Real Estate Strategy Session With Michael Alder

RESS: Going Virtual Follow My Step by Step Journey



Flip houses anywhere in the U.S. with your cell phone We hear this all the time but what does it really take to get this done? Well I am going to find out! I have decided to randomly test a new market to virtually wholesale a deal in within 45 days I've decided on the Orlando/ Lakeland Florida area and I am documenting every step to see if I can get this done. My resources for this is my laptop, cell phone and $1,000.00 to get this done I will share every step I take on this journey so if I'm successful you can follow my lead to become profitable in any market Also my "Wholesaling Lease Options For Fast Profits" is available at grab a copy for only $4.97 Hit me up and let me know what you think of this journey and if you are in the Florida market lets connect