Punisher: Body Count

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 321:15:32
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The net's premiere podcast dedicated to everyone's favorite vigilante, Frank Castle!


  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 35

    16/01/2013 Duration: 02h59min

    Hey everyone, welcome to the first episode of the new year! We got a lot of ground to cover, so let's get started. Introduction - Jake and I bring up a big announcement concerning the show: We've joined the Geekcast Radio Network!  Being a part of this network will give Jake and I some great opportunities and resources for the show, but we're also just happy to be a part of such a good group of hosts who care as much about their subject manner as we do. What this means for you guys is that we'll have some ad placement between the segments from now on, but it's still a work in progress on where exactly they'll end up. News - Phil Noto will be the new artist on Thunderbolts #7, and Punisher will soon be making out with Elektra. Eh, okay. Mail Call - Jake and I answer some mail regarding our movie episode, and I try to defend the Gotham Knight DVD against Jake's onslaught of criticisim. Bullet Points - We cover Fury #8, Punisher: Nightmare #1 and 2, Thunderbolts #2 and 3, and Punisher: War Zone #3! Flashbacks -

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 34

    25/12/2012 Duration: 02h39min

    Merry Christmas, Punisher fans!  For this Yuletide season, we have gifted you with an extra-large episode that deals with our deep opinions about the three official Punisher movies. Introduction - Jake and I start with what could the worst opening ever before we catch up on our heart-warming Christmas tales.  We then open our gifts we sent each other on the air! News - There's a bunch of new Punisher fan films new and upcoming, and we want you all to check 'em out! First on the list is the fan-animated Do Not Fall in New York City film by Luis Junquera.  I really enjoyed the style and "flow" of this one. The film has blown up on a lot of comic book news sites, and here is his response. Indy filmmaker Chris Notarile has created four Punisher fan films, Punisher '79-'82. Here is a Youtube playlist that has all of them, but Punisher '80 was taken down by Youtube.  You can find that film (and the rest) on his superhero page. Actor/director Chris Warner has successfully Kickstarted a studio-quality Punisher short

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 33

    09/12/2012 Duration: 02h18min

    Happy Hannukkah, we're back and we're front-loaded with content! Introduction - Jake discusses how he killed a mouse and I explain why I'm on the outs with my pregnant sister, which led to a million dollar idea! Mail Call - Gill (we called you Bill, sorry man!) gives us a call to back me in my tipping policy, and Jake quickly ruins everything.  Later on, we recount the gifts a listener sent us! Blackstone asks us if we finally watched Dredd 3-D. We also give our opinions on how we feel Untold Tales of the Punisher could have been better.  Finally, talk about the Punisher's upcoming role in Iron Man: Rise of the Technomancer, and if it has a chance of spinning off into his own animated feature. NEW CONTEST - Listener and Frank's Salad Days blog writer Arch Stanton is sponsoring a new contest for the show! The instructions are as follows: 1.  Make a guess on the total on-screen kill count the Punisher had for all three movies combined. 2.  Send in that number to us via email, voice mail, or simply post it under

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 32

    11/11/2012 Duration: 01h37min

    Welcome to your oasis from hurricanes and political trash talk.  Enjoy your stay! Also, I have updated our FAQ page with our Google voicemail number.  If you'd like to leave us a message via your phone, well now you can! Introduction - Jake discusses how he's all Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor now, and I tell the horror story of how Hurricane Sandy inconvenienced me.  Jake and I also whine about kids these days and their Halos. I also bitch about tipping take-out servers. Mail Call - Blackstone asks us if we're going to read the new Thunderbolts series (yes) and if we've heard of some vigilante tv shows (no).  Arch also calls out Jake for spoiling Walking Dead and we discuss "spoiler culture" in general.  We also debate on whether the comic book fan letters page is still needed today. Bullet Points - We cover Greg Rucka's Punisher: War Zone #1. It's the beginning of the end, people! Flashbacks - Hey speaking about War Zone, how about some more?  We cover Chuck Dixon's Punisher: War Zone #7-11. It is pure, glorious

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 31

    31/10/2012 Duration: 01h45min

    Happy Halloween, everyone!  Let's get into it. Introduction - I talk about the emotional wreck I became when I got my wisdom teeth removed and Jake explains a new dangerous hobby he's taken up. I also explain why I left a comedy club in Atlantic City. Mail Call - Blackstone asks us if we'd ever go after some Punisher-like Marvel characters if we ever run out of present-day material, and then we go into a tangent about My Little Pony.  I am so sorry. Bullet Points - We cover Untold Tales #5 and SPACE: Punisher #4. Both are awful in their own special ways. Flashbacks - Did you know the Punisher was an avenging angel back in the mid-nineties? For about five minutes? Come join us as we explore the comic series that killed the franchise until Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon were brought in. Discharge Papers - I recommend two podcasts:  Dan Carlin's Hardcore History and My Brother, My Brother, and Me.  Also, I said, "Atilla the Hun" here, but I meant "Ghengis Khan." Jacob changes his view on the movie Akira and recomm

