fibromyalgia & Missing Fatal or Serious Disease or Condition Not Uncommon: In the fifth segment of a nearly two-hour interview with Dr. Greg Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain. and Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Rehabilitation Expert, wants to know if doctors look for something other than Fibromyalgia and if so can it be serious or fatal. Dr. Fors answers with an emphatic YES, he trains his doctors to look beyond the symptoms thought to be indicating Fibromyalgia because there are a few really deadly conditions that are hiding in the weeds and must be looked for. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupuncture and certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU). He is a recognized expert in the field of chronic pain and b

  • How Common is Fibromyalgia, 10 Million Diagnosed in U.S., Chronic Pain a Bigger Problem

    08/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    How Common is Fibromyalgia, 10 Million Diagnosed in U.S., Chronic Pain a Bigger Problem: In this segment of the interview of Dr. Greg Fors, an expert on Fibromyaglia pain and natural remedies, and the subject is how common is the condition and what is being done about those who are diagnosed. Dr. Fors says 10 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and upwards of 90 million more suffer from chronic pain. Since Fibromyalgia is not a disease but a syndrome, the official diagnosis is a rather fluid definition. But there is no doubt chronic pain is rampant and most Americans don't address the underlying causes but mask over the pain with drugs and pain killers. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupuncture and certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU). He is a r

  • MDs & Diagnosing Fibromyalgia, Dr. Greg Fors says Trash Can Diagnosis, Worst Flu All the Time

    07/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Medical Doctors and the Diagnosing of Fibromyalgia, Dr. Greg Fors says Trash Can Diagnosis, Like Worst Flu You've Ever Had All the Time: Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Certified Massage Therapist, wants to know from Dr. Greg Fors if doctors are lazy in their diagnosis of Fibromyalgia by just listening to a few symptoms and breaking out the prescription pad for pain killers or steroids? The answer is yes and Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, calls it a Trash Can Diagnosis. Dr. Greg Fors, who has developed the Fenix Rehab System, says it is a complex syndrome that defies description or a set a symptoms, but it is like the worst flu you ever had all the time. Loss of vitality and widespread chronic pain is the simplest way to describe Fibromyalgia. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Boar

  • What is Fibromyalgia, Dr. Greg Fors, Author Why We Hurt, Explains to Steve Hefferon, Rehab Expert

    07/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    What is Fibromyalgia, Dr. Greg Fors, Author Why We Hurt, Explains to Steve Hefferon, Rehab Expert: In the second segment of the interview of Dr. Greg Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, by Steve Hefferon we find out what exactly Fibromyalgia is and is not. First, it is not a disease but a syndrome and one must have pain in all four quadrants of the body, chronic pain of many descriptions, for at least 3 months to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This is a very confusing aspect of the syndrome and it requires patience is required to get through all the various explanations. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupuncture and certified in Applied Herbal Sciences (NWHSU). He is a recognized expert in the field of chronic pain and brain healt

  • Introduction of Dr. Greg Fors, Author of Why We Hurt, by Steve Hefferon on The Fibromyalgia Fix

    07/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Introduction of Dr. Greg Fors, Author of Why We Hurt, by Steve Hefferon on The Fibromyalgia Fix: This is the first segment of a long and intense interview with Dr. Greg Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain and creator of the Fenix Rehab System, to talk about the devastating effects of Fibromyalgia and hot naturally reverse the pains of that condition. Steve Hefferon notes that one of the problems with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia is that all kinds of healing protocols are bandied about but no one has the full pictures and those with the pain are caught in the middle. He hopes to get some good info from Dr. Fors about helping people naturally and giving them hope for a less painful future. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic, a Board-certified Neurologist (IBCN); nationally certified in acupunct

  • Forget Your Condition & Focus on Fixing Underlying Causes of Your Pain in Body & Your Life

    06/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Forget Your Condition & Focus on Fixing Underlying Causes of Your Pain in Body & Your Life:: This is the final segment of The Complete Back Pain Healing Formula with Jesse Cannone, author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, interviewing Steve Hefferon it is a pet talk from Jesse that is inspiring. He tells listeners to forget about their conditions, forget about their pain, focus on the underlying causes of the pain,, such as muscle imbalance, spinal compression, trigger points, emotional stress and nutritional imbalance,, and move forward to purpose and vigor to conquer all the physical problems. These words can easily be translated into other areas of our lives, for forgetting the current situation and looking to fixing the problems causing our pain and suffering. This means relationships, work, family, friends, money and on and on and on. Forget You Condition and Fix the Problems! About Dr. Jesse Cannone: Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source

