Punisher: Body Count

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 321:15:32
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The net's premiere podcast dedicated to everyone's favorite vigilante, Frank Castle!


  • Garth Ennis Power Hour #1

    02/09/2020 Duration: 03h56min

    We've taken the time off to rebrand! This is The Garth Ennis Power Hour podcast, now and forever. Introduction – Jake and I catch up and I catch PTSD at the barbershop. [14:36] News – We discuss Punisher TV news and groan under the sociopolitical ramifications of a comic book man's skull logo. Also, here is that ComicPop interview we mentioned! [54:25] Mail Call– We get asked how the Punisher could take on modern day issues. [1:18:30] Bullet Points – We continue reading Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #5 and then wash the taste out of our mouths with some Punisher 2099. [1:52:54] Garth Ennis Power Hour – Jake and I review Sara, the WWII Soviet sniper comic from Garth Ennis, Steve Epting and Elizabeth Breitweiser. It's a beautifully drawn story from a side of the war we don't hear enough about. Seriously, if you like what we have to say about it a few minutes in, just skip the rest of the segment and buy it. [3:11:00] Discharge Papers – Jake recommends a boatload of anime and movies, and I talk

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 131

    15/06/2020 Duration: 02h08min

    I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the delay and the anime talk. Just skip to flashbacks if you need to. No one will blame you. Introduction – Jake and I discuss how we've adapted to the summer 2020 Hellscape and how I started a beef with a west coast rapper. [25:35] News – We discuss the comics market slowly revving up again. [31:05] Mail Call– Some mail inspires us to potentially create a new segment. [38:10] Bullet Points – We continue reading Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 and Ravencroft #3 because Frank is a guest star in it for some reason. [1:12:05] Flashbacks – Jake and I talk about the seminal MAX arc The Slavers, a seminal MAX arc covering issues #25-30. I'm really proud of the discussion Jake and I had here. [1:147:10] Discharge Papers – Jake recommends the book Mistress T and Beastars, and I talk about a play you were probably forced to read in high school. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at punisherbodycount@gmail.com or call in at (347) 878-6474.

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 130

    11/04/2020 Duration: 02h36min

    Due to quarantine, I got back into video editing and made a promo for this episode. Check it out! Introduction – Like every other content creator, Jake and I discuss how we are surviving the apocalypse. [32:20] News – We discuss the collapse of the comics market, and some new upcoming guest appearances! [49:00] Mail Call– We catch up on some mail we missed last episode (sorry) and talk about how we would handle writing Punisher 2099. [1:17:25] Bullet Points – Jake and I finish off Punisher: Soviet #4 and #5, and continue reading Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 as Frank goes through a galactic mid-life crisis. [1:53:52] Flashbacks – Due to fan demand, we check out Terror Inc. #6 and #7, a bittersweet story about an awesome character in a lackluster story. [2:16:48] Discharge Papers – Jake and I get on the same page with High Rise Invasion and I recommend Bloodshot, because that is where we're at in this contentless hellscape we now call earth. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 129b

    12/03/2020 Duration: 02h48min

    Sorry for the lateness on this one, folks. Still, it's one that's worth the wait. Introduction – Jake talks about his romantic night out and I discuss a new hobby that's tearing my family apart. [27:18] News – We talk about a cool Cosmic Ghost Rider figurine mod and then commentate the fight of the century: Archie vs. NotPunisher! [56:46] Mail Call– We get a call from Blackstone and reminisce on our favorite show moments. [1:14:15] Bullet Points – Jake and I cover Punisher: Soviet #3 and Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider: Revengeance: Revelations #2. They are both ok. [ 1:48:15] Flashbacks – We cover Spider-Man #32-34, where Spider-Man has no idea why a villain whose life was casually ruined by him would also be mad at him. Frank also probably bangs a secretary at the Daily Bugle. [2:19:40] Discharge Papers – Jake recommends some anime and I change pace by watching a good movie called Knives Out and encourage you to do the same. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at punisherbodycount@g

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 129a

    05/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    Brandon Forgione is a young filmmaker and the creator of the 8-episode fan series Punisher: Uprising. Brandon stopped by to tell us what inspired him to create the show, the trials and tribulations of creating an indie fan series, and how they made a shoestring budget into something a step above the typical passion project. Contact us at punisherbodycount@gmail.com or call our voice mail at (347) 878-6474.

