Real Estate Strategy Session With Michael Alder



Real Estate Strategy Session is a podcast created new and struggling real estate investors to cut through all the noise, nonsense and BS associated with real estate investing and give you real simplified strategies that you can use immediately to boost and build your real estate investing business today. Expect new episodes twice a week and each show will be around 10 minutes so you can take advantage of each shows strategy and put it to work right awayFor more strategies stop by


  • RESS: Virtual Wholesaling Project Week 2

    11/04/2016 Duration: 09min

    I'm ready to find a deal! In this episode I share strategies I've used to build a buyers list on week 1. Now its time for me to generate motivated seller leads to lock up a deal in the new market I'm working Listen in to check out the strategies I'm currently using and the results I've received so far If you are struggling financially to get started I've got a cool freebie coming out this week sharing easy strategies you can use to get the cash to purchase your first deal. To grab your free copy subscribe at Connect with me and share where you are on your journey! Email me at   Need some resources? I've compiled effective strategies and low cost resources that can boost you business. Check these out by visiting

  • RESS: Going Virtual Follow My Step by Step Journey

    08/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    Flip houses anywhere in the U.S. with your cell phone We hear this all the time but what does it really take to get this done? Well I am going to find out! I have decided to randomly test a new market to virtually wholesale a deal in within 45 days I've decided on the Orlando/ Lakeland Florida area and I am documenting every step to see if I can get this done. My resources for this is my laptop, cell phone and $1,000.00 to get this done I will share every step I take on this journey so if I'm successful you can follow my lead to become profitable in any market Also my "Wholesaling Lease Options For Fast Profits" is available at grab a copy for only $4.97 Hit me up and let me know what you think of this journey and if you are in the Florida market lets connect

  • RESS: Achieving "Proof Of Concept" With Your Goals

    04/04/2016 Duration: 11min

    "Go Big Or Go Home"  We hear this all the time but sometimes going too big scares us from even taking the first step to achieve our goals In this episode I share how to take on a tiny deal first to confirm your plan will work then once you have proof of concept you can go much bigger to tackle your monster goals  I also share a new investment strategy I'm working on and how you can follow my steps to avoid some costly mistakes along the way What are your 2016 goals? Shoot me an email at and share your plans with me My new audio "Fast Profits Wholesaling Lease options" is now available for only $4.97 You can check it out by visiting

  • RESS: Q&A Round 2 Periscope to Podcast

    01/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    Here is round 2 of Real Estate Strategy Sessions Q&A Friday In this episode we cover How to find true cash buyers on craigslist How to set up an LLC Loads Of Lease Option Strategies Slick ideas for future episodes My "Fast Profits" Wholesaling Lease Options Audio Course is finished and available for purchase at Lacking the results you've been after? Check our my real estate accountability coaching. We will map out a plan from where you currently are to where you want to be! 4 sessions plus email support start at only $347.00 CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE DETAILS

  • RESS: Meet My Crazy Tenant

    28/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    You will meet some crazies in this business and this year I met my match!  In this episode I will share the exacts steps you you should take to manage deadbeat tenants throughout the eviction process In a perfect world you will never run across this situation but lets be real CRAZY PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE! Get some great laughs and strategies from this rental property headache Remember to follow me on periscope @michaelalder34  Lets connect! Email me at Stop by my resources page as I've added some great tools including the complete lease option home flipping system to help you grow your business 

  • RESS: Real Estate Q&A Periscope To Podcast

    25/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    It's always scary and exciting to try new things! I stepped outside my comfort zone on this one and had a blast doing this! Rather than recording an episode about what I think people would like to hear I turned to periscope to hang out with some really awesome real estate investors and held a Q&A session that we recorded for the podcast episode as well I had an awesome time doing this and plan on doing many more in the future If you are interested in joining in on the fun and having your real estate investing questions answered follow me on periscope @michaelalder34 Contribute to the next episode of "Real Estate Strategy Session" so we can grow our businesses to a greater level in 2016 Resources A huge thank you to bowler4life, corycalvin, TD, Brian Parker, prettylyn, kylebuysvegashouses, dperry, snowflakes for contributing to this episode

