Angel Talk Tuesday

Healthy, Happy & Whole



Aired Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 10:00 AM ETIn this episode learn how to heal yourself with Vibrational Attunement. With this new energy that is moving through NOW it is possible to heal yourself, family and friends simply by tuning in to your soul’s blueprint of WELLNESS. When you do this it engages the RIPPLE effect and anyone connected to you experiences a sacred healing as well. It’s simple, it’s effective and best of all it’s FREE because it is inside of you. NO pills to take, no appointments to keep (except with yourself) and no running willy nilly trying to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it. You simply attune to your SOUL’s WELLNESS and open your heart to receive. Come and learn how to open the connection to your soul’s blueprint of wellness and activate the healing you’ve been looking for.