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 30

    07/10/2012 Duration: 02h03min

    Introduction - I talk about the arguments I've had with my dad over Hercules and aliens, and Jake shows how many fucks he gives about Indiana's smoking laws. Hint: They are zero. We also go into a tangent about dating strong independent women. Also, in case you were wondering, that was Jake's daughter in the beginning. Mail Call - We bring back Rapidfire and we answer a lot of questions about Rucka closing out his run and whether an on-going Punisher run can hack it these days. Bullet Points - We cover Fury Max #6, Punisher #16, and SPACE: Punisher #3. SPACE: Punisher actually managed to sway me back to it, much to Jake's disgust, and we also get into an argument about eugenics. I am so sorry.  Flashbacks - In honor of our 30th episode, Jake and I read What If? #58, which explores what would happen if Frank managed to kill Spider-Man in his first introduction to comics. Clearly, Frank has a good ending in this comic. Discharge Papers - I recommend the book American Tabloid by James Elroy for those that like n

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 29

    23/09/2012 Duration: 02h11min

    Jake and I are back to discuss the future of the post-Rucka Punisher, and I later call some posters at the Global Punisher Army message board "cretins."  Sorry about that.  And yes, we're changing our audio system. Introduction - I discuss my sudden turn to a straight-edge experimenting and Jake talks about his magical barber experience.   News - We discuss the Thunderbolts news and Greg Rucka's interview with Clint magazine. Mail Call - We announce the addition of our new voicemail system!  We also catch up on some questions we missed from the last 'sode. Bullet Points - We cover Punisher #15 and Untold Tales of the Punisher #4.  I get a little crazy on Untold Tales. Flashbacks - We continue Mike Baron's original run with Punisher #13 and 14.  Frank fights Charles Manson in one and becomes a subsistence high school teacher in the other.  Good times!  Discharge Papers - Jake brings up new comics he's reading and his return to a modern classic anime.  I talk about Snow White and the Huntsman.  I am so sorry.  

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 28

    03/09/2012 Duration: 02h25min

    It's feast or famine here at P:BC, and right now we're bursting at the seams with content.  There's comedy, disagreements, and wigging out over the dumbest of things.  In other words, it's Monday, people. Introduction - Just... don't eat when you listen to this part.  Jake tells a story about shitting an ingenuity, and I talk about the book I was born to edit. Mail Call - Blackstone asks us about the true power Punisher fans wield, and Wyatt asks us a question about race that I stumble through for a few minutes.  And hey!  We brought back Rapidfire! Bullet Points - We cover Punisher #14, Untold Tales of the Punisher #3, and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4.  It goes in order from best to worst, folks. Flashbacks - In honor of Joe Kubert's recent passing, we cover Punisher: War Zone's "River of Blood," which showcased Kubert's humanistic artwork and Chuck Dixon's attention to world military conflicts.  There's also a Russian-version of the Punisher who sings while on shooting sprees, so it's got it all. D

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 27

    19/08/2012 Duration: 01h49min

    Welcome back, Punisher fans!  The pickings are a bit slim this time around for Punisher stories and news, but we make due with what we got.  Introduction - I briefly mention my new job(s), Jake describes how his car is sending him to the poor house, and I try a new beer, and hilarity ensues.  I also bore you with a poker story.  Jake and I then advise people how to one-star us on iTunes. Contest- Today we announce the winner of our current contest!  Brandontheman285, you've won some Punisher 2099 artwork!  Please send us a line so you can receive your prize!  Mail Call - We got a couple of letters for the show today!  Arch asks us if Punisher would kill Walter White from the tv series Breaking Bad (great show).  Andrew then asks us how we feel about Ennis's side project Jennifer Blood and how Punisher would work on a team book.   Black Stone asks a similar question about Punisher joining the Avengers. Bullet Points -As mentioned before, we cover  X-Force #29 and SPACE: Punisher #2.  Frank is interesting, but

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 26

    06/08/2012 Duration: 02h24min

    Rucka's Punisher isn't out this week, but we still got plenty of other Punisher/Punisher accessories to bring up!  Get ready for more Fury: Cold Warrior, Untold Tales of the Punisher, and Welcome Back, Frank.  I also break a new record in the amount of times I yell at Jake for his awful opinions.  Oh, if it sounds like my voice is getting auto-tuned, just stick it out for a bit.  There were some connection issues this episode, and we're getting it fixed for the next episode. Introduction - Jake has some good news about his job and brings his car to a auto show. I cry over spilt meat and talk about the weird stuff my grandparents have given me to auction off as I see fit.  They're still worth more than Spawn #1, I guess. Contest- The contest is still going, but will end by the next episode.  To repeat:  This one will take some prep work, though. Jake is giving away oringal splash page artwork from Punisher 2099, but he's doing it through forumforgeeks.com. If you want to win, go there and register yourself t

