Real Estate Investing Today : Real Estate Investing | Wholesaling | Flipping | Funding | Self Directed Ira | Finding Deals |

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 11:06:56
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How to Quit Your Job and become a full-time real estate investor! REI.Today will provide short 9-minute shows each weekday that tell you which strategies (like flipping, wholesaling, rentals, private lending, etc.) are working RIGHT NOW... along with introduction to PEOPLE who are successfully using those strategies and connections to the TOOLS that make your life as a real estate investor easier, more fun and more profitable! This show is all about REALITY... no theory or fluff. Just actionable instruction each day. PLUS... listeners receive FREE access to the respected REI.Today Vault, a members-only resource library and community for today's individual real estate investor.


  • REAL-LIFE CASE STUDY: Life-Changing PROFITS from PLAYING ROBIN HOOD to foreclosure victims | Episode 54

    05/05/2016 Duration: 08min

    What would you say if I told you that you could make a huge,life-changing impact on the financial well-being of FORECLOSUREABUSE VICTIMS all while building a lasting, viable business modelfor yourself? Oh, and also while EXPOSING GOVERNMENT WASTE ANDFRAUD in the process? If you’re like most of my savvy, passionatelisteners, you’d say “Tell me more!” Well I’ll tell you all thedetails right now. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 54.Let’s jump right in, because I just LOVE this story (and it’s atrue one, which makes it even better). There’s a guy living in theMidwest, we’ll call him “Joel,” and you’ll see in a second why wearen’t using his real name. Anyway, there’s this guy up in theMidwest and a few years ago, he hit some hard times. You know, thekind of times where you have to decide which bills to pay and whichones to let slide and Joel, well, he decided to keep his lights onand feed his family at the expense of his property tax bill. And,as these things go, that property tax bill mounted up but Joelstill wa

  • TRUMP WARNING: bad days ahead for housing | Episode 52

    04/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    Donald Trump is at it again (did he really ever stop?), makinghuge headlines for saying wildly unpopular things that, let’s faceit, a lot of us fear might be true. These days, Trump is tellingsome hard truths about housing, and if he’s right the federalgovernment could be setting up investors for PURE DISASTER. I’mCarole Ellis, and I’ll tell you all about how Trump is threateninghousing today, in Episode 52.So Donald Trump isn’t known for his discretion or respect forthe tender feelings of others, and he’s back at it again (and notjust by finally routing his main competition, Ted Cruz, right outof the race), riling up the federal government elite, making somenasty housing observations – and accusations – against the FederalReserve and the entire federal government. I’ll tell you all aboutwhat the Donald said in just a minute, but since we’re talkingabout Trump I want to mention a really interesting resource we’vegot in the REI Today Vault right now. It’s a timeline that we builtusing a LOT of public informati


    03/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    It’s disgusting. Governing bodies all over the country areHIDING  MONEY OWED TO FORECLOSURE VICTIMS, and one governmentofficial even admitted it! Find out whether YOU’RE OWED MONEY andhow to help the victims (and yourself) today. I’m Carole Ellis.This is episode 51.I find this shocking, but hardly surprising. REI Today has firm,clear, indisputable evidence that government bodies all over thiscountry are HIDING MONEY owed to foreclosure victims, and they’renot even particularly ashamed of themselves! I’ll tell you all thedetails today, including how one government official actually gotextremely defensive over those funds confronted about them. But youdon’t have to just believe me about this. A colleague of mine namedBob Diamond is an expert in this stuff. He’s a real estate attorneyand an extremely active real estate investor, and he has made acareer out of “Robin Hood Investing” wherein he EXPOSES exactlywhere this foreclosure money is hidden and helps the unknowingvictims reclaim their cash.When I talked to

