Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Leveraging Video – PTC 353

    11/09/2021 Duration: 41min

    Now that you have your podcast up and running, it's time to leverage video. I'm sure you've heard YouTube is the second biggest search engine. But, there are so many other places you can use your video. If you want help editing your video and repurposing it as a podcast, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/editing. You can see my services that will do all of this for you, including posting all of it. This can give you time to find more clients and do what you love. There are 3 different package options. Find it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/editing. YOUTUBE VIDEO Record your podcast on video. Then, strip the audio for the podcast. Post that video on YouTube to increase your online presence. You can do this with little extra work. You're still recording the show just once. Then you are repurposing the content. Remember to add an introduction to the episode. Video benefits from the description and visual. Most people find those videos by search as well. Once they land on your video, they know what it's about. Your

  • The Power Of Public Relations – PTC 352

    05/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    There are a variety of ways to bring listeners to your podcast and clients to your business. In this process, many people confuse marketing, advertising, promotion and public relations. There is a difference between the four. You need to use all four. Understanding the difference is critical. MARKETING When I got my masters in business administration at the University of Nebraska, we took a marketing class. Going into it, I thought marketing was advertising. I thought they were one and the same. The first night of class, our professor asked, "What is marketing?" We started answering with advertising. That expanded to promoting. She kept asking clarifying questions and we kept expanding the definition. What about your logo? How about interviews? By the end of the discussion, we realized marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Marketing is the overall process. It encompasses everything it takes to bring your product or service

  • How To Serve And Grow – PTC 351

    28/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    Like Zig Ziglar would always say, "You can get anything you want in life as long as you help enough other people get what they want." When you serve first, things will come back to you. Your podcast allows you a tremendous opportunity to serve others. You can serve people with your content. Guest can come on your show and be served by you as you get them exposure. Events and organizations can be served by your promotion. On the show today, I want to give you a variety of ways you can benefit when you serve. We'll also talk to Dan Miller, author of "48 Days To The Work And Life You Love". He has a great resource for you called "How To Talk, Serve And Put Money In The Bank". SERVE There are three people who really taught me how to serve through my business. The first influence in my business was Zig Ziglar. The more I listened to Zig encourage us to serve, the more I tried it. As I was getting better at serving, my business continued to grow. It is amazing what serving can do for your spirit. The second influen

  • Building Your Email List With Christine Bennet-Clark – PTC 350

    21/08/2021 Duration: 27min

    It is never too early to start building your email list. As soon as you start your podcast, you should start building your list. DON'T WAIT Many podcasters wait until they have an audience before they start the email list. There is no good reason to wait. Just like your podcast, your emails won't be perfect from the start. It is better to practice and refine with a smaller audience than blowing a first impression with a large list. Starting early also gives you more time to nurture your list before you have something to offer. Take the time to build the relationship. The list will also not explode to thousands over night. Just like your downloads, your email list will grow slowly and methodically with focused attention over time. WHY A LIST? There are a few reasons you want to build an email list. Your email list allows you an opportunity to communicate directly with your audience. With an e-mail list, you can show up in your listener's email inbox with a few strokes of a keyboard. Will your audience read eve

  • Use Events To Grow Your Audience – PTC 349

    14/08/2021 Duration: 24min

    Events are a great way to grow your audience. However, you need a strategy. Many of us go to great events and collect a lot of great information and meet a lot of great people. We then return home to our to do lists and do nothing. The notes and names go in a drawer in the desk and we take no action. We have good intentions. We just have other priorities. In order to get the most out of your events, have a plan. To help, grab my Building Relationships At Events worksheet at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/events. This will give you the full strategy to use events to grow your audience. STRATEGY When developing your strategy, you need to consider your actions before, during and after the event. Your actions need to be focused and deliberate. Before the event, you need to plan your attack. Lay out your goals and tools. During the event, you have limited time. Use every minute you have in ways that help you grow. After the event, tie up the loose ends. This is where the real work takes place. Let's look at each of th