  • Admit Emotional Baggage & Work on It, Fix Nutritional Imbalance for Good Energy & Health, Clear Mind

    06/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Admit Emotional Baggage & Work on It, Fix Nutritional Imbalance for Good Energy & Health, Clear Mind: In a short segment Jesse Cannone has two simple messages; first admit you have emotional pain, unresolved issues, we all have them so don't hide from that. Tell yourself you will on them and try to be good to those around you and learn from the pain you are feeling. Second, get your nutritional imbalance in balance; cut out the foods that cause inflammation in your digestive tract and eliminate dairy, wheat, sugar, soda, coffee and drinks lots of water and have a good diet for Mind, Body and Soul. Remember it is always Mind, Body, Diet for Total Health. About Dr. Jesse Cannone: Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals. As a personal trainer and post-rehabilitation specialist, Jesse’s hands-on work h

  • Trigger Point Self-Treatment System from Healthy Back Institute's Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon

    06/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Trigger Point Self-Treatment System from Healthy Back Institute's Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon: In treating your own Trigger Points with the Healthy Back Institute's Trigger Point Self-Treatment System, warns Steve Hefferon, one must be care of multiplying trigger points. This can also happen in deep tissue massage, which can bring out long dormant trigger points or create new ones from working on others. But if you can't afford to hire a trigger point specialist or just don't want to have someone else handling that, Jesse Cannone believes their system is very much up to the task of working your trigger points when you are in relaxed position, which is key to the process. About Trigger Points: Trigger points cause muscles and tissues to tighten and shorten. These hyper-irritated hardened masses cause so much pain and tenderness that you alter the way you move, sit or stand to instinctively protect yourself. By limiting the use of the painful muscle, the muscle begins to weaken. Your altered patterns

  • Decompression Therapy, Inversion Therapy Tips Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon, Healthy Back Institute

    05/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Decompression Therapy, Inversion Therapy Tips Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon, Healthy Back Institute: The second therapy brought up by Jesse Cannone, founder of The Healthy Back Institute, to Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Certified Massage Therapist, is that of De-Compression Therapy, which usually involves Inversion Therapy. The Healthy Back Institute markets a number of terrific Inversion Tables and both Jesse and Steve endorse this form of therapy. Jesse Cannone, author of Teh 7-Day Back Pain Cure, and Steve recommend starting slow with a 25% slope for a couple of week and then moved to 60% and, when ready, full inversion. Jesse points out that this form of back therapy has been going on for thousands of years and has helped untold thousands of patients on their road to recovery and onto fitness and an active lifestyle. 7 key benefits of inversion for the back pain sufferer While relieving your back pain is your primary reason for considering inversion therapy, there are a number of additio

  • Muscle Balance Therapy from Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon of the Healthy Back Institute

    05/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Muscle Balance Therapy from Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon of the Healthy Back Institute: The main cause of back and other muscle and nerve pain in the body is muscle imbalance and the system developed by Jesse Cannone and Steve Hefferon, of The Healthy Back Institute, is designed to bring balance back into the body through a series of exercise and therapies. Jesse doesn't want people to believe they will be pain free, but they can have a level of fitness and activity that will make it easier to reduce the pain on a consistent basis. With no attempt to bring muscle balance to the body then one will continue to suffer with no end in sight or ability to fully participate in all that life has to offer. About Dr. Jesse Cannone: Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals. As a personal trainer and post-rehab

  • Good Sleep Vital for Healing Body-Mind & Productive Life, If Injury Prevents Try Natural Sleep Aids

    05/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Good Sleep Vital for Healing Body-Mind & Productive Life, If Injury Prevents Try Natural Sleep Aids: The final relaxation segment in this long interview of Steve Hefferon by Jesse Cannone, author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, is about sleep and getting enough to heal injuries, recharge your mind to function properly and give the body a break from the stresses of the day. Sleep, water, deep breathing and good food will help one relax and heal up from injuries, but then facing the root cause from the following list is key to getting back to a full active life; muscle imbalance, spinal compression, trigger points, negative or emotional stress, and nutritional imbalance. About Dr. Jesse Cannone: Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals. As a personal trainer and post-rehabilitation specialist, Jesse’s hands-on

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