  • the URBAN EYESORE that's selling million-dollar homes | Episode 50

    02/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    Wouldn’t you like to know about an URBAN EYESORE that used tosend buyers running AWAY but now can bring them running to theclosing table? Even better, most investors will AUTOMATICALLY PASSon this “great” location. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ve got all thedetails today in episode 50.So wouldn’t you want to know about a location that could lurehomebuyers in droves, persuade them to pay triple the U.S. medianhome sales price in some areas, and was basically an “open-airsecret” from most investors? Of course you would, which is why I’mhere. I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to make youaware of a BIG CHANGE that is going to affect the way a lot of youfind your deals. It has to do with AUCTION.COM, and let’s just sayif you don’t have all the information, you might think that thisonline real estate platform has GONE AWAY. The truth, however, ismuch bigger and more exciting (if you know how to take advantage ofthis MAJOR CHANGE), and you can get all the details in our News& Networking section at www.rei.toda

  • Is it TOO LATE to “make bank” in the NEW SILICON VALLEY? | Episode 49

    29/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    Are you missing out on the opportunity to invest in a NEWSILICON VALLEY? I’ve got the details on this hot market (and howmuch higher it might go) in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. Thisis Episode 49. Did you miss the boat on investing in the nation’s “New” SiliconValley? Welll, let’s just say if you’re not equipped to take out ajumbo mortgage on an investment property, then you might have toget a little creative to participate. I’ll give you all the details– including the location – in just a minute, but first, I’ve got anexciting announcement: REI Today is now on Twitter! Get updates,pictures, fun and sometimes weird real estate facts and MORE ACCESSto my guests by heading over there right now (www.REI.Today/Twitter) and following me! And you knowI’ll follow you right back, so let’s build your real estate networktogether. Remember, your net worth directly correlates to yourNETWORK, so take this easy step right now. That’s www.REI.Today/Twitter. You’ll love it.Now, back to the New Silicon Valley…We all kno

  • Common CREDIT FIX Lands INVESTOR IN JAIL | Episode 48

    28/04/2016 Duration: 06min

    What if some COMMONLY TAUGHT credit repair advice for realestate investors could LAND YOU IN JAIL? Keep the cuffs OFF andlisten up! I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 48.I have heard this credit advice THIS WEEK from a guy I know onFacebook that a number of you probably would (or do) regard as anexpert when it comes to real estate financing. And it’s terrible,lousy, horrible advice that can land you in jail (and it just didland a New Jersey banker in seriously hot water and he could get 30years in prison for it). So you’ll want to pay carefulattention…Before we get to that, however, I want to take a quick minute tomention one of my favorite topics: free money for your real estatedeals. Did you know that the federal government – not to mentionyour state and local bodies – actually provides MILLIONS of dollarsin funding for real estate investors who are making, and I quote,contributions to their communities? Think about it: every time youflip a house or purchase a distressed property, you think you’readding valu

  • why the government LOVES REAL ESTATE FRAUD | Episode 47

    26/04/2016 Duration: 06min

    Did you hear the one about the real estate scammer and his LOVEAFFAIR with the federal government? It’s pretty ridiculous if youdig into the details. And you know I’ve got them all here for you.I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 47.We’ve all read the news releases from the state attorneygeneral, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Consumer FinancialProtection Bureau, etc… All those entities that love to get on thenews and just badmouth the HECK out of real estate investors who,they say, have been SCAMMING away like crazy. The message there is,as you know, that the investors are SCAMMING innocent homeowners.In reality, however, the government LOVES the cons out there thatare giving YOU a bad name, and I’ve got the proof in today’sepisode.Before we go any farther, however, I want to take a quick minuteto talk about real real estate scammers. The guys that give YOU abad name, make it hard for you to work with homeowners, and justgenerally are bad for the industry. You can learn something fromthem. That’s right,

  • the GOLD STANDARD that will bring foreign investors running (tough truth from an AUSSIE INSIDER) | Episode 46