  • RESS: Huge Returns From Tiny Deals

    21/03/2016 Duration: 09min

    If you are ready to diversify your portfolio or have just been afraid to jump in the real estate game then this is the episode for you! In this short strategy packed podcast I'll cover the art of online arbitrage (making multiple offers through email) and purchasing properties for less than $300.00 a pop I'll go much deeper in future episodes but this will be a large part of my investment strategy for 2016 Learn how to: Make low offers without confrontation purchase properties for a few hundred dollars a pop Where to relist these properties for fast resale How you will create cash flow and returns that will blow your mind!   Follow up with me and let me know your thoughts on this strategy at Join the community at Need an accountability coach? Lets work together! Stop by  

  • Real Estate Strategy Session

    18/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    It's Friday fun day! I hope everyone has recovered nicely from yesterdays festivities  Moving right along with the topic of creative financing, lease options, lease purchases and sub to deals I thought it would be fun to share how I used these strategies to purchase my personal home enabling me to move out of a crappy apartment building several years ago This is worth listening to as something happened during my option term that I'm 99% sure isn't covered in any home study course! Listen in and follow these steps to profit in your portfolio or to upgrade your lifestyle in 2016 If you haven't joined the movement of action takers then stop holding out! Get your weekly strategies at If you are ready to get in the real estate investing game but feel you need support along your journey check out my accountability coaching at Email me anytime at

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Lease Option Investing Simplified

    14/03/2016 Duration: 13min

    Thank you for Listening in! I love subject to, lease option and seller financing real estate investing strategies To my surprise I recently found out that countless others are interested in this style of investing as well In this episode I share "the quick & dirty" way to start flipping lease options immediately. I will go much deeper in the course we are currently creating on this topic but I figured why wait, lets get a quick strategy session on the topic immediately As always, email me with any questions you may have on this topic as I want to leave no stone unturned. I can be reached at Join the community of action takers and grab your free report at If you have been ready to take action but are still hesitant about getting started I have opened up my accountability coaching to help map out a plan to build and boost your investing business. This consists of 4 30 minute sessions over 4 weeks plus email support for only $347.00. No need to over pay a guru t

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Shady Contractors And Securing Your Profits

    11/03/2016 Duration: 10min

    Welcome back! This is a tough to win topic, at some point everyone has had a shady contractor do a number on them costing them thousands in profits It doesn't matter how long you've been in this business you can never perfect the art of hiring honest hardworking contractors. Even after a solid run you may let your guard down then BAM you get hustled! In this episode I share how a recent roofing job that went really wrong costing us time and money on our flip. Learn from my mistakes as I share what steps we took to get the property done and profitable again If you've experienced unnecessary expenses due to shady contractors, please email me at and share your story  If you haven't grabbed your free report "25 ways to target highly motivated sellers" then get over to and dive right in

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: It's OK To Be Scared

    07/03/2016 Duration: 08min

    It's another great day to analyze deals! In this episode of Real Estate Strategy Session I share a story about how I recently was scared to make a tiny investment and after analyzing it I came to the realization that my thinking was completely ridiculous! It's OK to be scared but it is not OK to do nothing I share how to map out the pro's and cons of each deal you are after and how to push yourself to go much bigger in 2016 Hit me up if you are stuck or scared, lets push through it together Join the community of action takers at Resources mentioned: Mark Padolsky Hard Money Lenders

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Your Real Estate Report Card

    04/03/2016 Duration: 09min

    Thanks for listening in! In this episode of Real Estate Strategy Session I share a story about how I was so focused on completing the rehab of a property that I neglected all the other areas of this business This led me to the thought: If I had a real estate report card I would be failing right now! Since recording this I created "My Daily 4's" This is an extremely simple accountability tracker that allows me to keep up with the daily tasks needed to remain successful in real estate If you want "my daily 4's" template then shoot me an email at and I'll send it over   Get your completely free investing strategies by visiting