  • Your Step-By-Step Audience Growth Strategy – PTC 348

    08/08/2021 Duration: 21min

    Whether you are brand new, or you've been publishing for years, we are all looking for audience growth. Unfortunately, few of us have a strategy. We are just trying random things and gaining no traction. CLEANING I was cleaning the basement the other day. After hours of work, it looked like I had done nothing. We collect everything down there. The basement is where everything goes when we don't have a place to put it. We have a pool table down there that doubles as a ping pong table. The table came from some friends that just wanted it out of their basement. I quickly learned why. The table has now become the place where my son does his school work … and sorts his baseball cards … and leaves his spare hockey gear. My office space is down there. We have book shelves and storage shelves and a couch where we go when tornado warnings fire up. One day, I decided to clean the basement. I started putting a stack of books on the book shelves. That's when I realized some of my hockey coaching material was on one of th

  • Grow Your Coaching Business With Bill Pratt – PTC 347

    31/07/2021 Duration: 47min

    If you share your info and expertise on your podcast, coaching is a great way to turn your podcast into a coaching business. To be a successful coach, you need to be able to get your clients from point A to point B. People pay coaches who can create a transformation in their lives. The most effective way to do this is to find people who are following your journey but are a few years or steps behind you. Help them take your journey by avoiding the pitfalls and mistakes you made. DEMONSTRATE Your podcast provides you a great opportunity to demonstrate your coaching. It allows you to show listeners the transformation they can experience. On your episodes, you can interview those you've helped. You can help potential clients. The episodes can simply be sharing your plan and process and offering to help people through your coaching business. STRATEGY CALL Invite your listeners to have a strategy or discovery call with you. On these calls, define their goals. Where do they want to be in one or three or five years?

  • Turn Your Podcast Into A Book - PTC346

    24/07/2021 Duration: 45min

    If you are like me, you have been working diligently on your podcast, writing your show notes and sharing your content. You now have a stack of episodes sitting there getting the occasional download. Have you ever thought that you could turn your podcast into a book? Repurposing your content across various platforms allows you to be seen everywhere without multiplying the amount of work you are doing. Creating the content is the part that takes the time. Creation takes the mental power. The editing and rewrites eat your time. Sharing the content can be turned into a system and checklist. You can make it an efficient process and multiply your impact. As you repurpose your content, make sure you have a strategy. Decide where your content will send your listeners. Develop a strong call-to-action as you begin to be seen everywhere. Let's talk about 6 different ways you can take an episode and repurpose it across multiple platforms. VIDEO Start with video. This is the format that takes the most time and makes it p

  • Interview Or Solo Show? – PTC 345

    17/07/2021 Duration: 26min

    As you create your podcast, is it better to do an interview or a solo show? You might consider co-hosts. Should you have segment contributors? It all comes down to preference. There are benefits to each. We will cover those today. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS If you perform an interview on your show, you need to grab my list of 17 Most Powerful Podcast Inteview Questions Ever. You can download the full list at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview. This list can be customized for any niche or guest. It will help you create more powerful interviews that will have your guests saying, "Wow, nobody has asked me that before." You will create a unique, engaging interview that doesn't sound like everyone else. Grab it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview. STRUCTURE There are various ways you can structure your podcast. A few ways include a solo show, an interview, co-hosts, and crowdsourced. Let's talk about each one to identify the benefits and drawbacks of each. SOLO SHOW Benefits include … Easy to schedule Easy to edit

  • Podcast Launch Case Study – PTC 344

    10/07/2021 Duration: 31min

    When you go through a podcast launch, there are pitfalls to avoid. Creating a strategy for your show early is a critical piece to ensure your podcast helps attract your ideal clients and drives your business. On this episode, I want to take you through a launch case study to help you discover a few things you might tighten up with your show. LAUNCH If you do not have a podcast yet, you could launch in a weekend. I am holding a 3-day workshop that will get your podcast launched in a weekend. During this workshop, you will discover how to build a solid podcast that will attract your ideal listeners. You won't just learn how to record, edit and publish your podcast. I will take your hand and walk you through it during this workshop. You will learn how to properly conduct interviews that will benefit you. We will create your marketing strategy to grow your audience. By the end of the weekend, you will refine your personality to create engaging entertainment that will attract your ideal clients. If you would like