    23/04/2016 Duration: 08min

    What if you knew a secret GOLD STANDARD that would bring cash-laden, real-estate-loving, LOYAL foreign buyers flocking to your business? I’d say the short answer is, you’d be in business! I’m Carole Ellis. Today, I and my Aussie Insider (himself an experienced foreign investor in the United States), will reveal that elusive gold standard. This is episode 46.---Wouldn’t you like to have an eager population of buyers who trusted ONLY YOU to sell them properties, happily paid TOP DOLLAR for your quality deals, and returned time and again to make more purchases? Of course you would! Every real estate investor would! And today, one of the best real estate investors in the business when it comes to building those types of relationships with his buyers is going to tell us, step by step, how he did it and how you can do it to. But first, a quick mention about an insanely popular post in the REI Today Vault. The other day, you may remember in episode 41 we talked all about republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’

  • THIS DECOR DECISION sells more than one in every 10 homes OVER MARKET VALUE | Episode 45

    22/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    What if installing a certain item of décor in your home would substantially increase your likelihood of selling your property OVER MARKET VALUE? I expect you’d be racing to crack out your screwdrivers and drills! I’m Carole Ellis and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to hang in your home to get that price bump today, in episode 45.--Can you believe it? A SIMPLE décor decision (one that you can make in five minutes and install over the weekend, by the way), makes homes that have it far more likely (more than one in every 10 in fact) to sell OVER MARKET VALUE  – oh, and faster to boot! I’ll tell you all about this magic amenity in just a minute, but first I want to take 30 seconds to mention something that could be a “magic ticket” for real estate investors but a nightmare for YOUR PARENTS. Before you start having teenage flashbacks, don’t worry. This is actually a scary scenario for seniors in America today because there is a HUGE HOUSING SHORTAGE for the aging demographic, and it’s only getting worse. Want

  • Expert Reveals: How to avoid a DEAL-KILLING TAX on your real estate deals | Episode 44

    21/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    How would you like to know a secret method that could literally SAVE YOUR SHIRT on some of your best real estate deals? Today, my guest expert today reveals how to avoid paying a certain type of tax that can demolish your bottom line without proper preparation. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 44.---Imagine this investing situation. You purchase a property in your own name and do a great rehab on it. It’s the best deal you’ve ever done, and you turn a massive profit in the space of about a year. You’re ecstatic, and then your accountant calls. He tells you that you are going to owe THOUSANDS of dollars to the federal government because of this fantastic deal, and, while you still made a profit, suddenly your stellar numbers aren’t what you expected them to be. You’re deflated, your business plan is knocked off course by the unexpected expense, and you angrily start reconsidering real estate.Sounds pretty terrible, doesn’t it?Well, good news! It doesn’t have to work out that way. And today’s guest, a patent-h

  • Announcing…TAX-FREEDOM DAY! | Episode 43

    20/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    Just filed your taxes? Then today’s episode is just for you. Whether you’re dreading filing or nursing your wounds after doing so, wouldn’t you like a little pick-me-up in the form of a day of TAX FREEDOM? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll tell you all the details today, in Episode 43.--So who could use a little dose of tax freedom? I know I could! And speaking of taxes, if you ever wanted to leverage those suckers to your REAL ESTATE INVESTING ADVANTAGE, then I’ve got a little video you’re not going to want to miss. Check out this free presentation at right now. It’ll make you think of taxes in a far more positive light…Now, back to tax freedom day (yes, that’s actually what it’s called). Did you know that your state has an official day, determined by the Tax Foundation, known as Tax Freedom Day? Nationwide, it’s April 24. That is the day that the United States, as a body, has earned enough to pay its $4.99 TRILLION tax bill for 2016 (that’s 31 percent of our national income, by the way). But t

  • the NUMBER ONE THING most likely to DAMAGE YOUR PROPERTY (average cost: $4,434) | Episode 42