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 128

    26/12/2019 Duration: 02h14min

    Record a show and have it out in 48 hours? Christmas miracles do happen. Introduction – I talk about why hunters are the true heroes of America and Jake talks about how his daughter is an ascended child. [21:00] News – We get an interesting rumor about the Moon Knight show and take stock on the show's previous year. Don't forget to call in at (347) 878-6474. [35:10] Dane and Jake Get Christmasy – No spoilers here! [55:45] Bullet Points – Jake and I cover Punisher: Soviet #2 and Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider: Revengeance: Revelations #1. Both do their jobs well. [ 1:38:45] Dane and Jake Go to the Movies – We finally get around to reviewing episodes 1-4 of the fan-made series, Punisher: Uprising. It's made by Forgione Productions and can be watched for free on Youtube. They have a good mix of passion and technical talent so give their stuff a watch. [2:01:08] Discharge Papers – Jake recommends you check out Jake Oliver, and I tell you about Klaus and 3 Kingdoms, but most badass "historical" dram

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 127

    22/12/2019 Duration: 02h45min

    Ho ho ho it's Punisher time. Introduction – Jake is an award-winning Malifaux painter and I didn't win much at all during my Las Vegas poker convention! I met a "neat" celebrity and had a minor breakdown afterwards, so that was cool. [29:35] News – We discuss Punisher super-fan Ivo Santos' appearance in the Punisher: Kill Krew series, rumors of a Punisher show continuation on Hulu, and a gun that's never going to happen. [46:25] Mail Call – 4chan scares the hell out of me and Jake and I what makes a Punisher comic "podcast gold." Don't forget to send us a voicemail at (347) 878-6474. [1:02:40] Bullet Points – Good comics this time around: Punisher Kill Krew #4-5: The Pantera concert that is this comes to a somber crescendo. Highly recommended, either in singles or for the trade. Punisher 2099 #1, I really railed on this comic earlier, but Jake had a more even-handed take on it and makes some good points. Savage Avengers #6, Frank and Conan go on a killer road trip. Punisher: Soviet #1, Garth Ennis r

  • Punisher Body Count Episode 126

    17/11/2019 Duration: 04h03min

    First off, I apologize for how late this was. The episode was recorded in late October, but I got hit with a lot of serious professional and personal problems that stalled me on getting this out. I'm grateful for our wonderful audience and my co-host Jake's patience with me as I worked through those issues (I'm fine now, don't worry). We still plan to release a November episode this month, so keep an eye out for that.  Introduction – Jake talks about Florida Woman and being the lord of manga and I talk about how my degenerate gambling has finally paid off. [28:30] News – Punisher superfan Ivo Santos is going to be in a comic, and a new Punisher fan film is out! We also get some cool side stories on an ultimate haggler and the Punisher gun funded by the military. [58:45] Mail Call – Blackstone asks us about the podcast's holiday plans. [1:05:00] Bullet Points – Good comics this time around: Punisher Kill Krew #1-3, Gather the war goats and put on some Skynyrd, because we're killin' giants. Punisher #

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 125

    09/09/2019 Duration: 04h05min

    Welcome to episode 125. A lot of blood, sweat, and re-takes were done to bring the semi-milestone to you. But it was all worth it, since this episode starred executive producer and longtime listener Arch Stanton, who brings his encyclopedic comic knowledge and much-needed normalcy to the table. Introduction – Jake descends further into madness as he fights against his HOA constituents and tells America how to do sports. I learn my town has a meth problem and do my civic duty against my will. [42:15] News – Garth Ennis gets back on the Punisher saddle, and at some point Arch tells us about this amazing toy. Mail Call – Mercifully, there is none. [1:02:00] Bullet Points – Here's the comics we covered: Punisher Annual #1, where Frank and Jameson go to space. Punisher #12-14, where questions no one asked are answered, and fanservice ramps up to 11. Also, that Kingpin challenge is real. Savage Avengers #3-4, WHERE IS MY FAMILY??? [ 2:43:30] Flashbacks – We continue with Paul Scheer's Cosmic Ghost Rid

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 124

    20/07/2019 Duration: 01h47min

    The wait is over -- comic and prose writer Chuck Dixon has stopped by the show for an amazing interview! For those that don't know Dixon is a prolific comic writer who has made impressive contributions to comics such as the Batman franchise, Conan the Barbarian, and of course, the Punisher (and so much more). Dixon talked to us about earnestness in writing, how to make sure a soldier is holding the right gun, why Sylvester Stallone is a cooler guy than you know, and why Frank doesn't give a damn about dinosaurs. Our listeners contributed some great questions as well, and of course Jake and I talked to him about those GI Joe comics. The love that Chuck Dixon has for the craft comes off crystal clear, and if you would like to check out his unpublished work and advice on writing comics and prose, you can check out his blog: http://www.chuckdixon.net/ And if any of our discussions of his work interested you, check out his Amazon page. I recommend the Levon Cade Complete Series. The guy is a scholar, a f