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Flipping Houses From The Beach

    29/02/2016 Duration: 08min

    Thank You For Tuning In! In this episode I want to cover the hot topic of "Flipping Houses From The Beach" Is this really possible? Although I've only done this twice I'm here to share that it is very possible to make money flipping houses while on the beach I'll share 2 stories of how I've accomplished this in my business that the simple steps you must use to make this possible In this episode I will cover: Creating your team Collecting info and offering it in a very easy to follow report Detailed property pictures (good and bad) Video walk through of the property "Feet on the Ground" Preferably commission based Utilizing electronic contracts I'd love to hear your take on this so please email me at Grab your freebie's at  

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: 6 Things I learned From A 7 Figure Wholesaler

    26/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    What's up my fellow investors? In this episode I share a quick strategy steps I learned from 7 figure wholesaler Todd Toback In this episode I cover Deciding and committing to one strategy Shut down all other education and distractions Making 50 calls per day challenge Key people to connect with Schedule follow ups Make crazy offers Cash checks! This episode was inspired by Todd Toback so connect with him at Grab my freebies at 

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: How To ind Highly Motivated Sellers

    22/02/2016 Duration: 16min

    Welcome back to another fun episode of Real Estate Strategy Session We need motivated sellers to successfully run our business, so where can they be found? In this episode I cover in detail 10 strategies (most are completely free) on where to find these motivated sellers to give you their problem properties I will cover: Craigslist Marketing Bandit Signs Newspaper Ads Cold Calling Investors Eviction Court Purchasing Lists Bird Dogs Wholesalers Expired Listings Hard Money lenders Resources Mentioned:

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: How To Build A Marketing Team On A Budget

    19/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    You need a team to succeed as a real estate investor. Taking on all tasks by yourself will leave you burnt out and unfulfilled in this business. I've interviewed several real estate millionaires that credit their financial success to their marketing team Hiring a team can be scary. It takes time, money, hiring and firing to get things right. What if you could build a team with zero expense and very little of your time, would you be ready to take things to the next level? That's exactly what I share in this episode. Listen in and put this strategy to the test. Follow up with me and let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your take on it Grab your free stuff at

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Craigslist Marketing Strategies

    15/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    Thank You For Listening! In this Short episode I share how to market for free and have your ads stand out from the crowd I will cover How to create great ads How often to post "Stacking The Cool" to increase conversions for awesome freebies     Grab my free report "25 Ways To Target Highly Motivated Sellers" at Connect with me directly at

  • Real Estate Strategy Session "How To Find The Right Mentor"

    12/02/2016 Duration: 07min

    Welcome Back! In this episode I share a strategy to find the right mentor for you It's natural to want to follow and hire the "Big Name" TV personality as your mentor but the reality is you will not get the attention needed from there guys to achieve the results you are after I break this topic down into 4 simple steps you should follow to find and hire the right mentor for you Resources mentioned in this episode: Grab your freemium at connect with me

  • Real Estate Strategy Session: Negotiations Simplified

    09/02/2016 Duration: 06min

    Welcome back, In this episode I share a simple highly effective negotiation strategy to land great deals Negotiations does not have to be anything complicated. Follow this simple formula to get multiple deals under contract fast Grab your free stuff at Share an awesome negotiation story with me! Email me at and your story could be featured on the show! Catch previous episodes of Real Estate Strategy Session by visiting

  • Real Estate Strategy Session How To Build A Cash Buyers List

    07/02/2016 Duration: 11min

    Welcome back to Real Estate Strategy Session with Michael Alder In this episode I cover several highly effective strategies to build a cash buyers list to wholesale your properties to. Did I mention most of these strategies are completely free! Resources mentioned in this show Hard Money Lenders REIA Groups As always, I'd love to hear from you and your journey as a real estate investor. Shoot me an email at or connect with me on facebook Grab your freebie's at If you have a strategy to build a buyers list not mentioned in this episode please share it with me and I'll incorporate into future episodes    

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