    19/04/2016 Duration: 06min

    Want to know the $4,434 (at least) mistake you’re probably making when you insure your properties, including your own personal residence? This is the MOST LIKELY THING to damage your real estate investments, and it’s probably not covered by your homeowners insurance. I’ll tell you what it is today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 42.--Can you believe that the MOST LIKELY THING to damage your property is not covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies? Yeah, I guess I can too. But you still need to know how to close up this loophole or you’re very, very likely to be paying through the nose to deal with the damage. Before I reveal the details on this top demolisher of property, though, I want to take a minute to mention something else pretty wild: millennial homebuyers’ expectations about the purchasing process. A recent report from and Bank of America, who are constantly trying to recruit more millennials into homebuying, as you might imagine, revealed that the younger generation (that’s 18 to

  • the TRUTH about the TRUMP FAST-TRACK | Episode 41

    18/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    Donald Trump has spent decades building his real estate and business empire, but is the real estate titan-turned-presidential candidate telling the truth about a very nasty lawsuit that challenges the foundation of his business and real estate experience? Today, we’ll dig into the truth about Trump, the lawsuits against him that could sink his candidacy, and the cold facts about real estate education in America. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 41.Love him or hate him, Donald Trump doesn’t appear to be disappearing, as so many on both sides of the aisle would like him to, any time soon. Another thing with Trump’s name on it that also isn’t going anywhere anytime soon is a HUGE (as the man himself would say) lawsuit against Trump University and the billionaire personally, launched on behalf of students who say that Trump’s educational institution promised them success, a FAST TRACK to it in fact, then couldn’t deliver. Ever-voracious New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman (he’s known mainly for his


    14/04/2016 Duration: 08min

    Wouldn’t you like to know 3 HIDDEN TRUTHS that even more “gurus” won’t tell their students about buying HUGE properties directly from banks and making similarly HUGE profits on them? I (and my guest) are exposing them today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 40. So why haven’t you already heard these 3 truths from your favorite “guru” or real estate instructor and professional? I hate to say it, but they don’t want you know because well, they don’t know either. That’s why most of them don’t do it. But today, we’ve got one of the most successful and prolific buyers of commercial real estate out there spilling the beans, and I couldn’t be more excited.Now, if you’ve been listening to REI Today for a while, then you know about Sue Nelson already. In fact, Episode 21, “The Top 4 Things You MUST DO to Survive the Next Crash in Style While Flipping HUGE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS for 6-digit Profits,” was one of our most popular episodes EVER. Sue is a former art teacher who doesn’t do things small. In fact, her first de

  • real estate BREAKS FACEBOOK | Episode 39

    13/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    Is Facebook losing its mojo and, if so, is it YOUR FAULT as a real estate investor? Find out how real estate may have BROKEN FACEBOOK in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 39. So is Facebook really losing its magic, and are real estate investors to blame? It looks like the social media behemoth could be heading for a rough patch according to some hard numbers recently released by Fortune Magazine. I’ll tell you all about those numbers in just a minute, but before we get to cold, hard, sad (for Facebook) numbers, I’d like to mention some numbers that will have you breaking out the confetti instead. Here are just a few: 2.3 million, 180,000, and 232. Confused? Don’t be. Those numbers all have to do with deals that a certain commercial real estate EXPERT who is also a frequent guest on this podcast has done recently, and let’s just say that the “big numbers” have to do with fast flips and property values (where she bought with none of her own money) and that “smaller” number, 232, has to do with

  • 3 HIDDEN COSTS of buying a home | Episode 38

    09/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    What if your latest real estate investment (or your first one) came laden with thousands of dollars in costs that you did not work into your game plan? You’d want to know before your profits swirled away at closing! I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll tell you all about it today, in Episode 38.---Did you know that there are literally thousands of dollars HIDDEN in your real estate purchases that don’t show up on the contract when you make and the buyer accepts your bid? If you haven’t planned for them, you could lose all your profits in the shuffle. I’ll tell you about the three most common, and most deal-deadly costs in just a minute, but first I want to mention something a little less deadly and a little more HAPPY: the happiest towns in the country, to be exact! You won’t believe where two of the top three are located. I’ll give you a hint: it’s COLD! Check out this report in our News and Networking section at www.REI.Today and see if your hometown made the Happiness List.Now, back to making you happy by making sur