  • Punisher Body Count Episode 123

    09/07/2019 Duration: 02h47min

    In honor of Chuck Dixon coming on the show this week, we changed up the intro a little. If you want to ask Chuck Dixon a question, email us at punisherbodycount@gmail.com. Introduction – Jake and I turn into your dad and explain why you should spend a little extra on big ticket items. Jake also turns this podcast into Craigslist and I bring up another Bill story. [31:35] News – Bank robbers get inspired by the Punisher and I make you aware of some sweet merch. [58:05] Mail Call – We answer what new media and games the Punisher should star in, catch up with a listener, and discuss what our fight walk-on music would be. We also talk about game show strategy. [1:21:22] Bullet Points – Here's the comics we covered: Guardians of the Galaxy #6 War of the Realms: Punisher #2-3 Savage Avengers #1-2 It's better than last time! [ 2:06:35] Flashbacks – It's a bit different this time! We review Paul Scheer's Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #1-2. It's better than you think. [2:25:15] Dischar

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 122

    03/06/2019 Duration: 03h47s

    In honor of Endgame, there will be no post-credit scenes this episode. You're welcome. Introduction – Jake weathers the storms with a new bed and I teach the world a valuable life lesson. [25:50] News – We cover that dumb article and get caught up on Punisher comic news, as well as some Marvel writers that want to hear from you! [55:20] Mail Call – We get asked about returning to old projects and creating new What If? worlds for the Punisher. [1:18:22] Bullet Points – Here's the comics we covered: Guardians of the Galaxy #4-5 War of the Realms: Punisher #1 War of the Realms: Strike Force: The Dark Elf Realm: Revelations #1 Daredevil #4 Punisher #11 Can you guess which ones Jake hates? Spoiler: It's all of them. [2:28:28] Flashbacks – We get more of man's best killing machine in Punisher: War Zone #37! [2:39:30] Discharge Papers– Jake recommends the game Hate and I explain how we are all free. And Cobra Kai is still baller. Also, please check out Sam Brice's podcast Marvel: Civil War. It's

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 121

    20/04/2019 Duration: 02h47min

    Caveman Ugg love tangents almost as much as he love destabilizing countries. Introduction – Jake learns a bit about his genetic history and I talk about being a big star and running the table on my company’s weight loss challenge. [37:00] News – We cover the new Punisher War of the Realms tie-ins and get mad at Bleeding Cool again. [52:35] Mail Call – We get excited for a new summer event and get a cool update on one of our listeners! [58:35] Bullet Points – We try to decode the backstories to more characters in Guardians of the Galaxy #3. We also cover Punisher #9-10, where Baron Zemo just can’t catch a break. [1:37:55] Flashbacks – Jake Gallows gets some women problems in in Punisher 2099 #20-21! God I missed this series. [2:14:12] Discharge Papers– Jake has gotten into Necromunda and has some baller figurines to show for it. I recommend Tokyo Dark and the movie Shazam. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at punisherbodycount@gmail.com or on our Facebook page!

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 120

    24/03/2019 Duration: 02h42min

    Be amazed as I litter this episode with useless Marvel comics trivia. Introduction – I re-tell some re-runs in my life and Jake deals with an online nerd feud. [27:00] News – Here is that cool Garth Ennis interview we talked about. We also talk about some of the aftermath of the Punisher TV show and how awful the internet is at publishing pop culture news these days. [48:44] Mail Call – We answer questions on Bored Punisher and the women fans of the character. [1:04:28] Bullet Points – Guardians of the Galaxy #2 is where the characters stop being nice... and start being REAL. In Punisher #8, Michael Chiklis engineers a prison revolt. [1:45:30] Flashbacks – We cover #2-5 of Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary mini-series. It was a serviceable amnesia story with some questionable character moments. [2:12:44] Discharge Papers– I think everyone should watch Doom Patrol and DBZ made Jake remember that he likes anime. Send us your Punisher questions or comments at punisherbodycount@gmail.com