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 25

    28/07/2012 Duration: 02h37min

    We made it, people!  25 Episodes of bullets, blood baths, and blue humor!  Here's to 25 more!  Now if I can get serious for a minute, in the beginning of this episode Jake and I promote a charity site to help out one of the Aurora shooting victims.  Here is that link. Please read the guy's story and help out if you can.  If you do donate or message the site, don't mention the show, as that would be inappropriate.   Introduction - Jake and I talk up our current job prospects, and then we talk about what Radio Shack and door-to-door salesmen have in common (hint: they are both awful).  Contest-  The contest is still going!  This one will take some prep work, though.  Jake is giving away oringal splash page artwork from Punisher 2099, but he's doing it through forumforgeeks.com.  If you want to win, go there and register yourself there.  Once you're there, find our Punisher: Body Count thread under the podcasts section and comment in it.  You don't need to be a kiss-ass (you can even saw we suck!), just comment

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 24

    16/07/2012 Duration: 01h11min

    Hey everyone, and welcome to a very special episode of Punisher: Body Count!  We finally got Tom Jane on the show, and it was a perfect time for it too!  Tom Jane's company Raw Studios has been announcing a ton of new material, such as a graphic novel adaptation of The Dark Country movie he directed/starred in, and new volume to Bad Planet coming to Comixology, which is also being kickstarted by Red Fly Studio into a video game!  Keep an eye out for those projects, coming to book stores and comic shops near you!  Also, he made a short Punisher fan film with a Ron Perlman cameo, so that's pretty neat I guess.  And by "neat" I mean unimaginably brutal and cool.    Tom Jane called us after a long weekend at San Diego Comicon, where he chatted with us for an hour and then gave us the link to the short film itself, only hours after it premiered at his panel!   The guy is one of the hardest workers in the entertainment business, and it was a pleasure having him on the show.  If you haven't already, go click that Ra

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 23

    08/07/2012 Duration: 02h07min

    Episode 23:  Now with more bumpers!  You'll know what I mean when you listen to the beginning and end of the show.  Today we're going to get through a bunch of comics, especially an arc I've been looking forward to in Flashbacks, so strap in! Introduction - Jake and I talk about our 4th of July celebrations, including me getting punked out by a five-year old, and Jake having a plan to beat the crowd backfire on him.  Later on, I bring up some Punisher news about the "This is War!" event Marvel is putting out, which will include the Punisher: War Zone title being resurrected. Contest-  We're doing another contest!  This one will take some prep work, though.  Jake is giving away oringal splash page artwork from Punisher 2099, but he's doing it through forumforgeeks.com.  If you want to win, go there and register yourself there.  It will take approximately two weeks for the registration to be finalized.  We will give you more info in the next podcast.   Mail Call - Our fans make and send us cool things, and we t

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 22

    24/06/2012 Duration: 02h15min

    Welcome back to episode 22, where we ease back into our standard programming.  In today’s episode we explain a mix up with Tom Jane and make one too many masturbation jokes in the Flashbacks section. Introduction – Jake talks about how he’s living the real life Office Space movie, and I reveal that my dad listened to a podcast episode.  I also discuss a local carjacking and my time chatting with a guy dealing with multiple personality disorder. Mail Call – We clear up the Tom Jane thing, and Blackstone asks us if a PG-13 Punisher movie is possible.  Justin then asks us about the limits who Frank will kill, including under 18s.  We also discuss what we all assume Frank does off-panel to make us okay with all of his killing. Bullet Points – We help Marvel squeeze blood from a dead and buried stone by reluctantly discussing Untold Tales of the Punisher #1.  The best thing we can say is that it’s a self-contained story.  I then laud Greg Rucka’s Punisher #12 as a masterful thesis on how Frank can continue his war

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 21

    03/06/2012 Duration: 02h36min

    Today we bring you a very special episode where we interview Mike Baron, the man who wrote the first Punisher on-going, but still has a lot of other projects going on that you should know about.  But first thing’s first:  The tyrannical FCC has come down on us for talking about butt fucking and voodoo too much, so we needed to do a PSA to avoid jail time.  We refused due to moral disagreements, but we compromised by getting Chris Patton to do a bumper for us, so props to him. Introduction – Jake and I catch up on our lives as he talks about his new internship and I talk about trying out for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, failing, but getting offered some coke as a consolation prize.  Jake also brings an audio clip that shows how much of a Don Juan he is. Mail Call – Fan of the show Andrew asks us if other family members of Frank or Maria have been in the comics, and what their thoughts were on Frank’s actions.  Jake and I weigh in on the problems and possibilities.. Interrogation Room – Mike Baron comes on th

