Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 23



Episode 23:  Now with more bumpers!  You'll know what I mean when you listen to the beginning and end of the show.  Today we're going to get through a bunch of comics, especially an arc I've been looking forward to in Flashbacks, so strap in! Introduction - Jake and I talk about our 4th of July celebrations, including me getting punked out by a five-year old, and Jake having a plan to beat the crowd backfire on him.  Later on, I bring up some Punisher news about the "This is War!" event Marvel is putting out, which will include the Punisher: War Zone title being resurrected. Contest-  We're doing another contest!  This one will take some prep work, though.  Jake is giving away oringal splash page artwork from Punisher 2099, but he's doing it through forumforgeeks.com.  If you want to win, go there and register yourself there.  It will take approximately two weeks for the registration to be finalized.  We will give you more info in the next podcast.   Mail Call - Our fans make and send us cool things, and we t