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 119

    21/02/2019 Duration: 02h39min

    Credit to thank octo for the clipshow in the beginning of today's show. Introduction –  I live a life of ennui and Jake lives the Space Jam life with his mother-in-law. [19:55] News – Here is that interview with the Punisher TV showrunner I mentioned. We then report on a Punisher wannabe that has a run-in with the police. [38:00] Mail Call –  I fanboy out on an unlikely crossover idea, Jake and I delve into a cover mystery, and just goof off on your questions (sorry). [1:02:40] Netflix and Kill – Billy Russo is that cousin you get stories about during Thanksgiving, and Jon Bernthal expresses himself with through 3-card monty and screaming. [57:07] Bullet Points –  Guardians of the Galaxy #1 turns into your favorite Saturday morning cartoon, and we finally cover the first issue of Marvel Knights: 20th. In Punisher #7, Frank learns that being a non-stop killing machine may be actually kinda bad sometimes. [1:33:45] Flashbacks – We follow Rosenberg's reference by covering Punisher #37-40, written by

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 118

    26/01/2019 Duration: 02h25min

    Welcome to the new year! In this episode, Jake and I discuss some of the drama around Punisher season 2, ruin our relationship with our Australian listeners, and shill for boner pill company. Introduction – Jake and I catch up on our holiday breaks. Speaking about breaks, that’s what different parts of Jake’s body is doing. I win the lottery and my sister decides to get revenge on me. Here is my cousin’s podcast that I mentioned and here is my recent appearance on Signal of Doom! I got to discuss half of season 2 with David, as well as get into Ennis’s Slavers arc. [14:52] News – We talk about the new Guardians of the Galaxy company and the early reviews for Punisher season 2. Here is that article about Jigsaw that I was talking about. [28:45] Mail Call –  We get some great questions on the Punisher TV show and getting Punisher tattoos. [57:07] Bullet Points –  We catch up with Punisher #5-6. The story is a roller coaster, and so is the art! [1:33:45] Flashbacks – We go down under (it’s an Australia referenc

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 117

    25/12/2018 Duration: 02h42min

    Merry Christmas! We had to cut back some planned special content due to scheduling issues, but it's still got plenty of Christmas cheer. An X-Mas miracle even occurs during the post-credits gifting segment, which may be my favorite 2018 moment. Introduction – Jake talks about his snarky daughter and I discuss the trials and tribulations of being a t-shirt mogul. [9:20 ] News – We give a eulogy for Stan Lee and the Marvel Netflix shows. [24:25] Mail Call –  We get into a power-level fight on how to make Cosmic Ghost Rider stronger and then question what the cut-off age is for being murdered by Frank. [36:18] Bullet Points –  We finish up discussing future Eisner award contender Cosmic Ghost Rider #5. We continue the good times with Punisher #4, with a Jigsaw appearance that we don't hate. [57:05] Flashbacks – We make good on last episode's promise and get to the first arc of Matt Fraction's Punisher: War Journal, including #1-3. This was a Civil War tie-in, and was a "re-introduction" of Frank back

  • Our gift to you

    17/11/2018 Duration: 01min

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say we are finally on Spotify. Also here is that link I was talking about so happy holidays! Music: Walking Along Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 116

    11/11/2018 Duration: 02h21min

    Today is my birthday, and I'm celebrating it by finally getting this cursed episode out of my life. Introduction – Jake and his office goes all out for Halloween, and I edge ever closer to hipsterdom with my new hobby. Halloween hijinks ensue with my family as well. [21:30] News – Jake and I are now NPR thought leaders! We also clarify the Rosenberg signed comic contest winner, and then we talk about the Netflix Marvel cancellations. We also explain what's coming up in the remainder of our year's podcasting schedule. [41:55] Mail Call – We get FrankenCastle questions and some fun crossover fight questions. [1:03:17] Bullet Points – Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 continues to surprise us with its delightful tonal shifts. We then get caught up on Punisher #2-3, where Frank is just an asshole to everybody and Daredevil settles in to being a tired housewife. We also read What If Spider-Man Became the Punisher? and the answer is that his life turns out pretty great. [1:35:15] Flashbacks – It finally happened. We covered t

  • Punisher Body Count: Episode 115

    29/10/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    It's the Ken Kristensen interview we talked about a month ago! We had some technical difficulties with the Halloween episode, but it is coming out, rest assured. However, it wasn't fair to delay the interview with Ken any longer, so Jake and I decided to release it on its own.  Ken has had a fascinating career in comics, TV, and film, and he turned out to have some fascinating stories for us. He is a staff writer on the Punisher TV series and personally wrote the "Virtue of the Vicious" episode, which was one of our favorites of season one.  He is also behind a wide variety of indy comics such as Todd: The Ugliest Kid on Earth and his most recent work, OBLIV18N. Please check out his work!

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