  • Podcast Content Strategy – PTC 343

    04/07/2021 Duration: 23min

    If you hope to use your podcast to grow your business, you need a podcast strategy. Randomly creating shows will get you random results. Define your goal. Develop the plan to get there. Then focus. TRAINING I will be holding a free training called "How To Make Money With A Free Podcast … Without Ads and Sponsorships." This is the exact step-by-step process to grow your audience, attract your ideal customers and clients, and make money with your podcast. You can join us for free. Register at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/growth On this training you are going to discover: How to create a successful podcast using your personality Why some podcasts don't make money and how to avoid those pitfalls How to attract your ideal clients with your podcast How to keep listeners coming back episode after episode And more! Register for free at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/growth. NO STRATEGY When I first started coaching podcasters, I developed the Powerful Profitable Podcasts system. Unfortunately, it didn't work. This was sy

  • Grow Your Podcast Downloads – PTC 342

    26/06/2021 Duration: 29min

    There are three important steps to growing your downloads. The three steps are awareness, attraction and retention. I like to call it promotion, programming and personality. Today, I want to help you grow your downloads by focusing on promotion. TRAINING I will be holding a free training called "How To Make Money With A Free Podcast … Without Ads and Sponsorships." This is the exact step-by-step process to grow your audience, attract your ideal customers and clients, and make money with your podcast. You can join us for free. Register at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/growth. On this free training you are going to discover: How to create a successful podcast using your personality Why some podcasts don't make money and how to avoid those pitfalls How to attract your ideal clients with your podcast How to keep listeners coming back episode after episode And more! Register for free at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/growth. DOWNLOADS Before you can make money with your podcast, you need to grow your audience. You don'

  • Ways To Grow Your Podcast Engagement – PTC 341

    19/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    Many podcasters ask me how to get more listener interaction with their show. How can you get more listener feedback and comments? They are looking for ways to grow their podcast engagement. We need to transform your information into engaging entertainment. When your content is engaging, people take notice and take action. If you want your listeners to interact more with your show, make your content engaging. You can download the list at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/engage. The one struggle that I hear most often is the desire to gain more engagement. How do we get more listeners? How do I increase my download numbers? How to I create more engagement? The problem may be worded differently, but the struggle is the same. Are you making the problem more difficult than it needs to be? The solution is easy to understand, yet difficult to execute properly. Through all of my research and years of experience in both radio and podcasting, I've discovered a few key steps to create interaction. This week, let's cover 7 ste

  • How To Improve Your Next Podcast Interview – PTC 340

    12/06/2021 Duration: 24min

    On this episode, I want to teach you how to create powerful podcast interviews like the pros. There are a few adjustments you can make to create a better interview. REASONS There are many reasons we interview guests on our podcasts. They are content experts They know more than we do Guests add depth to the conversation Interviews can expose your show to others Interviews can cross-promote your products Guests add additional content to your show If you are like me when I started, you probably feel a bit overwhelmed. I felt like I was a kid playing dress-up. Did I really belong with the professional interviewers? I wasn't big time. Impostor syndrome was definitely kicking in. You can learn how to be be more confident and create a better interview. We can avoid making fools of ourselves We can battle the impostor syndrome We can look smarter by surrounding ourselves with smarter people With just a few adjustments, you can take your podcast interview to a whole new level. Here are 7 twea

  • Great Podcast Examples – PTC 339

    05/06/2021 Duration: 23min

    On the show today, I want to give you a few podcast examples that will help you in various areas of your show. These are podcasts that I feel do many things well that you can model. We will also talk about a few of my past episodes. After over 330 podcast episodes, you and I have discussed quite a few topics. I looked at my stats the other day and pulled up my 6 most popular shows. If you are looking for the episodes that have had the most impact, you can give these a listen to help you on your podcast journey as well. You can find a link to all of these podcasts in the show notes at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/examples. THE BEST Picking the best is always subjective. What I like you may not. That's the great thing about podcasting. If you don't like one host or show, you can probably find a dozen other shows on the same subject. The quality of podcast examples depends on the niche and your tastes. Just like radio formats. One size definitely does NOT fit all. I will give you a few that I feel do well in parti