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 20

    12/05/2012 Duration: 01h56min

    Today in celebration of that superhero movie people keep talking about, we are having a special Avengers-themed podcast today in Flashbacks and Discharge Papers.  Regardless of how you felt about the movie, I think we can all agree that Joss Whedon now has some powerful leverage for getting Firefly back on the air.  Haha, just kidding, Firefly is never coming back. Introduction – Jake regales us with the ungodly amount of money he paid for business casual clothes, his tablet choices for his mother-in-law, and shop talk about fixing his car.  I discuss the god complex I get when I look down on Smart cars from my Jeep Commander and I vow to not to use any swear words for the rest of the show as a personal challenge.  ALSO, we announce a new contest, so listen in! Mail Call – A new fan of the show Josef asks us how we feel about “posers” wearing Punisher merchandise and breaks my mind with his second question.  Blackstone brings us back to reality by asking us how Punisher show look physically and just how good

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 19

    03/05/2012 Duration: 01h45min

    At long last, we make good on our promise to bring a contest winner on the show to discuss his favorite Punisher comics, and it’s friend of the show Will Strack! While waiting in your Soviet bread lines to see the midnight showing of the Avengers, how about giving our podcast about crackheads and memes and 80mm rocket launchers a listen? Introduction –  We get caught up on things with Will, like him dealing with a new baby, and I talk about the much more pressing issue of high ticket prices for midnight showings. Mail Call – Blackstone asks us about if Frank is best with or without sidekicks or companions.  Hilarity ensues. Bullet Points – We wrap up Omega Effect with Daredevil #11. Flashbacks – Our conversations about guns  in Punisher Armory #3 and #4 quickly devolve into discussing the semi-abusive relationship Frank has with Microchip and talking about how nutty Frank’s anecdotes get. Discharge Papers – I can’t stop talking about Cabin in the Woods, Jake talks about his new comic purchases and Will brings

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 18

    22/04/2012 Duration: 02h27min

    What the hell is wrong with you, listening to podcasts?  Don’t you have finals to study for?  Well, we appreciate your sacrifice. Introduction – I reveal a new segment I’m working on, Jake asks me what possessed me to try out for the Real World, a tragedy happens in Jake’s home, and so much more.  We also give some minor news on upcoming Punisher titles. Mail Call – Blackstone asks us who should direct and star in the next Punisher movie, and asks us about a show that I’m sure is fine but never watched. Bullet Points – We cover a bit of Daredevil #10.1, but mostly the first two Omega Effect comics, Avenging Spider-Man #6 and Punisher #10.  Waid, Rucka, and Chechetto are manning this party, so it’s great. Flashbacks – We hail Carl Potts as the architect and pusher for the Punisher, and then we cover his own personal baby, Punisher: War Journal #1 and #2.  And speaking about babies, well, we’ll just leave you to it.  It’s a bit awkward, yet heartfelt. Discharge Papers – Jake criticizes Hunger Games, I give my r

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 17

    31/03/2012 Duration: 01h36min

    So we paid some podcast consultants, and from their investigations they discovered our viewing demographic craves more discussion on the following topics: Frank Castle’s surveillance and make up kits Battle van schematics Marvel’s current art practices Monorails Car problems Can there be a thing as too much beard? Hair pulling during sex And if that’s the case, then by God you will love this podcast. Introduction – We talk about the sorry state of our lives, and I bring up how Shaq proves monorail conductors aren’t pilots.  We also talk about two new Punisher series coming out this summer, which are SPACE: Punisher and Untold Tales of Punisher MAX. Mail Call – One of our listeners ask us who would make a good writer or artist on the Punisher.  We also get asked who is our favorite Punisher sidekick/team-up member. Bullet Points – We discuss Greg Rucka’s Punisher #9.  In summary:  The story, even with its sudden turn toward the Omega Effect crossover, is solid, but the fill-in art does not deliver.  This spi

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 16

    04/03/2012 Duration: 01h59min

    Welcome to Punisher MAX’s funeral.  Please check your gun(s) at the door and take a seat.  The mourning will continue afterwards at the facebook fan page. Introduction - Life’s busy for me and my co-host, but that gives us some cool stories to tell you, bro. Mail Call - We have a healthy mail bag this time around.  We answer which was the best Punisher movie, who could make the best Punisher/Predator crossover, and much more! Bullet Points - We review Punisher MAX #22.  I won’t go into much of what we talked about here, but suffice it to say that we’re both sad to see the series go, and that the greater death in it was a narrative one, which we describe later on in the segment. Flashbacks - We review Hearts of Darkness and Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #4-5 in honor of the Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance movie.  There’s kind of a nice symmetry here, as the comics match the quality of the movie — somewhat entertaining, but not worth going out of your way to see. Discharge Papers -I bitch about the problem with equating

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