  • ZILLOW Alert: plans to EXPOSE YOUR HIDDEN HOME DATA | Episode 37

    08/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    What if America’s BIGGEST DATA GIANT were about to release your HIDDEN HOME DATA and I told you it was a GOOD thing? You’d still want the details, and I’ve them. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 37.---Can it really be a GOOD THING that Zillow, the internet’s biggest real estate data and listings marketplace, is planning to open up the “HIDDEN DATA” on your home listings? You bet it can! I’ll tell you all about why this new move that sounds, on the face of it, like an invasion of privacy is actually nothing of the sort and could revolutionize your investing business if leveraged correctly. First, though, I have some other good news: I’ve got a new success story to share with you from a Massachusetts real estate investor who just figured out how to fully fund multi-family rehabs in a REALLY cool way (that, by the way, doesn’t involve taking out loans!) Find out how he funded more than $128,000 in repairs on a rental property without private money, bank money, or a trust fund by visiting www.REI.Today/FUNDING r

  • Get the SAME 3 BANKRUPTCY SECRETS DONALD TRUMP USED to Build a Real Estate Empire and PROTECT $10B in Net Worth | Episode 36

    07/04/2016 Duration: 08min

    How would you like access to the same 3 bankruptcy secrets that DONALD TRUMP used to BUILD his real estate empire and then PROTECT that $10 BILLION in net worth when disaster struck? I’ve got them right here in black and white today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 36. Whether you love Donald Trump or hate him, you can’t deny he’s a real live real estate empire-building success. Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to the same secret legal loopholes in the banking and real estate systems that Trump used to not only BUILD his real estate empire but then also protect it from BANKRUPTCY when that $10-BILLION empire was threatened? Imagine being able to access the same secret, high-level “underworld” in real estate that Donald Trump and other insiders use to buy properties for pennies on the dollar. Imagine shining a spotlight on the LEGAL but INVISIBLE transactions that go on in that world every day not just when it comes to getting shockingly low prices on residential real estate, but also on commercial dea

  • REVEALED... the HOTTEST HOUSING MARKETS this spring | Episode 35

    06/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    Wouldn’t you like to know IN ADVANCE where the hottest housing action will be in the next three months? We’ve got the simmering scoop today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 35. Spring is warming up, and a boiling hot summer is coming in real estate. Wouldn’t you like the down and dirty about the markets that everyone is calling the “hottest in the country” in time to get in on that appreciation action? Of course you would, especially since all is not quite what is seems…More on that in just one minute. Before we get started, I want to mention something that is far less hot and far MORE controversial and, surprise of surprises, it has to do with the federal government getting right into the middle of your real estate investing business, as usual. According to new guidelines from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (that’s HUD to friends), landlords who refuse to rent to tenants with arrests and criminal records will now face penalties and lawsuits for discrimination if they’re caught. That’s a BI

  • you can RULE OUT THESE BUYERS permanently | Episode 34

    05/04/2016 Duration: 08min

    Wouldn’t you like to know ahead of time if certain potential buyers for your properties would NEVER, EVER pull the trigger and purchase a home? That could be revolutionary for your marketing, your investment strategies, and your time management! Get the important information on “buyers” who will never, EVER buy in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 34. We’ve all met a tire-kicker or two in our day. Alleged “home buyers” who we know in our hearts will never actually pull the trigger, slap down that down payment, and put their names on a need. And that’s okay, but it can really hurt our bottom line and waste our time when we spend hours, days, weeks, or even months courting these individuals. Wouldn’t it be better to be able to offer them what they ACTUALLY want in real estate (even if they don’t know it yet) and be able to turn a profit and move on? Yes, Yes it would. And I’m going to tell you how to do that today, but first, I have another quick question for you:Wouldn’t it be great if any tim

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