  • 6 Steps To Start A Podcast – PTC 338

    29/05/2021 Duration: 28min

    If you want to start a podcast, don't make it harder than it needs to be. Follow these 6 steps and you can launch a podcast in 30 days. The first thing you need to remember is patients. FISH Download numbers are is like a fishing stories. The fish in the story is always bigger than the actual fish. Many podcasters twist the numbers and inflate their stats to make their downloads look better. A podcaster might say, "I am getting 3,000 downloads." That could be true. It could also be true that our podcaster is doing a daily show that gets 100 downloads with each episode. When added together, the show had 3,000 downloads total last month. The statistic is true, yet a bit misleading. Here is the truth. The median number of downloads for an episode is 121. Yes, not 1,210. One hundred twenty one. First, a math refresher before the details. To calculate the median, you stack up all of the numbers smallest to largest. The one right in the middle is the median number. This means 50% are higher and 50% are lower than t

  • Getting Started – Repurpose Your Podcast With Video – PTC 337

    22/05/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    When you repurpose your podcast with video, you can increase your reach. However, there are a few other really big reasons to be on video as well as audio. PODCAST First, understand that I love podcasting. If you are only going to be on one platform, podcasting it the obvious choice. There are three ways to share your content … video, audio or text. You can publish your content using blogs, YouTube videos and podcasting. There is one way I feel is best, and you can probably guess which format that is. COMPETITION Today, there are about 600 million blogs in the world today (Statista). When was the last time you read a blog on a regular basis? In the video space, you are competing with 31 million different YouTube channels, 50 million content creators and 1.3 billion YouTube videos (YouTube). YouTube also keeps changing the algorithm which makes it incredibly hard to get your videos to go viral. It is hard to stand out and get noticed. However, there are fewer than 2 million podcasts right now. Only about half

  • 7 Tips To Help You Like Your Voice – PTC 336

    16/05/2021 Duration: 22min

    Most people do not like the sound of their own voice. It is natural and quite common. Don't let it get in your way. When we hear ourselves, the Impostor Syndrome starts to kick in. On a coaching call the other night, we were talking about reviewing your podcast in order to improve. The only way to improve your content is to listen to your shows like a listener. My client said she finds it difficult to listen to her podcast. She said it is uncomfortable. NATURAL It is quite natural to dislike the sound of your own voice when hearing a recorded version of it. When you talk, the bones in your head vibrate adding to the timbrance and qualities you naturally hear. When you hear a recording of your voice, those vibrations are absent. The bones in your head aren't vibrating. That causes your voice to sound different to you. The natural bone vibrations also make your voice bounce up and down like a cheesy DJ. You start doing some unnecessary acrobatics with your voice when you are wearing headphones. The bone vibrati

  • How To Leverage Interviews To Grow – PTC 335

    08/05/2021 Duration: 25min

    Interviews can add so much to your podcast and brand. You can benefit in many ways by leveraging interviews and guests when you look beyond the content. If you are looking for great guests and partners, you want to check out Collaborate. It is an event that is designed to connect people who want to work with each other. Regardless of your niche, you'll find someone that will make a great partner. Get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/collaborate. CONTENT Guests can add content to your show. That is the obvious benefit of interviews. You can create a great episode with much less preparation when you interview others. Your guest can offer information that it outside of your area of expertise. Guests can also provide different perspectives and approaches. They can provide info from their area of expertise that compliments your knowledge. You also don't need to prepare as much for an interview as you do for a solo show. Some guests overprepare. They know too much for the interview. When you know too much,

  • Double Your Audience – PTC 334

    02/05/2021 Duration: 21min

    When I talk with podcasters about their goals, they tell me they want to grow their audience. Today, I want to show you the exact steps you can use to double your audience. These are the exact steps I took last summer to double my downloads in four months. I also want to let you know that Collaborate is coming again. This is my favorite event of the year. Your chance to meet hundreds of potential partners. Get the details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/collaborate. UNCOMFORTABLE Before we get into the steps, you need to decide if you are really prepared to take the action necessary to grow your audience. Only you can decide if you will do the work. Everybody wants to lose weight. Few people are willing to do what it takes. The good news is growing your audience isn't as difficult as losing weight. It also won't take nearly as long. However, it will take discipline. It will also require you to get out of your comfort zone and try some things that may push your boundaries. Most of us consider ourselves introvert

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